Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 256 Slaps In The Face One After Another, Door-To-Door Delivery Of Food, The Face Of The Kimc

The blazing flames rushed to the face, and the temperature was tens of thousands of degrees in an instant.

Those jumping red slimes were instantly melted into a ball by Godzilla's flames.

Even Su Bai couldn't help but shout in his heart at this time, it was still Ge Zongniu.

Those slimes look powerful, but they are not very good.

Seeing that his hard-working slime was burned into a melted liquid by the monster shot by Su Bai, Jin Shizhi's heart was angry

A pair of hanging eyebrows, triangular eyes, hanging on the face full of horizontal flesh can not see half of kindness, just such a look, it makes the people outside look uncomfortable.

One by one, the students in this Silver Moon University were not afraid of the sky, and they scolded one after another: "It's just a garbage exchange student from the pickle country, a fifth-order world master, just think of yourself as a very good?" Now it is not easily defeated by our people. ”

"That is, he still looks down on Su Bai, he is not qualified at all!"

All the people talked about it together.

However, in the universe, the war situation has changed again.

Those red slimes that had melted actually condensed into a ball one by one!

Thousands of red slimes became a fused community, looking very large, and the flames on their bodies jumped even more violently.

Godzilla looked at the slime titan in front of him with some curiosity, stretched out his front paws and grabbed it fiercely.

However, the slime in front of him did not shatter as he imagined, but after a brief injury, it condensed into a ball.

Everyone in the viewing room also became nervous one by one looking at the picture displayed in front of them, especially the people who were still praising Su Bai just now, one by one, the protagonists choked on their throats, making people's hearts tighten for a while.

"Su Bai, come back!"

"You definitely can't let Kim Se-chi, the guy from Kimchi Country, win!"

"Come on Su Bai! Su Bai, come on, come on, come on!"

Even Su Bai, who knew that he was fighting, couldn't hear the cheering sound outside, Chi Lansu and Shi Qianyan, Mei Wanqing and several girls kept shouting cheering words, and even some of the girls around them spontaneously shouted, forming a cheerleading team.

In contrast, Kim Shizhi's treatment is a little shabby.

Although there are also people cheering him on, they are only coaches and students of their pickle country.

Within this Silver Moon University, even students from other countries did not have a good face for the people of Kimchi Country.

Their voices were mixed with the sound of cheering Su Bai, as if mosquitoes were buzzing.

In the virtual universe.

Jin Shizhi looked at the battle situation in front of him, laughed proudly, and taunted with a willed toe in the direction of Su Bai.

"It's just a strange-looking thing, just because you still want my slimes to lose?" It's really self-defeating. ”

"Flaming Slime Titan, attack!"

Kim Se-chi was already very confident, and Godzilla, who was in the big red slime Su Bai, was defeated.

But in the next moment, the brother suddenly opened his mouth, and a thick flame erupted from his mouth with sharp teeth, and the thick already red and purple flames shot towards the large mass of slimes.

The flame rays continuously burned the slime titan in front of him.

Gradually, Kim Shizhi's slime titan began to become smaller and smaller, and with a little change in volume, the smaller and smaller slime titan simply stunned everyone

This slime titan is clearly many times larger than Su Bai's Godzilla just now, why is it now a little smaller than Godzilla?

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!" Looking at the picture in front of him, Kim Se-ji couldn't believe his eyes.

How could his own right-hand men lose so simply?

Those slimes simply could not withstand the high temperature of more than 100,000 degrees, and all of them were vaporized by roasting, and finally there was only a small pile of black and soot-like things left on the ground.

It was very distressing to see Jin Shizhi, these slimes were all cultivated by him so hard!

Now that this is the case, there is no way to recover it.

Heartache and boundless anger have washed away Jin Shizhi's reason, and now he has only one thought in his mind, that is, let his slime army teach the ugly guy in front of him a big lesson!

Call Su Bai face even more heavy losses!

On the planet Slime, the boundless slimes are densely stacked together, like water balls of different shapes, colliding with each other and gushing out from the world

Among them, green slimes are at the front, they are born in swamps, and the damp, dark, miasmatic place is their best place to grow.

All slimes have the ability to multiply quickly.

And these green slimes have a strong toxic and dizzy confusing effect.

