Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 290 The 100-Meter Giant Beast, The Two-Headed Snake, Got The Blood Orchid

The image of the whole world appeared in Su Bai's mind in detail.

The detailed and detailed information is presented in Su Bai's mind in a detailed and concrete manner in an instant.

"Everyone, get ready, we can start now."

Su Bai's enthusiastic Chi Lansu and others said.

The speed of several people is also very fast.

But in an instant, he solved the roasted rabbit in his hand.

Several people got ready, and Su Bai led the way.

All the roads in this world are difficult to walk.

The whole world is a moist primitive deep forest, the humidity in the air is very high, even the soil on the ground is wet and muddy, and you can feel the obvious sinking feeling when you step on it.

"Be careful of the miasma in the air." Su Bai reminded several people that in a virgin forest, all kinds of plants rot, but if the wind is not strong, there will be miasma deposited in one place

"There are also these snakes, rats and ants, try not to be touched."

These things, maybe you can see a poisonous one.

There was a faint rustling sound in the forest.

A gust of fishy wind blew past them.

In the blink of an eye, a huge figure appeared in front of Su Bai.

【Name: Deep Forest Python】

【Grade: Diamond】

[Skills: Obstacle, Coil]

The diameter of this boa constrictor looked to be nearly two meters.

The stout figure is taller than a whole person.

But in the blink of an eye, that huge figure had already appeared in front of him.

Before Su Bai and the others had time to see the whole picture of each other clearly, a big tree beside them was violently broken.

The big tree that needs three or four people to embrace it looks extremely fragile at this moment.

Su Bai was about to summon Godzilla, but the next moment he thought that if this guy set fire, the entire forest would be destroyed, let alone find the blood orchid, so he had to give up this idea temporarily.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai brought out 700 of the mechanical clan headed by Geta.

A total of two thousand robots appeared in the forest.

Their size can be properly regulated. Even though the range of movable space in this forest is not large, after shrinking a bit, it will not affect the actions of these machines.

Powerful pythons are the overlords of this world, and their huge size allows them to run amok in this world.

The ray in Geta's hand suddenly sprayed towards the giant python.

Visible to the naked eye, a big hole appeared in the giant python's body.

The rays from the scorching heat scorched all the flesh in that area.

The smell of barbecue mixed with the stench made the stomachs of those who just ate the barbecue churn.

Shi Qianyan couldn't help but muttered silently in her heart, from now on, when fighting in a different world, she will never eat anything again. No matter how hungry you are, you will never take a bite!

The giant python had been wounded, and the pain of the wound made it even more angry.

The giant python twisted its body crazily in the forest.

The huge body is simply a powerful destroyer, but in an instant, the forest and vegetation in this area have been swept away and fell to the ground, in disarray.

The giant python let out a long cry, and the next moment, several similar strong piercing sounds came quickly.

Looking again, Su Bai and others have been completely surrounded by these giant pythons.

At a glance (adca), there are at least a dozen giant pythons surrounding the five people.

The strong stench almost made people faint.

Su Bai and the others all held their breath, trying to reduce the inhalation of this gas as much as possible.

All the mechanical clans began to attack these giant pythons fiercely. Under the initial offensive, many giant pythons had already been hacked into several corpses.

The last thing that can be seen is a piece of meat with a dark surface on the ground.

In the next moment, the smell of blood attracted more giant pythons. At this time, I finally realized why this world is called "the disaster of wild pythons". There are too many giant pythons here, and there are no One is smaller than the previous one.

One by one, their bodies are nearly twenty meters long.

A long glance cannot see where their tails are.

"Let's go this way." Su Bai ignored the giant pythons, and left the situation here to the mechanical clan.

Several people continued to walk along the road opened by the mechanical family.

The road ahead became narrower and steeper, barely wide enough for one person to pass.

Su Bai and others had to drill through by themselves.

"Just under the pit ahead."

Su Bai reminded everyone, and then, a hole appeared in front of everyone, and it looked like an extremely deep hole below.

Visually, it should be about ten meters.

"It's very steep here, and there is no way to climb down, so let's fly down together.

As he spoke, Bai summoned five angels.

Several people were brought down smoothly.

This time, Su Bai discovered another great use of the angel family.

It really works well and is very convenient.

