Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 258 Slap In The Face, Shameless Kimchi, He Is Just A Child

Silvermoon University.

Battle room.

[At the end of this battle, Su Bai "Tianyuan Realm" won by an overwhelming advantage. 】

With a loud mechanical sound, it was like an equally loud slap directly on Kim Shizhi's face.

Jin Shizhi came out of the battle room in a huff, his face was full of unkindness, and he turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, Su Bai stood up, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and looked at Jin Shizhi on the opposite side with playfulness.

"The loser of this gamble should be Jin Shizhi.

Su Bai was not an aggressive person either.

But this Jin Shizhi really angered him everywhere.

Even if it is aimed at Su Bai himself, because Shirame will not be so angry.

But this guy, clearly in the realm of the Yan Country, looks down on the Yan Country people everywhere in and out of his words.

Jin Shizhi's face turned blue and white, and it was extremely ugly.

Chi Lansu on the side, Shi Qianyan and Mei Wanqing's three daughters were very happy.

Seeing Jin Shizhi's arrogant appearance before, these three people were already angry.

Shi Qianyan took the initiative to step forward and said in a loud voice: "I remember that the gamble promised by Jin Shizhi before should be [Golden Kimchi]. Even if Jin Shizhi's heart is very fragile and wants to leave now, he must keep his promise and leave his things behind, right?"

After Shi Qianyan's reminder, the students here also remembered this one by one.

One by one, they slapped their heads and 17 bags, all of them very tacitly blocked Jin Shizhi's way to leave.

"I proposed a bet before, if our Su Bai loses, Su Bai will give up the Moon Palace to Jin Shizhi, but now the person who loses is Jin Shizhi, should he also take out the corresponding bet?"

"It's just, we can all remember it for Bai."

One by one, the students are not afraid of anything.

Unlike other schools' special treatment of foreign friends, students who can only grievance their own swallow their anger.

Silvermoon University is very fair.

He will never be biased towards Kim Se-ji because of his identity.

Jin Shizhi's face became extremely ugly, a burst of blue and a burst of red, like a multicolored peach-colored plate, colorful.

His lips moved slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything, and looked at his own coach without saying a word.

This is the coach who specially accompanied him to Silver Moon, and he will definitely help him solve the trouble in front of him now.

The coach looked tall and thin.

Of course, rich is relative to Kim Se-ji.

It is also one meter seven five, put in the crowd at a glance, much shorter than the surrounding students.

After all, the students who awakened and became the masters of the world were all top grades in Silvermoon University. Its own strength is not bad.

The growth of the world can also feed back the creator, it is the age of development, and all of them are tall and strong, and the field is heroic.

The coach also felt humiliated, but he could only bite the bullet and stand up.

Whoever calls this the little young master of his master's family can't leave it alone.

If the golden pickles are lost, they will definitely be reprimanded wolf-wolf-wolf-wise.

"Sorry." He licked his face and forced a smile to apologize to Su Bai.

It's just that the smile on his face looks more or less reluctant.

Looking at the situation in front of him, this coach only wished that he had not taken over the job of accompanying this young master to study in Yanguo.

I originally thought it would be a good errand, but now, it's only been a long time, and I have been scolded for a bloody head.

When the young master competed with this classmate named Su Bai before, the picture was transmitted, and the coach was severely reprimanded by the cross-ocean phone call.

"Actually, Su Bai, the competition between you and our classmate Kim Shiji just now is just a normal competition and competition between classmates, right? These are very common things. Since it is a friendly exchange between classmates, if you make any heavy request, it will inevitably hurt your previous harmony and the relationship between our Kimchi Wai and Yinyong School. ”

The coach's words were high-sounding and he wanted to muddle things through.

This is obviously the intention of wanting to pay the bill, so that everyone can hear it.

Listening to this faceless words, even Mei Wanqing, who has always been cold, couldn't help but raise her head, and a pair of cold eyes swept over coldly.

With a bit of dead and cold gaze, and Mei Wanqing's overly pale complexion, Jin Shizhi subconsciously shivered.

Hey, what's going on with this little girl?

How do the eyes look so terrible.

Su Bai didn't answer the coach's words, if she agreed with his statement, wouldn't she willingly give up the "golden pickle"?

Although Su Bai's body has a lot of heaven and earth, there is no shortage of such a thing that is not very good, but without steaming steamed buns to fight for breath, how can the previous qi be in vain like this?

