Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 289 Kill The Giant Bone-Swallowing Fish, Have A Picnic In The Plague Of Pythons, And Find Tr

Several giant bone devouring fish were confined in a circle.

The circle on the side is Kou Tao's mermaid clan with a steel fork in his hand.

More than a dozen Kou Tao mermaids surrounded three or four giant bone devouring fish.

These huge guys are confined together, and even when they move, they will bump into each other.

After a while, Kou Tao's mermaid clan didn't suffer much damage, and the giant bone-eating fish had already been killed.

The huge corpse gradually sank to the bottom of the lake.

In an instant, many unnamed creatures emerged from the lake water, frantically biting the flesh of those corpses.

In less than ten minutes, these big fish, originally six or seven meters long, turned into clean skeletons.

It's not just fishes of other races that crazily devour the corpses of these dead big fish, even the giant bone-swallowing fish itself, when it sees the corpses of the same kind, it opens its mouth wide and swallows them unceremoniously. .

These bone-swallowing giant fish were dealt with by the 10,000 Kou Tao mermaid clan, which was quite easy.

But Su Bai always feels that the danger from this lake has not been completely relieved.

I always feel that there is still a gaze peeping towards me in the dark.

But after waiting for ten minutes, there was no movement.

"Let's go to the house and rest."

Su Bai put Kou Tao's mermaid clan back into the world.

Five people entered the house.

The things inside are very simple, just a simple small house made of surrounding trees.

There are only two beds, a table, and a few extremely simple stools.

It also looks very rough.

There are still many wooden thorns on the tables and stools that have not been trimmed.

A lot of spider webs have accumulated in every corner of the house, and those spider webs are thick and numerous.

There is also a piece of dust on the table.

Su Bai pulled out some huge leaves from his own Tian Yuan world, and put them on the chair.

A few people can only take a makeshift rest for the time being.

Next, tidy up carefully.

"Now we have two options."

The five people sat down around the only table in a tacit understanding and began to discuss the meeting.

"The first option is that we use strong means to directly complete the basic tasks of this world."

"The second option is to find the blood orchid. I don't know what the reward will be if I get the blood orchid, and it will be a lot of trouble. Many violent and direct attack methods cannot be used, and there is no way to rely too much on the people in the world. Strength, and more need to rely on ourselves to fight."

While Su Bai was talking, he looked at them seriously.

Of course, Yin Bai wanted to find Er Lanhua in his heart.

Not just for the mysterious rewards, nor for the legendary ability of the blood orchid to keep people youthful or prolong life.

Instead, with Su Bai's nature, one thing should either not be done, or be done to the best.

His physique at the peak of his sage requires him to fight hand-to-hand, and Su Bai will not be timid.

But now it's not his action alone, but a team's cooperation, Su Bai must take into account the opinions of several other people.

"Old Zhao, what do you think `"?"

Su Bai first asked Zhao Chengqiang.

For Chi Lansu, Shi Qianyan, Mei Wanqing and others, Su Bai basically knows a little bit about them. Given their personalities, they should also want to find Blood Orchid.

First of all, blood orchid itself is a great temptation for women.

These pretty girls also want to stay young forever.

Moreover, Mei Wanqing is a fighting madman.

And Shi Qianyan is also the proud daughter of heaven, she never gives up.

Su Bai didn't want to wait for a few girls to tell their choices, because Zhao Chengqiang went against the truest choice in his heart because of everyone's choices, and followed him to a more difficult trial.

"Boss Su Bai, do you even need to ask? We have been awarded S grades all the way, and we will definitely get S grades this time. Then what kind of blood orchid, we are bound to get it!"

Zhao Chengqiang smiled honestly and said to Su Bai.

"We also want to find Blood Orchid."

"We haven't seen this thing before, and we want to see it with our own eyes."

"Didn't it mean that this can revive the vitality of cells and play the role of eternal youth? Of course we want to get it."

As expected by Su Bai, all the girls expressed their desire to find Blood Orchid.

"Okay, now that everyone's goals have been agreed, let's make a new plan."

"I will let my Celestial Horned Ant Clan explore this world to find the location of the Blood Orchid..."

"Such a precious thing must be guarded by powerful alien beasts around it. At that time, our first task is to get the blood orchid while ensuring our own safety, and the next step is to solve the problem in this world. Alien beast."

Su Bai began to pin down the detailed plan.

Several people discussed with each other and changed the details. After the final plan was unanimously approved by everyone, it began to be implemented.

