Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 257 A Joke In The Whole Country, The Slime Who Took The Initiative To Admit Defeat

"Why were our people from Kimchi Country actually beaten by that guy from Yan Country?"

"It's just, it definitely shouldn't be like this!"

The people of Kimchi Country watched the live broadcast on the Internet one by one, and they were almost angry.

Seeing Jin Shizhi being slapped in the face by Su Bai everywhere, he only felt very angry, and even their own faces turned red.

Looking at the picture in front of them, one by one, they all frantically typed on the keyboard, and sent out a barrage on the Internet.

Some of them are still faceless, feeling that it's just that the players on their side are not strong, and after watching for a while, seeing that there is no possibility of winning, they don't look at it.

But the vast majority of people in the pickle country do not have such good brains.

One by one, they are very ordinary and confident.

Seeing that Jin Shizhi suffered a loss, he kept shouting: "It must be that Yan Guo kid cheating!" We must teach him a lesson!"

"We must condemn their shameful behavior! Don't the people of the Yan Country feel very shameful about cheating?"

Let these people scold on the Internet one by one, but everyone knows that there is no way to cheat in this virtual battle room.

Especially Silver Moon University, it will not do such a thing to leave a handle on people.

Now the entire "Five Three Seven" Silver Moon University is paying attention to this battle between Su Bai and Kim Shizhi.

Kim Se-chi saw that his poisonous slime was also easily solved by the zombies on Su Bai's side, and began to shout.

"I protest! This is simply a foul! Even if Su Bai's world gets a ten% increase, his zombies can't be immune to my poisonous slime at all! This game is definitely shady! Su Bai must have cheated on him!"

One by one, the audience looked at Jin Shizhi's appearance, and Yanguo's own students just couldn't help but laugh.


Is it true that when our great country is like a pickle country, it uses some shady means in various competitions?

What a joke!

One by one, only if they do it themselves, will they treat others with this kind of mind.

Liu Qingqing and Yang Shuo, who were monitoring the battle, looked at each other in unison and frowned.

Even if Yangshuo is specifically in charge of exchange students, he doesn't like it in his heart when he looks at Jin Shizhi's appearance.

This kid is really too arrogant, and he even looks down on Yan Guo in and out of words.

At this time, he even said such words, if it was passed on, the loss of the reputation of Silver Moon University was not something he could afford.

Yang Shuo checked and released all the data in the virtual battle world.

"The battle is normal, there is no difference, continue to complete the battle."

Yangshuo's serious voice not only reached the ears of all the teachers and students in the viewing room, but even Su Bai and Jin Shizhi in the virtual battle world could still hear it.

At this time, Jin Shizhi was completely speechless.

But as for what Kim Shizhi really thinks in his heart, that's another matter.

Su Bai's army is still advancing.

The Dark One had just dispatched and had already sensed a dark power, which seemed to come from a negative curse.

All of them were excited.

After Jin Shizhi took a deep breath, he didn't breathe like before.

But the eyes that looked at Su Bai were still full of malice.

Looking at the picture in front of him is just a moment's effort, and it is already overwhelming his own slime.

The black slime-like slime is constantly flowing in the universe, like some kind of medium.

With a hint of curse power.

The more powerful golden slime is like a huge sphere, even as large as part of the second-order world, emerging from the world of Jin Shizhi.

"Su Bai, now, let you see my true strength!"

Kim Se-ji roared fiercely, followed by a slime, which continued to fuse and expand.

When Jin Shizhi finished accumulating his strength, five golden slimes appeared!

"I get all these slimes to be gold-level! And my King of Slime, who has reached the Holy Step!"

Jin Shizhi took out all his heritage.

He does not believe that under such conditions, Su Bai cannot be compared.

The mighty slime army is like an ever-undulating ocean, constantly surging in the universe.

With a powerful golden brilliance, slimes quickly attack the world of Su Bai.

It's just a moment's effort, and it's already jumping over.


This is a major ability of the Golden Slime, which can constantly make spatial jumps, and can even be called a small "teleportation"

The extremely fast jumping speed has always been the reason why Kim Shizhi is invincible.

Often before the enemy attacked, he was already wrapped in his golden slime and became the nourishment inside the slime.

However, this time he was doomed to hit a wall!