"There is a saying in our Yan country, it is difficult to chase a horse in a word, it is the character of a gentleman, and what is said must be done." Su Bai laughed lightly, "I just don't know if there are similar words in Kimchi Country?" Or is it that in fact, the people of Kimchi Country do not pay much attention to what they say?"

"In that case, we Yanguo people pay more attention to integrity and rules."

The coach's face also turned black for a while, Su Bai's meaning in this sentence, isn't it clear that people in the pickle country do not talk about integrity, backtrack, and talk like a fart?

"Su Bai, that's not what I said, if it's a serious thing, we people in Kimchi Country are very faithful to our promises, but it's just a joke between the two of you. You are all children, how can you take what you say seriously?"

The coach tried hard to let himself smile and ease the atmosphere, but his heart was already bored to the extreme.

This annoying Yan Guo person is really difficult to entangle, but it's just a bet, and he is kind enough to chase after himself!

Haven't the people of Yanguo seen anything good?

"I believe that even if Su Bai loses, in the end, our Jin Shizhi classmate will not really want you to give up the Moon Palace.

Listening to the coach of this pickle country say such shameless words, the students present were immediately in an uproar.

A noise rang out.

"That's pretty shameful, isn't it? I have always known that kimchi countries like to use shady means in international competitions, but I didn't expect that it could reach this level.

"I'm really convinced. What is this? Or a child?"

Jin Shizhi is clearly in his twenties, a few years older than Su Bai, whether in Yan Country or Kimchi Country, this age is already considered an adult" How did you say such a thing?"

"They really won't let Su Bai let the Moon Palace out? It's a laugh, if they win, they will definitely have thrown Su Bai's luggage out of the Moon Palace by now. ”

Looking at the picture in front of them, one by one, the Yanguo students only felt disgusted, which felt like they had eaten Ollie.

Luochuan naturally saw this face.

His good-looking brows wrinkled slightly, although he was curious about what this student who had not yet entered the school and was very concerned by the principal would do, but he was still worried that Su Bai would suffer losses in the face of such a faceless person, and quickly sent a message to Principal Yinyue to explain the matter.

As long as the principal knows, even if Su Bai did something today, Kimchi Country wants to find trouble, there is a principal who can protect Su Bai.

Su Bai faced these faceless people, and the coping method was a good way.

"Is it? But the gambling contract just now was not only a private agreement between Jin Shizhi and me, but also witnessed by two mentors. So, can't what the two mentors say be taken seriously? Or is it that Kim Se-ji really plans to take this matter down. ”

Su Bai raised his eyebrows slightly and snorted coldly.

This momentum is quite the style of 040 before when he provoked his guy everywhere in middle school.

The sharp words were like a sharp knife, and Kim Se-ji directly pierced Kim Se-ji and this coach from Kimchi Country had nothing to say.

"What the truth is, all the students are witnesses. Looking at the appearance of Jin Shizhi, he should be almost thirty years old, right? Even if you are a teenager and an adult, your actual age is younger than your appearance, you should be an adult. Our children in Yanguo know what it means to do what we say, and..."

"What is it to do what you can!" While speaking, Su Bai snorted softly, "If Kim Shizhi is here today to admit that from now on, what you say cannot be taken seriously and has no credibility, then this matter will be settled." The previous provocation of me by Jin Shizhi can also be written off with the credibility of Kimchi Country. ”

On the other side, Liu Qingqing, who was about to come forward to protect the calf and preside over justice for Su Bai, saw Su Bai's appearance, and also smiled with satisfaction, muttering in his mouth: "It seems that Su Bai this kid is good, not the kind of person who wants face or has no brains, and can be fooled by people from those who don't want to face the kimchi country casually."

"Not bad, it's a talent, and it will be revised in the future."

Needless to say, Liu Qingqing still stepped forward, a pair of slender beautiful legs dangled in front of everyone, and stood in front of Su Bai with a slim posture, protecting him behind.

Liu Qingqing looks beautiful and has a beautiful figure, with a convex front and back, exceptionally long legs, and a pair of delicate high heels, and now standing here, a few centimeters taller than the coach of that pickle country.

"Our students don't speak well, but they tell the truth." Liu Qingqing's cold voice sounded, looked at Jin Shizhi and the coach of the pickle country, and snorted coldly

With a bit of disdain in his eyes.

"If the gamble is not counted, then from today onwards, any words said by all the Kimchi Countrymen in my Silver Moon School will lose their authenticity." Liu Qingqing hammered the nail on the head.

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