Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 301: Goblins And Succubus, The Embarrassed Chen Ziang, And The Completely Different Gong Cha

The pressure on Su Bai has also been reduced a lot.

Seeing that these monsters seemed to be avoiding him, Su Bai took the initiative to go forward.

The dragon knights were directly released by Su Bai for five thousand.

Every powerful dragon will have a dragon knight as its partner.

Well-made armor is like the most loyal guard.

But for a brief moment.

Countless gold-level and diamond-level strange creatures have died under the hands of these dragon knights.

Immediately afterwards, these dragon knights could be seen holding sophisticated equipment in their hands and killing those monsters.

Su~Bai was also familiar with the type of monster on the opposite side.

Goblins and succubus.

At a glance, the number of goblins is tens of thousands, and the number of succubi is slightly less, but there are also four thousand.

The ultimate short and ugly monster, compared with the charming succubus on the side.

There is a strong sense of visual conflict, and it is almost impossible to look directly at it.

Those goblins are all guarding the front.

Among those goblins, 2,000 of them reached the diamond level.

Among them, there are many holy ranks.

This is not a group of guys easy to deal with.

Even though the goblins themselves are not very strong, with such a huge number, it is not an easy task to completely eliminate these guys.

Immediately afterwards, all the dragon knights rushed towards the group of goblins.

Even at the same level.

Dragon knights can easily crush goblins.

With the number of five thousand against ten thousand, those goblins had no time to react, and they were instantly dispersed.

Those goblins are all short in stature.

Even standing in front of the dragon knight, he looked extremely fragile.

In the blink of an eye, the number of goblins out of ten thousand dropped sharply by three thousand.

The dragon knights on Su Bai's side didn't have much loss at all.

Gong Changming looked at the battle situation in front of him, his eyes were full of satisfaction.


Then, Gong Changming's eyes were set on those succubi. These things are not so easy to deal with. I don't know if this kid can solve them.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai summoned things that looked like eyeballs.

Each also has a tentacle-like thing on it.

Gong Changming frowned slightly.

How could this kid still have such evil things.

However, knights are not good at succubus.

In front of this group of evil eyes, it is nothing.

The succubus is most proud, or it is a powerful means of attack, which is to control the opponent through its own beauty and spiritual psychedelic.

However, the eye is also good at attacking with mental power.

When the leaders of those succubi used their mental confusion on the evil-eyed tyrant, they saw the evil-eyed tyrant snorted in disdain.

Naturally, he would not be deceived by such a small method.

Immediately, a strong mental attack was directed at the succubus.

Immediately afterwards, the mental confusion that those succubus were proud of became useless in an instant.

Seeing that Su Bai's subordinates showed no signs of losing their minds at all, the succubi couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he reacted quickly.

In addition to the proud spiritual confusion, their own mana and combat power are not low.

However, what they like most is watching others lose their minds for them.

A series of dark spells came towards Su Bai.

Su Bai is not even half afraid.

The angel family was summoned by Su Bai.

Su Bai summoned only two thousand angels.

The number of succubi on the opposite side is twice as many as on his side.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a series of holy lights shining in this universe.

From the duel between spells and spells, a strong brilliance erupted between this world.

Not long after, the goblins and succubi on the opposite side were eliminated.

Finally, the battle was over, and several teachers started, and followed the usual method to seal up the sight of these rioting planets.

Finally, it's time to rest. It's already high in the sun, and it's almost time to have lunch.

Liu Zhao, Chen Ziang, Hu Yuting and others also came back.

However, Chen Ziang looked a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you? You look a little embarrassed."

Gong Changming asked Chen Ziang.

"Ham, don't mention it, I was unlucky this time, and I encountered an epic-level succubus. It's really hard to deal with.

Chen Ziang waved his hand in frustration.

Hu Yuting on the side laughed directly: "Mr. Chen, why can't he deal with epic-level monsters? It's just that he can't help being indifferent to epic-level succubi.

"Hahaha. Teacher Hu, don't laugh at Mr. Chen, those succubi are not all female or male succubi. Maybe you can't resist." Liu Dao, who was on the other side, also laughed. up.

"Come on, let's go back and rest first.

This week, Yin Ri lived here very well.

Then, thinking that it was the day when Liu Qingqing would come to pick him up, Su Bai thought about how he should help Gong Changming.

