Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 308 When Did You Get Promoted To The Great Chief? Wrong! Shipped!

Recruit Starhunter Goblin Connell.

I think it is the right decision made by Su Bai.

Cornell joined the Tianyuan Realm, also abandoning the dark and turning to the bright.

After Cornell made some preparations, he followed Su Bai and started a new campaign.

After entering the next small space, Cornell rushed into the crowd of monsters, killing without equal.

The power of the two laser swords was adjusted to the maximum by him.

Now there is Su Bai, the creator of Tianyuan Realm, as the background.

When he was fighting, he didn't have to dig and search.

A fully powered laser sword is extremely powerful.

Whether it's green skins, green skins, gray skins, red skins, or blue skins Goblins.

It doesn't matter what kind of mutated cat demon emits light.

The laser sword in Cornell's hand is like a hot knife cutting butter, sweeping and crushing.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

This star hunter goblin is worthy of being in space.

Both fighting ability and scientific research ability have blossomed.

His figure is very sensitive, and many monsters split up without even touching his clothes.

The so-called separate action is literally.

The head and the body act separately.

The reason why Cornell has such excellent fighting ability.

That's because it just started to mix with space, when it was a space street.

Take the martial arts route.

Later he discovered that combining technology with martial arts, regiment is the right way.

I started to study technology, and as a result, I rode the dust on the road of technology.

With Cornell as a super thug, the monsters in this small space were quickly wiped out.

A box with flashing magic runes appeared in front of Su Bai.

Su Bai stepped forward, and the magic 13 box was opened immediately.

In this magic box, there is only one ring.

[Thunder Roaring Ring: Legendary alchemy equipment that can control thunder to attack the enemy!]

"nice one."

After reading the prompts from the simulator, Su Bai immediately fell in love with this ring.

After putting on the ring named Thunder Roar, Bai gradually developed a strange feeling with this ring.


Under his control, a trace of electricity began to linger in his palm.


When these currents condensed into a ball of electricity, Su Bai directly let the ball of lightning burst out.

Because he has not fully mastered this legendary alchemy equipment, the power of the lightning ball is not very great.

However, the upper limit of this thing is very high, and you can see it when you use the simulator to view the details.

This piece of legendary alchemy equipment can grow together with the user.

The stronger the user, the stronger the power of the ring of thunder and roar.

Even now, the Fidelity Roaring Ring can condense a ball of lightning the size of an asteroid.

This trip to the abyss, it is worthwhile to get the talent of Cornell and the ring of Thunder and Roar!

"The abyss is a good place."

Playing with the ring of thunder and roar in his hand.

Even Su Bai has not escaped the law of true fragrance.

Not long ago, he was still complaining secretly.

Produced by the abyss, it must be a waste product.

As a result, it didn't take long before something good appeared in the abyss.

"Are the items in these magic rune boxes fixed?"

Su Bai asked casually.

Nor did he expect Cornell to be able to answer that question.

But Cornell can really answer: "Master Creator, the items in the magic box are limited and random.

"That is to say, it is limited to common items, but it is still rare items.

"Or it's like the ring in the hands of the Creator, a legendary alchemy item."

Cornell is very envious of the thunder and roar ring on Su Bai's hand.

He also likes such good things very much.

It's a pity that only the Creator can open that magic box.

The reason for such restrictions is the routine in the casino.

The casino has never worried about the gambler winning money. The gambler will come back only after the gambler wins.

When other gamblers see a customer winning money, of course they also hope that good luck will come to them.

Therefore, the casino never worries about the guests winning money, but only worries about the guests not coming.

The abyss is also such a place.

The powerful demon behind the abyss doesn't worry about the Creator gaining benefits from the abyss at all.

They only worry that the Abyss Pit has killed too many creators, and other creators don't have the guts to come over.

Therefore, the magic box in the abyss space can only be opened by the Creator.


Su Bai didn't waste time, he wanted to quickly pass through this abyss to get the final reward.

"Obey, Creator."

Cornell joined Su Bai not long ago, and now he certainly wants to accept the vote.

In the following space, there are no other branches.

Either continue forward, or retreat to the previous space.

Su Bai and Cornell, as well as many machine races, soon appeared in a chaotic space.

The reason why this place is a chaotic space is because there are a lot of crazy tauren in this place.


Cornell was not afraid, and charged directly towards the tauren.

Many tauren were also very ferocious, and they slashed towards Cornell with scarlet eyes and huge axes in their hands.

It's just that when their giant axes fell, the laser sword in Cornell's hand had already cut them.

