Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 300 The Cruelest Awakening Method, Planet Riot, Mothra's Wrath

On the edge of the universe that day, stars hung on it, looking very beautiful

Su Bai, as a creator, can naturally tell that the planets nearby are not stable anymore.

Immediately afterwards, we saw strange creatures surging out of those planets.

Gold, diamonds, holy ranks, and even epic ranks are available.

When all the worlds rioted together, it was like starting an interstellar melee.

At this time, Hu Yuting was still in the mood to make fun of Su Bai.

Said: "Su Bai, your luck is pretty good. It's rare for these planets to have turmoil together. You can see it when you first came here. Maybe now you can make a wish on the stars and it will really come true. "

Su Bai listened, and couldn't help smiling.

But he also jumped into the battle.

Countless monsters began to break through the shackles of their own planet and approached the border.

Even though some monsters are of lower level, short-term close-range cosmic exposure won't hurt them much.

Once these guys successfully land.

Just the unknown viruses or energy substances carried by them will have an impact on this planet.

Su Bai's consciousness instantly entered the Tianyuan Realm.

Select Enable simulation.

[A single simulation will cost you 25,000 genesis points, but this simulation involves too much scope and will cost double the genesis points. Are you sure you want to start the simulation?]

[Current creation value balance. Four hundred and sixty thousand. 】

Su Bai nodded without hesitation.

[The simulation is successfully started, and the remaining creation value is 40 million after deducting. 】

[The simulation officially begins. 】

153 Immediately afterwards, Su Bai's consciousness was thrown into the cosmic battlefield.

He also has Gong Changming by his side.

The cooperation between the four of Gong Changming has been very tacit, and everyone has their own area of ​​responsibility.

When several people work together, there will be no dead ends.

Countless locusts gathered together, each of which looked as big as an adult's fist.

If Su Bai hadn't seen this thing with his own eyes before, he wouldn't have recognized that this bird-like thing would be a locust.

Once a creature like a locust moves, a whole group will gather together.

They have super erosive power.

The word "locusts crossing the border" can be reflected.

In the blink of an eye, Su Bai saw that the little mechanical soldier he released just now had been eaten up.

Even Su Bai's complexion couldn't help becoming a little dignified.

Just like every wheat field with locusts flying over it, it can become a barren field in a short time.

These guys are not easy to deal with.

This is Su Bai's first feeling.

Even hard steel, their mouths can easily chew.


Su Bai snorted coldly, and directly summoned Godzilla.

Even though he had seen how strong Su Bai's Godzilla was before, seeing it with his own eyes, Gong Changming couldn't help being amazed.

This is really a big guy.

The intense heat on Godzilla's body, even if he didn't radiate it deliberately, made Long Changming feel the intense heat.

"Su Bai, are you going to continue practicing your hands today? I'll watch over you by your side?" Gong Changming said happily to Su Bai, his eyes lit up as he spoke.

"Okay." (aifg) Naturally, Su Bai would not refuse.

In the next instant, flames spewed out of Godzilla's mouth.

In the vast universe, Godzilla's fiery red figure is very conspicuous.

It was just an instant effort, and those mutated locusts that had just eaten up the little mechanical soldier immediately emitted a strong fragrance.

This smell reminds people of the barbecue stalls in the night market.

Immediately afterwards, more mutated bugs could be seen rushing towards this side.

The common and ordinary bugs were enlarged by countless times than their original appearance.

Big worms, as tall as an adult.

Even a small flying insect is as big as an adult's fist.

At this time, Su Bai realized that those guys he had killed just now were just small locusts.

Bigger ones are yet to come.

A locust the size of an adult's head flew towards them in groups.

Their sharp mouthparts can still be seen even after a long distance.

Su Bai didn't panic at all.

The silent appearance made Gong Changming beside him very satisfied.

I have seen too many students compete in the trial tower and practice room, and they all performed very well.

But it really came to the battlefield.

Seeing the real bloody wind, he instantly lost his hands and feet.

It was originally a situation where he could win, but in the end he was chased by the opponent and ran around.

Although it is normal to feel a little uncomfortable when you go to the battlefield for the first time.

But it is precisely because of this that Su Bai's performance has become more and more outstanding.

Gong Changming even began to think in his heart.

Which middle school is so good and can produce such good freshmen.

