Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 302 Recognizable At A Glance, Inexplicable Call, Civilization Card

Just as the few people were talking, the wind gradually spread from the sky.

Gradually, the wind became stronger near the ground.

Several people raised their heads and looked towards the sky, and saw a moon ship gradually descending.


A slender figure appeared behind the opened door, and Liu Qingqing was already standing at the door of the spaceship.

Slowly descending the stairs.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qingqing's figure was seen coming down from the spaceship.

A pair of slender legs are in perfect proportion to the figure.

Just one glance, and the next moment, people's eyeballs couldn't help but stick to his body.

In just a short while, Qing Qing's figure had already arrived in front of Su Bai.

"It's time, Su Bai, I'm here to take you back to school, thank you Teacher Gong for taking care of me during this time.

With just one glance, Liu Qingqing immediately recognized Gong Changming!

Liu Zhao, Chen Zi'ang, and Hu Mingyue, who were beside them, were all surprised.

"Director Liu? How did you know at a glance that the person in front of you is Gong Changming?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's just a shave." Liu Qingqing raised her eyebrows slightly, as if she was a little surprised by Chen Ziang's question. "four six seven"

Then he took another look at Gong Changming, and said lightly, "Mr. Gong has become more handsome after shaving.

The moment I heard this sentence.

The back of Gong Changming's neck was already red.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qingqing turned around and left with Su Bai.

But Gong Changming's figure was still standing there in a daze.

Forgot to say hello even.

Hu Yuting on the side looked at him, shook her head, sighed and said: "It's over, he fell in love.

the other side.

On the spaceship, Su Bai wanted to help Gong Changming find out some news, so he asked Liu Qingqing, "Ms. Liu, when I was at the border just now, even the teachers there didn't recognize the person standing next to me at a glance." It's Mr. Gong, how did you see it at a glance?"

"I have been in contact with Gong Changming a few times. He has good abilities and a good personality, so he is somewhat familiar. Height, body, scars, especially eyes, are the best way to identify a person."

Liu Qingqing did not ignore Su Bai.

Instead, he gave his own explanation.

The voice was clear and distinct, but also a little cold.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qingqing's voice changed.

"There will be some evil gods in the universe, who have the ability to manipulate people's thoughts, and also have the ability to erode human brains. Often, the strategy of such guys is to sneak into the human world quietly.

"Some people will become their targets and have their ideological sovereignty taken away."

"So, the eyes are very important. The eyes are the windows of a person's soul. Even if you can pretend, it will not be so natural. In the future, in the battle, for you, the focus of distinguishing things is not only the opponent's The appearance depends on the soul of the other party."

Liu Qingqing's words are not without profoundness.

In an instant, Su Bai felt something.

The Zerg that I met on Yinghuoxing before.

Doesn't the brain worm among them have such an ability?

It was after learning this skill that my own evil eyes easily counter-killed those Zergs.

The speed of going back is even faster than when coming.

Not long after, the moon ship landed in Silver Moon University.

"Okay, today you should first digest the experience gained after the actual combat during this period. Starting from Monday, the day after tomorrow, you will continue to resume classes, and the courses should not be much behind other students."

After Liu Qingqing's brief explanation was over, he didn't have much extra time.

She still has many other things to do, and now that she can pick up and drop off Su Bai in person, she can already see how much she attaches importance to Su Bai.

Su Bai walked towards the moon palace by himself.

Silvermoon Academy is very big, it can be said that the entire battalion belongs to the academy.

There will even be some high-end restaurants or markets inside.

In the next instant, Su Bai's eyes were drawn to him.

In front of you is a small square.

Looking at the stalls that should be set up by students.

Under each tent, there are students selling different things.

It looks like a dazzling array of everything.

But in the dark, Su Bai felt as if something was calling him.

There is a sense of familiarity.

That feeling, to use an exaggerated description, can be said to be like meeting the beating existence in my heart.

There are many people in the market.

It looks very lively.

From the looks of Su Bai, it is obvious that he is a pure freshman.