In this world, the Celestial Horned Ant can serve as a very good signal soldier.

The number of these ants has reached hundreds of millions.

In this primeval forest, the environment is not bad for ants.

When the god ants quickly got into the forest, it meant that Su Bai's intelligence network began to spread.

Because these guys are scattered to look into.

The aborigines in this world didn't care about these ants that didn't seem to have appeared before.

In just ten minutes, Su Bai had already grasped all the information in Fang Yuan's two sons.

"Everyone rest for a while, if I'm hungry, I'll go out and find something to eat."

Su Bai originally wanted to take something out of his own Tianyuan world to eat.

But when he was about to do it, he suddenly remembered that each of the plants in his world contained special energy.

Those summoned beasts in the Tian Yuan world are fine to eat.

I just don't know what the effect will be if people eat it.

"The fish in the lake should be edible?"

Su Bai thought for a while, and it was very convenient to catch fish.

"No, no, there might be our seniors in the stomachs of those fish." Chi Lansu suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly became a bit ugly, and he quickly rejected Su Bai, thinking that he was not bad proposal.

"Let's bear with it for the time being. In fact, it's not that we don't want to be hungry."

"Then, shall I look for some weak beasts around?"

A few people looked at each other, thought about it in their hearts, and wondered whether the previous seniors and sisters would not fall into the mouth of the weak beast even if they were not careful?

Immediately, several people nodded unanimously in agreement.

Immediately Su Bai got up and looked for some smaller prey in the surrounding area.

Seeing it, there was a rabbit-like thing passing by in front of him.

Su Bai broke a branch in his hand and threw it towards the rabbit.

Under the addition of Su Bai's strength and speed, the branch was like a sharp sword, stabbing the rabbit's neck fiercely.

Immediately, the bronze-ranked rabbit was already dead.

In the same way, two more rabbits were solved.

Su Bai took the three rabbits to the lake, took the ears of the rabbits and began to peel and remove the internal organs.

Those internal organs were thrown directly into the lake by Su Bai.

But in the blink of an eye, the bloody organs have been eaten clean by the fish in the water.

Su Bai directly strung the three rabbits up with twigs, and built a fire with dry leaves and twigs on the ground, and started BBQ.

At this time, the old gatekeeper who was wondering why these little guys hadn't come out was standing in front of the screen and watching.

Seeing that Su Bai not only started to barbecue in the wild, but also took out cumin, cumin, salt particles and other things from his own world and sprinkled them on the barbecue, his old face couldn't help but twitch.

々Children of this level are really talented. It's only the first day of school, so I'm here to try the tower barbecue. "

With his hands behind his back, seeing the screen being played, the old man couldn't help feeling quite emotional, but the expression on his face also looked very complicated.

I have to say that Su Bai's technique is still very skilled.

Not long after, the smell of barbecue wafted out, and the few people who were taking advantage of this time to integrate their strength also put down their progress [and came out one after another to gather around the simple barbecue grills one by one.

Zhao Chengqiang's eyes were almost glued to the barbecue in front of him, and his throat couldn't help rolling, swallowing his saliva.

On one side, Shi Qianyan and Mei Wanqing, two goddess-level figures, could not help but surround them.

"Wait, this one is a bit (Wang's) slow, and I can't eat it yet."

The four of them squatted next to Su Bai, and the halazi was all gone.

When Su Bai said it was ready to eat, several people quickly shared the food.

Su Bai gave the whole to Zhao Chengqiang.

The remaining one and a half.

Even Zhao Chengqiang scratched his head in embarrassment.

He handed the rabbit in front of Su Bai again: "Boss Su Bai, you should eat it first."

"It's okay, half of us is enough for each of us, just calculated the portion."

During the previous few days in the Moon Palace, Su Bai had a certain understanding of Zhao Chengqiang's food intake, maybe this one rabbit wasn't enough for him.

You know, the animals in this different world are all enlarged versions.

Even a rabbit is more than double the size of an ordinary rabbit.

Several people ate the rabbit in a hurry, and threw the remaining bones into the lake at will.

In the same way, he was eaten up by the fish in the lake.

It seemed that he was dissatisfied with the bare bones, and those fish made huge splashes.

Immediately afterwards, the Celestial Horned Ant quickly crawled in front of Su Bai.

"Father God, the trace of the blood orchid you want seems to have been found. It's in the western forest...

Immediately afterwards, the Celestial Horned Ant placed its tentacles in Su Bai's palm, and more detailed information instantly flooded into Su Bai's mind. .

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