However, Su Bai himself is able to keep calm and has nothing to do with the school at all.

It's all because he plundered resources step by step for the growth of the Tianyuan world in the early stage, and accumulated good psychological quality in actual combat.

Generally, the newly awakened creators, that is, students, often have family and school to provide some resources. If the family environment is not good, they will choose to sign a contract with the school or the group, and exchange the future labor force for the current resources. .

They often don't need to go to the battlefield in the early stage.

But when Su Bai first awakened, he was just the Creator whose world was only one kilometer in size.

The only resource coffee was already obtained by the head teacher with all his efforts.

With such a starting point, without the help of parents, and no school or group would sign a contract with Su Bai, the only one I can rely on is myself.

In the later stage, Su Bai grew up with the help of the simulator, and the pursuit of those consortiums became unimportant.

Looking from a distance, the number of insects coming towards Su Ri could no longer be seen.

In the next instant, Godzilla spewed out a mouthful of fire.

However, some nimble wasps felt the heat wave from afar, and walked aside.

Godzilla didn't notice these things that could only be regarded as inconspicuous little guys to him.

Immediately afterwards, one of the queen bees jumped over from nowhere and stabbed Godzilla's ass fiercely.

Then it flew away abruptly.

"Aww?!" Godzilla yelled in pain, he didn't expect to be successfully attacked by a little guy.

Immediately afterwards, after being tied in the place just now, a bag quickly bulged up.

Fortunately, it was the needle's eye pierced by a mutated giant holy hornet.

The finally bulging bag is also proportional to its figure.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai saw that the bump on Godzilla's buttocks swelled up, making it look like a three-petal buttock.

Su Bai was a little bit dumbfounded for a while, but thought that this appearance looked a little funny.

At this time, Su Bai suddenly sensed a voice from Tianyuan Zhiyong.

【Mothra sensed that Godzilla was injured, and was very angry. He asked you to come out to fight and avenge Godzilla. 】

Hearing the prompt from the simulator, Su Bai was a little surprised.

Who would have thought that Godzilla, a seemingly silly guy, would actually succeed in getting close to Mothra?

It's just that this guy is so big and looks so rough, and he has to sue his wife for such a small injury, which is really skillful.

Thinking about how domineering my brother was always before, even when he was fighting with people, he was injured all over his body without saying a word.

Now it seems that the obvious emotional intelligence has risen a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai directly summoned Mothra.

"Is this also your summoned beast?"

Seeing another summoned beast similar to Godzilla appear in front of him, Chang Ming almost doubted his eyes.

For a freshman, even if he has already become a fifth-order world master, it should be a matter of time before he advances.

This is two epic beasts at once?

You must know that the fifth-order world can only breed at most one epic beast.

Obviously, at this time, Gong Changming completely forgot.

Not only Godzilla and Mothra, Geta, Michael, Lord of the World, Xieyan, but also those guys that Su Bai subdued in the seventh-order world monster world before, all of them are epic.

It's just that those guys who are subdued in the seventh-order world will only use them if they can be raised in the Tianyuan world for a while.

Mothra is bigger than Godzilla.

In an instant, explosive fireballs spewed out from Mothra's mouth one after another, attacking the monsters in this world indiscriminately.

Not just intense heat, but extremely hot flames.

Once attacked by the explosive fireball.

It will be severely damaged by the explosion.

Immediately afterwards, the fiery flames, with the intense anger of Mothra, burned these monsters mercilessly.

In the flames, countless mutated insects have been turned into carbon.

It emits a pungent and unpleasant burnt odor.

Only then did Su Bai realize that the power of a female's anger is always stronger than that of a male's attack.

Who can bear this.

The current wave of millions of troops all turned into ashes in a short period of time.

The monsters who originally wanted to attack this side also hesitated one by one, and their speed gradually slowed down.

Three other areas.

The several teachers who felt that the offensive became more violent in the area they were in charge of were a little confused.

"It's strange, how come there are one-third more monsters all of a sudden?"

Chen Ziang summoned his subordinates in his world to fight.

Feeling a little puzzled on one side.

The same is true for Hu Yuting on the other side.

I just feel that the sudden increase in the number is a bit strange. Could it be the second outbreak of riots?

It shouldn't be.

As for Liu Zhao, it doesn't matter, he is a typical stand-up maniac, and he just thinks it's just the right time. .

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