Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 252 Su Bai's Promise, Chi Lansu's Tears, School Starts!

"But then a group of people wanted our master to join them and do things for them... Our master didn't promise..."

Speaking of this, Qinglong's voice also took on a bit of heaviness.

The projected picture also changed and appeared in front of Su Bai one by one.

All the races above the world of ten thousand beasts suddenly fell silent one by one looking at the pictures that were projected, and several of the nine-tailed fox tribe's eyes were red, and tears were about to fall

When the owner was still there before, his favorite was their Nine Tails clan, and almost all of the little guys in the clan were held in the arms of the owner and rubbed.

"Our master did not do anything harmful, but they killed our master for their own selfish desires. When we were still in the cosmic battlefield, they could obviously all be reinforced, but they deliberately delayed, and even led the evil gods who originally attacked them to our master.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Yin Bai was slightly silent.

It's no wonder that these monster beasts have malice towards humans.

The various private messages and intrigues that belong to human beings are not something that this group of demon beasts can understand and forgive.

Su Bai sighed slightly and took a deep breath.

He looked at them seriously: "I can promise you to avenge your lord "Six Nine Seven". Moreover, aren't all human beings all bad, and haven't your masters also met people who help him? Even some of his teammates were seriously injured in order to cover him. He spent his life defending against evil gods from the outside world precisely to protect the world. ”

"If I'm not mistaken, even when she died, she was kind to the world. If your master sees the destruction of the world he once guarded with his life, his death will become..."

Speaking of the last sentence, Su Bai did not directly explain that the reasoning behind this needs to be thought out by themselves.

Ice Phoenix looked at Su Bai with a pair of ice-blue cold eyes, and asked coldly, "Are you sure you can help us take revenge?" That group of people is not something you can afford to mess with now. ”

"Now I am eighteen years old, a fifth-order world master. If you can't take revenge now, you will definitely be able to do it in a few years!" Su Bai looked at them seriously.

"But if it is only you, the world of the Creator will only become weaker and weaker. You should be able to feel it. ”

Otherwise, a fifth-order world, after devouring more than forty worlds, should all be sixth-order.

"Okay, we promise you!" The green dragon and the ice phoenix looked at each other, "But if you are also as disgusting as that group of dirty humans, we would rather fish the net and break the net than be your help." ”

Su Bai reached a consensus with this group of monsters in the world of ten thousand beasts.

The world of ten thousand beasts was reserved by Su Bai and constructed as an independent spatial world.

Throughout the summer, Su Bai was immersed in cultivation and devoted himself to improving his strength.

Chi Lansu, Shi Qianyan, and Mei Wanqing were also very serious.

One by one, they are all planning a lot of energy, waiting for them to shine in the trials before the official start of school.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of August.

Chi Lansu called Su Bai.

The phone rings to wake Su Bai from his cultivation.

"Hey, Su Bai, school is about to start, are you ready for everything?" Chi Lansu's voice sounded particularly energetic, and she sounded very happy.

Listening to this voice, Su Bai's mood also improved a lot.

The corners of Su Bai's mouth rose slightly, and the phone he squeezed in his hand slowly got up from the cultivation room, looked through the calendar, and found that it was already August 23rd.

September 1st is the official start of school.

"I really forgot, I haven't noticed the time, thank you for reminding me." Su Bai touched her head a little embarrassed.

"Then I'll pack up now and go to the moon later."

"By the way, Shi Qianyan and Mei Wanqing also sent me a message and asked when we would go over." Chi Lansu's eyes were shining, with a strong smile in her eyes, and she seemed to be looking forward to the start of school.

At home, as his daughter's slave, Chi's father was packing up the things he wanted to bring to school for Chi Sulan, and looking at his daughter's happy appearance, his heart was already sour.

"It's true, this is already leaving, and I didn't say a few more words with me, the father, but called the kid Su Bai." Chi Dad muttered softly, saying this very sourly.

Chi Mu on the side couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

This guy is really, how can he even eat this little vinegar of the child.

"You, the child is at home all summer vacation, what day is not affectionate to you? Besides, Su Bai this child, I look very good, if our family Susu can finally be with Su Bai, it is also a good thing, such a young genius, but also have a good personality, and our family Susu has also known each other for a long time, know the roots, are you still not satisfied?

"What kind of son-in-law do you want to find in the future?" While speaking, Chi Mu rolled her eyes at Chi.

