Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 251 Conquering The World Of Beasts, The Friendship From The Fifth Family, And The Source Of

Su Bai put all his resources on Mengkun's body, even if it is a little painful now, but watching Mengkun grow up little by little, the expectation in his eyes has become more.

In just a few moments, Mengku's figure has already become larger.

Under the resource feeding of Su Bai regardless of the cost, Mengkun has been upgraded to the peak of the epic intermediate level, and it is only a little closer, and it can also break through to the epic high level.

Now, Inbai has a more confident calendar.

"Turn on the simulation again!"

[This simulation will deduct 25,000 Genesis Value, and the remaining Genesis Value, 100,000.] 】

【Please be prepared.】 】

[On the first day, you sent out the Dark One, Book from the Ground..."

【Successfully entered the interior of the forest..............】

[Now that you have successfully obtained the Ancient Spirit Clan as a combat power...]

According to the previous route, it has been carried out until this step - very smooth.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai had already asked Mengkun to appear in advance, and before those races were gathered, he quickly put them all into their stomachs and transformed them into their own abilities.

In this world, in the end, there are only two children of the world.

An epic high-level demon beast, and extremely high intelligence...

Even though Su Bai is now in control, he still sent all his subordinates in the end.

The Lord of the Four Seas constantly waving his tentacles in the sky, and Godzilla spewed flames to solve all hidden problems.

The Demon Fruit Tree is rooted in the origin of this world, and it continuously absorbs the origin power in the world.

And Mengkun is ready.

When that green dragon ice phoenix appeared, the origin power of this world had already been sucked away a lot.

Seeing so many intruders appear in his world, this dragon and phoenix roared angrily, and the sound of the dragon roaring and phoenix made people's souls feel a little trembling.

Su Bai hurriedly asked the Great Lord to prevent this dragon and phoenix from using the fusion skill, Mengkun to deal with the green dragon, and the remaining ice phoenix was restrained by the Lord of the Four Seas, Godzilla, Alice, and the zombie tyrant.

Although there is still a gap in ranks.

However, several big guys on Su Bai's side have rich combat experience and have cooperated many times before.

The strongest ability called Qinglong Ice Phoenix was not able to use it.

Meng Kun swallowed the green dragon into his stomach with satisfaction.

Next is the ice phoenix!

When these two world masters were successfully solved, the sound of mission completion was also heard.

[This simulation was successful. 】

[This simulation rating: B+, for additional harvests of descendants of divine beasts, green dragons and white tigers, ice phoenixes, and branches of descendants of divine beasts, Xuanshui turtles, and blue birds, a total of 300,000 creation points will be awarded. ]


It's a one-time payback!

Su Bai's eyes lit up instantly.

Three hundred thousand!

300,000 plus the original 100,000, now he already has a creation value of 400,000.

With the end of the battle for Su Bai, there was also an announcement outside.

"Congratulations to Su Bai, the quasi-fifth-order world master, for successfully completing the epic purification mission and successfully purifying the World of Ten Thousand Beasts!"

"Congratulations to Su Bai for becoming an official fifth-order world master."

These two messages are constantly played on the big screen.

The entire guild was like a drop of water rolling into hot oil.

Noisy discussions also arose.

“ Su Bai!? This completes the fifth-order purification task and becomes the official fifth-order world master?"

"Carefully calculated, Su Bai is also a child who has just awakened not long ago, right? This is just the end of the college entrance examination. ”

"It's really.......... This, this growth rate, I don't know what it can become in the future. ”

"I see, with Su Bai's ability, even if he becomes a true god in the future, I am afraid it is possible. y

"Hahaha, but such a talent comes from our Guangcheng, it's exciting to think about."

When Su Bai's figure walked out of the teleportation array, countless people looked in his direction.

Compared with the contempt and disdain they received when they first came here, now these people look at Su Bai with only adoration in their eyes!

Such a genius teenager, even if it is placed in any place, will be robbed madly.

Looking at the teenager in front of them, these people only hated why they didn't woo him early.

"Mr. Su..." a man who looked delicately dressed and dressed in a straight suit pushed the glasses on his nose, walked up to Su Bai, and asked Bai with a gentle smile.

The man looks polite, a pair of gold wire glasses clamped on the bridge of his nose, looking very gentle, and with a bit of elegant temperament.

"You are?" Su Bai raised his eyes slightly, this person he had never seen before.

However, this person's temperament is not simple to look at.