As long as it is touched by them, it will be poisoned and will not be able to move at all in place.

Su Bai smiled lightly.

Playing with drugs?

Then we'll have to see who can play better than whom.

With a wave of Su Bai's hand, the endless army of zombies came out directly.

The zombies one by one are much better in appearance than when they were first subdued.

At least the skin on the body is no longer festering, and it will not mutate into strange-shaped creatures.

The zombie tyrant roared and walked sharply ahead.

He looked coldly at those slimes in front of him, his eyes were full of disdain, even if these things were thrown in front of him, they were just toys one by one.

But Kim Shizhi is still very confident.

"Su Bai, you give up, even if you send zombies, it's useless."

Kim Se-ji was triumphant, and his previous defeat did not make him fully aware of the strength gap between himself and Su Bai.

Instead, he laughed even more triumphantly: "I advise you to admit defeat, I have also met the creator of the zombie world before, but they have all become my defeated generals, Su Bai, do you think you can be that special exception?"

"Even zombies, after touching my slime, will be poisoned, slow to move, and lose their combat effectiveness."

Su Bai did not speak, just looked at the world in front of him.

In the next scene, he slapped his face again.

The zombie tyrant fished it casually, and there were already five or six slimes in his hands.

Those green slimes are like jelly and sticky-like flowing orbs constantly colliding and struggling in the hands of zombie tyrants.

It seems that they are very painful.

As for the actions of the zombie tyrant, they were not affected at all, and there was no sluggishness.


Not only zombie tyrants, but other ordinary zombies.

Those zombies who had no wisdom looked at the green things in front of them coldly, with a bit of confusion in their eyes.

These things have elastic gum and contain a lot of water, is it jelly or edible water balloons?

A small zombie grabbed a green slime and put it directly into its mouth, biting it sharply, only feeling that the abundant moisture and a toxin information burst out from it, and this slime was like a water ball that could replenish its own ability and toxins.

Soon, these toxin slimes were used as their own snacks by Su Bai's zombie legion.

One by one, the zombies put slimes into their mouths, and they were happy.

Even looks very happy and happy.

The movements of their hands are also getting faster and faster.

Inside the viewing room.

Everyone who looked at this scene in front of them simply laughed.

Although the players who are fighting inside cannot hear or see the situation outside.

......... 0

But what the people inside said and did, the people outside can be clear.

"Hahaha, it's really laughing at me. Kim Shizhi just said that no one can resist his slime, and then directly hit his face, Su Bai is really interesting

。 "

"I really want to know, Kim Se-ji is still used to bragging" or did his slime really prevent the bereaved family from moving? Know that loss itself carries its own toxins

"Classmate, I think what Jin Shizhi said may be true, after all, the toxins of zombies can only be transmitted if they are bitten, and other creatures are also infected into zombies, but now there is a problem, Su Bai is not an ordinary person at all, and the zombies in his world cannot be judged by ordinary conventional quantities."

"I think so, too, but now this Kim Se-ji really looks funny. Are he sure he didn't go to deliver food? You can see how delicious those zombies in Su Bai are eating one by one

The laughter in the viewing room was endless.

Listening to the ridicule of the people of the Yan Country, the people of the Kimchi Country only felt extremely ugly on their faces, and they blushed.

But on the other side, Zhao Ming, who was watching this scene, had a very ugly face, and he only felt that his face was simply trampled on the ground.

What the hell is going on with this Kim Se-chi?

Previously, he also put a lot of effort into letting him take the initiative to provoke Su Bai.

Now it seems that instead of embarrassing Su Bai as a joke, he himself has completely become a joke.

It's infuriating.

Because many students and teachers are paying attention to the battle situation here, but the capacity of the viewing room is limited.

The battle here has been broadcast in real time.

Comments online and in forums also exploded.

The barrage simply drowned out the picture.

"Hahaha, I'm really going to die of laughter, Kim Se-ji really keeps talking ruthlessly and getting punched in the face."

"I used to look down on our college entrance examination champion, but now I see what is called true God!"

There are also good deeds who have redirected this live broadcast to the Internet.

However, those people in the pickle country looked at the content on the live broadcast, but one by one, they only felt that the face was extremely ugly.

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