"Go in from here, and the inside is like a blood orchid. To eradicate the information given to me by the sky horned ants, the child of the world said to guard the side of the blood orchid. If our goal is the blood orchid, if it finds out, it will not hesitate. Hesitantly destroy the blood orchid."

"So, my plan is, I will contain all the monsters, and you will try to drive the monsters out as much as possible.

"Squad leader, as well as Mei Wanqing and Shi Qianyan, you go to the cave to pick blood orchids. As for Zhao Chengqiang, you are responsible for preventing accidents.

Su Bai told his plan, and several people nodded in agreement.

In the next instant, several people took action one after another.

Su Bai first made noise outside the cave entrance.

It also used the extremely strong smell of blood to attract the children of the world inside.

The Son of the World has a diameter of three meters and a length of hundreds of meters.


Su Bai's complexion froze instantly, how could there be epic creatures in a fourth-order world?

But now is not the time to think about it.

The monster's big rock-like head violently smashed towards Su Bai, and there was a whistling sound of piercing through the air.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a violent crater being smashed out of the soil around me.

The figure of the giant python has drilled out a lot, but more than half of it is still in the cave.

Su Bai could only try his best to attract the python's attention.

And Su Bai can't kill the son of this world before the three daughters get the blood orchid.

Otherwise, the source of the whole world will fall instantly, and the essence of this blood orchid will be absorbed.

At that time, what you get is a waste flower, which has no effect at all.

Seeing this, Chi Lansu and the others hurried into the cave.

The actions of several people were very fast and careful.

The giant python didn't care about Chi Lansu and the others at all, which made the three women breathe a sigh of relief.

They were also worried that the giant python would suddenly turn around.

The mechanical clan summoned by Su Bai began to continuously bombard the giant python.

The ray that was able to shoot through the diamond-level giant python in one fell swoop before seems to have no such powerful effect on the already huge child of the world.

The giant python suddenly opened its huge mouth, and bit the arm of a robot.

Seeing this scene made Su Bai feel a little distressed.

I can only estimate in my heart that Chi Lansu and the others can quickly pick off the orchid.

On the other side, Chi Lansu and the others quickly ran in along the entrance of the cave.

This hole is not big, just less than five meters in diameter. After containing the body of the giant python with a diameter of more than three meters, it can barely let the mistress pass through.

The three women almost ran past the half of the python that was still in the cave.

In the next instant, Chi Lansu discovered something was wrong.

Gradually, the more you go inside, the cave becomes wider.

This is quite understandable, it may just be that the giant python made the entrance of the cave relatively narrow, but in fact the cave it lives in is very large.

But then, Chi Lansu and others discovered that what they saw when they went to the innermost place was not the tail of the giant python at all, but its other head!

A huge head was quietly in the cave. When Chi Lansu and others entered, its eyes could be opened. These eyes are as good as someone's head!

The eyes are full of cruelty and blood.

At this time, Chi Lansu and the others understood why the giant python had already seen him and the others go in from the cave, but didn't care about it at all.

It turned out to be a two-headed snake!

In the next instant, the snake head stood up abruptly!

The movement of the snake head at the other end seemed to have no effect on him.



The cooperation between Shi Qianyan and Chi Lansu is quite tacit, even if one puts water and the other uses ice.

However, the boa constrictor's head was trapped for only a few breaths, so it violently broke the ice seal and continued to move.

A mouth full of blood rushed towards Chi Lansu and the others.

In the blink of an eye, Chi Lansu had already rushed to Chi Lansu with a strong stench, and Mei Wanqing who was beside him hurriedly took Chi Lansu away.

"Naga come out!"

Shi Qianyan looked solemn, and quickly summoned her snake girl.

With Naga's figure, she looked a little slender in front of this giant python.

But Naga's strength is not bad at all.

The two fought fiercely.

Chi Lansu on the side quickly summoned the snow elf and took down the blood orchid.

Several people immediately ran out of the cave.

Seeing that the most important thing had been taken away, the giant python quickly chased after it.

The narrow cave instantly became crowded.

Behind Chi Lansu and the others, a bloody mouth kept chasing after them.

The giant python's body also kept twisting and squeezing the three of them.

He wanted to push the three of them into the mud.

Chi Lansu continued to use ice to build a passage to protect the sides of himself and others.

Several people raced against the clock to run out, the only way out was to go out!

Finally saw the light.

The ice skate in Chi Lansu's hand has also condensed. .

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