"Hello, I am the external leader of the fifth group, I wonder if I can ask you to become our honorary member?" The man looked to be about thirty years old, but when he spoke to a young boy like Su Bai, who had not been an adult for a long time, he was very serious and respectful.

As if realizing what he had just said Su Bai might not understand well, the man chuckled and quickly explained.

"Our fifth family is a family that has been handed down in the Yan Kingdom for thousands of years. We do not force you to do anything for us, you have the right to refuse anything, and if you need anything, the fifth family or our partners will help you. ”

"It's just that you also know that many groups and chaebols now hold a lot of strength in their hands, but they don't plan to directly annihilate the foreign gods or other invaders. We set up an organization to rescue and purify the universe, and all of them join voluntarily or voluntarily withdraw. ”

Hearing one of the key words, Su Bai was slightly curious: "Rescue?"

"Yes, we have long discovered that not all creators can only choose to be polluted after encountering the world they cannot match. We can rescue world lords who encounter danger, reducing the likelihood of the world falling.

"It's just that such tasks are dangerous, but they are voluntary. If you don't want to, that's okay. The only son in the family, we also do not recommend coming to our team. ”

The man spoke mildly, only looking at Su Bai.

"Also, I took the liberty. At your age, it would be better to go to school first, and hopefully I will see you again in the future.

Seeing that Su Bai's actions were a little hesitant, the man was not angry, but gently said a few words of blessing.

However, Su Bai took the business card in the man's hand and said with a serious face: "I will check it first, and if your organization is really like what you said, I will consider joining."

...... Ask for flowers...


"However, I have to go back to cultivation first."

Before the man's words could speak, Inbai waved his hand and left first: "Contact later."

Back home.

The Ten Thousand Beasts World has been successfully purified and has become the nourishment of the Tian Yuan Realm.

As for the green dragon ice phoenix, as well as the Fengyun Evil Tiger, Blue Bird, Medusa, Nine-tailed Fox and other races, there is no real death.

These guys, who originally thought they were dead, suddenly came to a strange world as soon as they opened their eyes, and they were still a little confused.

But when they saw the previous enemies lying leisurely on the ground one by one, they instantly became alert.

"Roar! Why are we here!" The Wind and Cloud Evil Tiger looked at Alice warily.

Queen Medusa also looked warily at the Celestial Horned Divine Ant and Godzilla.

They originally wanted to do it, but in the end, they found that their ability was actually limited on the continent!

"It's you! You are the Creator of this world. ”

Looking at Su Bai's figure, Fengyun Evil Tiger snorted coldly.

His eyes were full of hatred when he looked at Su Bai.

"You humans are really despicable and sinister! When you bring us into your world, don't you think you can make us work hard for you? Die this heart. The Queen of the Snake Clan also snorted coldly, and her eyes were full of disdain when she looked at Su Bai.

After a while, he was already waving his tail and trying to flick towards Su Bai.

However, if they could still cause substantial damage to Su Bai in the Tian Yuan Realm, it would be too ridiculous.

"You!" Seeing that his attack had fallen into the void, the queen of the snake tribe looked at him angrily, but the feeling of powerlessness and frustration simply made the flame rise in people's hearts.

Su Bai frowned slightly, how could they be so malicious to humans?

It stands to reason that their Creator was himself human.

Unless their previous masters were themselves the kind of beings who hated the world.

But looking at the energy fluctuations above this world, it seems that the situation is not like that at all.

"Do you have a hatred for humans?"

Looking at this group of guys, Su Bai frowned slightly.

"If it weren't for the despicable humans, our master wouldn't have died at all?" Fengyun Evil Tiger snorted with hatred, and looked at Su Bai in front of him coldly, with thick disgust and mockery in his eyes.

The green dragon hovered high in the sky, and a dull voice sounded: "If you want to know, then take a look."

As his words fell, a phantom fell in front of Su Bai's eyes.

Su Bai saw an elegant man in a robe, always with a gentle smile, even Su Bai, couldn't help but sigh, this man's temperament, looking at it makes people feel gentle.

"This is our master, and when he was twenty-four, he became a fourth-order creator." Between the words of the green dragon, there was a strong sense of pride and envy.

In the absence of a system, twenty-four-year-old fourth-order Creator is simply very few.

Moreover, this person did not turn to any forces, completely relying on himself, and it is also admirable that he can develop in this way.

In particular, the heritage of the Maihuang world is very thick.

The fourth order can even challenge the fifth order wide.

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