Soon, it was robbed by many people.

Many stall owners greeted them warmly.

"Student, why don't you take a look? I have a lot of good things here. The notes of various subjects and the summary of tactics, as well as the experience of building the world, are all sold at a low price."

"Little handsome guy, don't believe him. Who knows if his grades are good or not, come and see mine. I have a lot of exclusive emerging technologies here, which can definitely help you a lot in battle.

"Student brother, look over there, see if you like the things here..."

Su Bai walked all the way, and really felt the enthusiasm from the seniors, but he really saw some useful things.

"How much can you sell this resource card for?"

Su Bai stood curiously in front of a stall, looked at a civilization card inside, and was immediately moved.

After such a long time, things like this Minka can be said to be rare.

"This thing is a bit expensive, junior, do you want to consider changing it to something else?"

The clarity in the eyes of the new students is something that all the old students can see at a glance.

The young lady took a look at Su Bai, and then persuaded him with some hesitation.

"It's okay, I'll ask how much it is first, and if I don't have enough money, I'll save up and come back later."

Seeing that Su Bai was in a good state of mind and was easy to talk to, the young lady breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My world is a cultural world, just like the era when a hundred schools of thought contend, and all cultures are born. .”

"The cultural cards here vary according to the degree of development and the depth of the culture, and the prices are also different.

"For example, the ones here are all untraceable in the current world. The civilization developed in my world. This kind of one will be cheaper, and it can be sold for two thousand or a few hundred points.

"However, this is similar to the current British cultural system. The development process has reached the level of the 18th century, so it will be more expensive... But for your sake, I can give you a discount, and you can sell it for 4,000 yuan. you."

However, in fact, no one will spend all the campus points to buy a civilization card.

One is that it does not need it in terms of its own world positioning and combat system.

The second is that these points can actually buy more resource cards, and it will be more helpful to bring deeds to the world in a short period of time.

The third is that it takes too long to wait for civilization to grow, especially immature civilizations may collapse.

"Then this is it?" Su Bai's eyes fell on a card that looked like an ink painting.

Each card has a different pattern because of its own characteristics.

Just like when the girl gave an example before, those cultural cards produced by herself carried pictures of different styles or characters that Su Zhong had never seen before.

But Su Bai likes the ink painting-like card very much.


"That is a failed product. It just took a lot of effort to make it, so I'm not willing to throw it away. But if it is really used, it may go wrong." The young lady's face instantly showed a bit of hesitation.

Su Bai didn't care at all that this was a failure.

"I want this, how many points can senior sister sell it to me?"

"No, no, it can't be sold, don't really use it, I'm afraid it will delay you.

She waved her hands again and again, her face full of seriousness.

"I just like the painting on it. I promise, I won't throw this card into the world. Please, senior sister, I really like it.

When Su Bai said this, he felt a little disgusted by the way he squeezed his throat and talked.

But there is an obsession with this card in my heart.

"That's fine, then ten points will be given to you."

"But you must remember that a broken civilization card here cannot be used. If you don't listen to the advice and use it, then I will be irresponsible!"

The girl's cautious appearance made Su Bai couldn't help chuckling, but he agreed.

After the deal between the two was completed, Su Bai went on to find another thing that had been attracting him all along.

It's just an instant effort.

Su Bai has already found his goal.

This is a stall run by a senior with eyes.

The senior looked really shy.

There was no warm greeting, and even if some people came to his booth, he did not actively explain it.

Even when a guest asked, he stumbled a bit.

At least, as long as Su Bai observed it for a while, he could see that the stalls next to him had sold several orders, and the senior hadn't sold a single item yet.

Su Bai walked to the front of the stall and took a look.

They are all mechanical works, which have never been seen on the market.

There are also some books and letters.

Su Bai picked it up and opened it, and it was densely packed with various drawings and data, as well as analysis.

It looks like something a standard engineering man can make.

But for the founders, there is no difference between arts and sciences, only the direction of development.

"Senior, what are you good at creating machines? It just so happens that there are machines in my world."

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