The laser sword in Cornell's hand is now overloaded.

In the overload state, the laser sword becomes ten meters long.

Although those tauren are also three to four meters high, or even four to five meters high.

But under Cornell's sweeping and crushing, these tauren were killed quickly.

Their wounds are as smooth as a mirror.

It can be seen how sharp the laser sword in Cornell's hand is.

Although Cornell continued to kill the Quartet, he felt very distressed in his heart.

These laser swords are all money-losing products that burn high-grade energy spars.

So far, he has replaced the laser sword once.

Those are all money!

"Master Creator."

"Can you let your mechanical warriors assist me in combat.

"I fight alone, and the energy consumption of the laser sword is too high."

"The energy I carry on my body is limited. If the energy is used up, I will have no combat capability."

Cornell is a money fighter, as long as he is willing to burn money, his combat effectiveness is very strong.

It can even be said that the more money burned, the stronger the combat effectiveness.


Su Bai nodded slightly, and then gave the order to let the machine clan fight together.

With the help of the mechanical clan, Connel's pressure suddenly dropped.

Every time he makes a move, he only needs to instantly kill the most powerful monster in the current space.

Because he knows this place very well, he will not be tricked here at all.

With the cooperation of the machine clan, Cornell completely swept away the monsters in a small space.

A box with flashing magic runes appeared in front of Su Bai again.

"Master Creator, there may be something good in this box.

Cornell has a word of caution.

How to play these boxes, he had talked with Su Bai before.

In these boxes, there are limited random items.

According to Cornell's knowledge of this place, nine out of ten things in this box are good things.

"It's easy to say."

Su Bai shook his hands, fully releasing his non-qi.

He didn't approach the box until he felt the blessing to his heart and felt that he was full of European spirit, and he was sure to hit it with a single draw.


After the box was opened, the Sanjie card appeared.

"Rain and dew card, soil card, sediment card, water and soil card..."

"I wipe!"

"So wrong?"

Su Bai quickly glanced at the cards in his hand, a little suspicious of life.

No way, this is too African.

When did he become the Great Chief of Tianyuan Realm?


"No, there are good ones."

"Advanced Energy Crystal Card!"

"Super energy spar card!"

Su Bai smiled when he saw the last four cards!

The last four cards are three advanced energy spar cards.

After each card is used, you can get 10,000 high-level energy spars.

The remaining one is more high-end, which is directly the super energy spar card.

Cornell's eyes glowed green when he saw this super energy spar card.

Although the advanced energy spar card is already attractive enough.

But for a guy like Cornell who lives on energy, super-grade energy spars are simply fatally attractive.

"Your reward."

Su Bai handed a high-level energy spar card directly to Cornell.

Along the way, Cornell has made great efforts.

"As for the super energy spar."

"You can apply when you need it."

Su Bai is not going to shove the super energy spar lightly.

Just as it is easy to get 100-year-old ginseng, it is not so easy to get 1000-year-old ginseng.

"Master Creator, thank you for your generosity."

Cornell was extremely happy in his heart. The total of all the high-level energy spars on his body was only five hundred.

High-grade energy crystals are definitely not caused by cabbage.

Primary energy spar and intermediate energy spar are relatively easy to obtain.

Advanced energy crystals are relatively rare.

As for super-grade energy crystals, they are extremely rare.

Cornell is extremely grateful for his previous choice.

Not long after he joined Su Bai, he got 10,000 high-grade energy crystals.

Next, there is no need to hide and hide, many energy weapons can be shown.

"Master Creator, this is the sky spider exoskeleton I independently developed!"

Cornell said, taking out a mechanical exoskeleton.

This set of mechanical exoskeleton is very distinctive.

After being equipped with this set of sky spider exoskeleton, Cornell directly became a big silver spider.

This is of course not that Cornell has turned into a spider, but that there are eight very long silver mechanical spider legs behind him.

This set of mechanical exoskeletons often burns money.

One hundred pieces of high-grade energy crystals can only be used for fifteen minutes if placed in the energy tank.

If it is a high-intensity battle, the consumption will be faster.

That's why Cornell didn't use it a few times after it was developed.

When I saw Cornell using the spider exoskeleton to kill the Quartet.

In Su Bai's heart, he had already thought of what he wanted Cornell to do.

After Cornell entered the Tianyuan Realm, he could lead a scientific research team that specializes in researching black technology from fake owners.

The potential of scientific research is infinite, and the future of scientific research is broad.

"Can the exoskeleton of the sky spider be filled with super energy crystals?"

After Su Bai thought for a while, he asked an interesting question. .

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