These days, even if Su Bai has just met Gong Changming for a short time, he already understands it.

Gong Changming obviously likes Liu Qingqing.

I don't know how many times I have asked myself about Teacher Liu's information and status these days.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai ran to Gong Changming's door and knocked on the door.

"come in."

Gong Changming's voice came from inside, and Su Bai opened the door in a familiar way, and poked his head in.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a pile of clothes piled up on Gong Changming's bed. He was picking and choosing in front of the mirror, not knowing which one would be better.

Su Bai simply got in with his whole body.

He jokingly said, "Mr. Gong, why are you paying attention to your image today?"

"Could it be... to meet someone special?"

"Hey?!" Immediately, Gong Changming stretched out his hand and hammered on Su Bai's shoulder, and said without hesitation, "You kid, you know what to ask."

"Okay, Mr. Gong, I won't joke with you anymore."

"It's just that you really don't want to shave your beard?"

Su Bai said to Gong Changming.

During this period of time, he did understand that Gong Changming was not very old, and he had a beard on his face, and he didn't know why.

Hearing the key word "shave", Gong Changming hesitated for a moment.

He also looked a bit hesitant.

"Mr. Gong, I think you should be very attractive after shaving, maybe Teacher Liu will like it.

Hearing what Su Bai said, Gong Changming looked at him slightly hesitantly.

After all, under the inner struggle, Chang Ming finally nodded his head with difficulty.

0......seeking flowers......

Immediately afterwards, finally seeing Gong Changming nodded with difficulty.

Immediately, Su Bai turned into a barber.

Started to shave Gong Changming's beard and haircut.

Basically, shaving beard is not a difficult thing.

After some care.

Even Su Bai didn't expect that Gong Changming, an uncle who looked a bit vicissitudes at first, looked completely different now.

But it was a while.

Su Bai looked at Gong Changming who had completely changed his appearance in front of him, and he didn't dare to recognize him.

"Mr. Gong, I didn't expect you to be so handsome!"

Even Su Bai himself looks good, and when he usually looks in the mirror, he sees more of himself, and gradually his vision becomes higher.

However, Gong Changming's appearance makes Su Bai feel that he can be called a handsome man!

"You said, can this work?"

Looking at his new look, Gong Changming was still a little uncomfortable.

I just feel that I have never seen this appearance before, and it is strange that I can't express it.

"Okay, Teacher Gong, just trust me!"

While talking, Su Bai reached out and pushed Gong Changming's shoulder, pushing him away.

"Su Bai, who is this? He looks quite handsome, why did he come out of that guy Gong Changming's house.

Hu Yuting, who was passing by with her things, happened to meet the two of them.

Seeing Gong Changming who had completely changed his appearance, his eyes lit up immediately.

The person who has always been a female man has become a little softer when speaking, maybe it is because of seeing a handsome guy.

Su Bai couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Mr. Hu, this is Mr. Gong. Can't you recognize him?"

"You kid, you see this guy is so handsome, and he looks like Mr. Gong's uncle, can he match up with you?" Hu Yuting thought that Su Bai was deliberately joking and said angrily.

But in the next moment, she seemed to realize something, and looked Gong Changming up and down carefully.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of eyes opened wider and wider!

"This! This is really Gong Changming!"

"Height, body shape, and this scar on the arm..."

Hu Yuting looked at Gong Changming with unbelievable eyes, and she didn't know what to say with that self-doubting look.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Hu Yuting running away suddenly, not knowing why.

But after a while, Liu Zhao and Chen Ziang were pulled over by Hu Yuting abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yuting mysteriously made a silent gesture to Su Bai and Gong Changming.

Then he asked Liu Zhao and Chen Ziang.

"Guess who this person is!"

"Hey, I've never seen it before, are you a new teacher?"

Liu Zhao scratched his head in doubt and asked.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ziang did the same, confused.

"It's me." Gong Changming said helplessly.

At this time, listening to the familiar voice, neither Liu Zhao nor Chen Ziang had any doubts.

But the voice did come from the mouth in front of it.

Immediately, the two asked in unison.

"Could you be Gong Changming?"

Hu Yuting answered them for Gong Changming.

"That's right, it's him, I knew that you would never recognize him even if you looked at him.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ziang asked in surprise: "Why did you remember to clean yourself up today?".

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