If it is just after the college entrance examination, it is difficult to say who loses or wins between Su Bai and Jin Shizhi, after all, [Jin Shimi has become a fifth-order world by relying on the resources given by the forces behind it.

But now, it's too easy for Su Bai to beat him.

Lord of the Seas, Rose, Godzilla, Gaita, Alice..........

Several great lords appeared together.

In an instant, the powerful aura they burst out made the so-called slime king cower and dare not step forward.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Are you afraid of this?!"

The king of slimes was transparent throughout, looking slimy and constantly flowing forward.

The powerful power attached to it can call ordinary silver-level monsters and become nutrients in its body.

Unable to move under its stickiness, it is instantly swallowed and wrapped, and quickly digested into energy.

However, now it is a holy-level monster, and in front of that group of epic levels, it is not enough to look at.


The Slime King's mouth shrank and let out a strange cry, and he was about to retreat.

The powerful aura of those guys on the other side made it tremble with fear.

The original appearance was still imposing, but it instantly fell down, becoming a round looking ball, constantly shrinking its size.

Even under the coercion of Godzilla and the tyrant zombie, he twisted himself into a strange character.

In the language of communication between slimes, Nachang was begging for mercy.

"What does that mean? Is this slime king going to do something new or pray?"

"Or is it a new way of fighting in the Kimchi Country by compressing yourself into a smaller one?"

One by one, the students who did not understand the melon asked.

Looking at the picture in front of him, when even people who understand some of the slime language directly announced it and fought for the answer...................

"It's really laughing at me, these slimes really understand what it means to be a person who knows the time as Junjie, and actually directly admitted defeat!?"

When the people on the side heard this, they also asked.

Then they laughed together and laughed at the crowd.

"Who remembers that Kim Se-chi was ashamed to defeat Su Bai before, and now everyone has seen that his so-called king of slimes is completely unmoved in front of those monsters of Su Bai."

"Red fire trance."

"Hahaha, now sit and wait for the punch in the face."

"I really want to see Kim Se-ji's expression after that."

"I'm already waiting for you to see the teacher from Kimchi Country, and the expression on his face is simply too dark to see.

At the same time, the live broadcast in Kimchi Country was also directly cut off by the forces represented by Jin Shizhi.

But even if they moved quickly, this scene still made many pickle countrymen see it.

The forum of Kimchi Country is also very lively at this time.

Civilians in their own countries asked questions at the forum.

"Is this the gap between the genius of our country and the genius of Yan Country?"

"Although we don't want to admit that our great kimchi country is not as good as the Yan country, but Jin Shizhi's performance really disappoints us, we want to know, is Jin Shizhi really from our kimchi country? Or is he from the Yan Country, and Su Bai of the Yan Country directed and acted in such a scene to belittle us in the Kimchi Country?"

"At any time, our great kimchi country will never have such a low-level mistake, that kid named Su Bai is problematic. A fifth-order world master is only able to give birth to the holy order, why can he have so many epic monsters?"

"But even if Su Bai hides his level, it is really rare for an eighteen-year-old to have such strength."

Countless and varied comments are constantly refreshed on the forums of Kimchi Country.

There are many kimchi countrymen who have lost confidence in Kim Se-ji.

Looking at those remarks on the forum, the consortium behind Kim 4.7 Shizhi was also angry.

Such a humiliating thing was actually released!

It must be the scheming Yan people who deliberately arranged all this and deceived our people into fighting!!

All of this is calculated by Yan Guo.

This live broadcast was not only circulated between the Yan country and the kimchi country, but also spread to almost all countries quickly.

The people of Sakura played the video back over and over again, and it was almost enjoyable to watch.

Although they do not want to see the Yan country strong.

But I am very happy to see the people of Kimchi Country embarrassed.

Many of the cherry blossoms happily poured some sake and began to celebrate.

However, some of the little cherry blossoms have a sense of crisis.

Somewhere in the study.

"Su Bai is indeed a very strong young man with a very good talent. It's a pity that it's someone from the Yan country. ”

"We have to try to snatch this talent and turn it into our person, and if he doesn't know how to be a villain, we should start preparing to take special measures." We can't get this kind of talent, and we definitely can't leave it to the country!"

"Yamaguchi, this matter will be left to you, you go and prepare. If the wooing is unsuccessful, get rid of him at all costs. ”

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