Chi Lansu's call here had already been made, and seeing that Chi Dad's face was a little ugly, he knew that he was unhappy.

Chi Lansu walked in the direction of his father with a smile, hugged Chi Dad's arm with a smile, and said coquettishly: "Oh, it's not about to leave now, so I just reminded Su Bai, and Shi Qianyan and Mei Wanqing went with us."

"And, at all times, Mom and Dad are the most important number one in my heart.

While speaking, Chi Lansu also gave his parents a hug on the left and right.

At this moment, the hearts of this pair of parents instantly softened, and looking at their daughter, Chi's mother lovingly touched Chi Lansu's head.

"Alas, Susu, Mom and Dad also have nothing to give you, these are the things that Mom and Dad have saved, you take them and use them."

Looking at the B-grade resource card in her mother's hand, Chi Lansu's eyes instantly turned red.

B-class card: ............

Even though she has seen a lot of better things, she still knows that it is not easy for her parents to take out this thing.

"Dad, Mom: .........”

Chi Lansu threw herself into her parents' arms, and tears fell one by one like crystal clear pearls.

Thinking of leaving home to go so far away, the reluctance in Su Lan's heart became more and more intense.

Realizing that he was about to leave home, Fang Cai's excitement suddenly subsided.

Chi's father and mother quickly comforted their daughter, but as they spoke, their eyes turned red unconsciously.

After a while.

The door of the Chi family was knocked on with a bang.

"Lan Su, we have arrived, are you ready?"

"Lan Su, get ready to go!"

It turned out that Shi Qianyan and Mei Wanqing had already arrived at Chi Lansu's house...

They had already agreed that everyone would gather at Chi Sulan's house together, and finally Su Bai would come over.

Hearing the knock on the door outside, Chi Lansu hurriedly shouted in his mouth: "Here it is."

Then I hurriedly went to the bathroom and washed my face with warm water.

"Why is Lan Su's voice a little hoarse just now?"

Shi Qianyan and Mei Qingwan outside the door looked at each other, and Shi Qianyan asked with some doubt.

"I don't know, I guess I was crying." Mei Qingwan's face turned white, her steps were vain, and she shook her head faintly.

"It should be.

In fact, Wang Yan's eyes were also a little red.

Soon, Shi Qianyan and Mei Qingwan outside the door were let in.

Looking at Chi Lansu's red eyes, the two women already understood what was the reason for the slightly hoarse voice before.

"Sit down for a while." Chi Lansu said.

Now, the husky voice sounded even more obvious.

When Su Bai was the last to arrive, he saw three people, two of them with red eyes, and one with a pale face and a slight cloud.

"You three, what's wrong with this? Who bullied you?"

Su Bai looked at the three people in front of him and tentatively asked, "Who bullied you?" Do you need me to avenge you!?"

Chi Lansu didn't have a good look at Su Bai, this guy, is really ...

"It's okay, let's go."

Silvermoon University is on the moon.

A long time ago, the moon existed only in mythology.

Since Chang'e rushed to the moon, the camp has already represented beauty and mystery.

"Then let's go!?"

Su Bai took Chi Lansu and the others to the place where the moon ship was.

The top ten schools attach great importance to their students.

But all the students who can enter the top ten colleges and universities are also very good.

And Su Bai, as the first place in this national college entrance examination, had a moon ship waiting in Guangcheng early.

Looking at the moon ship in front of her, a girl couldn't help but sigh.

0.5" is so beautiful. "

"Is the Silvermoon Academy's spaceship so good-looking?"

"I'm already looking forward to it now."

The moon ship has been modified on the shape of the commonly used aircraft, bringing the characteristics of Silver Moon University, with the emblem of Silver Moon University on the outside, and a round of Silver Moon and a logo.

Not only that, but there are also characteristic signs such as the Moon Palace, the laurel tree and the rabbit on the exterior of the Moon Ship.

Walking into it, the picture is very spacious.

Equipped with comfortable sofa, water dispenser, toilet and other equipment.

All facilities are available.

At this time, Bai also received a message from Principal Yinhe.

"Su Bai, are you already on the moon ship? It will take you directly to the school, and when you arrive, come to my office first. ”

The attachment also contains a map and admission instructions.

Now the joy of the start of school has diluted the previous parting sadness.

One by one, the three women looked happily at the moon boat.

There are also a lot of reading materials here, some of which are about Silver Moon University.

The four people here were happy.

But within Silver Moon University, someone's face had sunk.

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