Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 309 Dragonscale Heavy Armor, Melee Mage Goblin, Dark Obsidian Mecha Parts

"The small space here seems to be getting bigger and bigger?"

The figures of Su Bai and the machine race passed through another magic light gate.

The small space in this place is much larger than before.

"Yes, Creator.

"The next space will become larger, but it still cannot accommodate the giant creatures of the Creator."

Cornell's spy robot, entered Su Bai's Tianyuan Realm.

In the Tianyuan world, his spy robot found some powerful individuals.

It's a pity that those powerful individuals cannot enter this place to fight.

If not, Su Bai can sweep here.

"Is it the same for other abysses?"

In Su Bai's heart, there was a little bit of regret.

If the space carrying capacity is not enough, his army will not be able to spread out at all.

It also means that in the abyss, his strength is greatly restricted.

"Different abysses are different."

"As far as I know, some abysses can accommodate the giant beasts of the Lord Creator."

Cornell replied respectfully.

It is very satisfied with its new owner.

The new owner not only has a huge Tianyuan world, but also is very generous.

"Well, it seems that we need to form an abyss special agent team for the abyss.

Su Bai's thinking changed very quickly.

He didn't stubbornly think about the space limitation of the abyss.

A large creature is certainly very powerful.

But a reminder that small creatures are not necessarily weak.

Just like One Punch Man, regardless of the size of the enemy, he is one punch.


A sword sound came out, and the long sword behind Su Bai also unsheathed at this time.

"Master Creator wants to play in person?"

Cornell asked respectfully.

He doesn't think Su Bai's strength is bad.

As big and prosperous as Tianyuan Realm was, Su Bai's strength was as powerful.

As long as he is not targeted and restricted, Su Bai is definitely a very powerful existence in this abyss.

"Ready to fight."

After Su Bai drew out his long sword, he saw the enemy in this small space.

The enemies this time are all Goblins wearing alchemy armor.

"Master Creator."

"The armor on these goblins is made of dragon scales combined with alchemy techniques."

"The defense of these alchemy equipment is very strong."

When the two sides were about to go to war, Cornell also told Su Bai what he knew.


Su Bai nodded slightly, and then began to fight the group of goblins wearing alchemy armor.

The defense power of these goblins is indeed quite astonishing.

The weapons slashed on their armor, and their armor immediately had scarlet magic runes flashing.

But ordinary goblins can't stop the bottle at all.

"Swipe! Brush! Brush!"

He raised the sword in his hand, chopped melons and vegetables, and killed all the goblins around him.

When Su Bai was killing Sifang, a goblin with blue skin suddenly attacked.

The opponent held a rune spear in his hand.


Runespear terror attack, face off with Su Bai!

A formidable force was transmitted, but Su Bai remained motionless.

The blue goblin opposite him stepped back three steps.

[Goblin Melee Mage: One of the most powerful arms of the Goblin Kingdom, a group of rare Goblins who are good at melee magic! 】

The simulator gave prompts in time.

This time Su Bai encountered a melee mage.

Not just an ordinary melee mage, but a melee mage of the goblin race.


The blue goblin looked at Su Bai with icy eyes, and spoke Goblin tongue for a while.

Then one, two, one... one

Together with the original blue goblin, a full ten melee mage goblins appeared around Su Bai.

"Such a show of face?"

There was a hint of a smile on Su Bai's face.

He also didn't expect that these goblins thought highly of him so much.

On Cornell's side, there are only four blue goblins.

Around him, one came directly!


A spear blasted towards Su Bai at an extremely fast speed.

The long sword in Su Bai's hand swept out, blasting the opponent's attacking spear away.

Then he moved and quickly approached a blue goblin.

It is obviously a wise choice for the other party to attach so much importance to him.


His sword edge slashed on the opponent's alchemy armor, and a long string of fine sparks was wiped out.

"The defense is so strong?"

Su Bai was slightly surprised.

The defensive power of this ferocious dragon scale armor is quite astonishing.

[Dragon scale heavy armor: After strengthening the dragon scale with special medicine, the heavy armor forged with the dragon scale as the main material and forged with alchemy technology has extremely powerful defense. 】

When Su Bai fought with these blue goblins, the simulator also gave hints.


Su Bai couldn't cut these blue goblins in half with the long sword in his hand.

But without delay, he kicked out with a fierce kick.

The goblin in front of him flew backwards in an instant as if he had been hit hard.


The goblin flying backwards is too fast, too fast.

An ordinary goblin hit by him was directly smashed into a pile of meat.

Seeing how brave Su Bai was, the remaining blue goblins looked at Su Bai with even more vigilance.

"How to deal with this thing?"

Seeing the goblins in heavy armor around him, Su Bai felt a little bit troubled.

These goblins cannot harm him.

But he will not be able to kill these goblins for a while.

The alchemy heavy armor on them is very defensive.

To describe it in four words, it is impenetrable.


While Su Bai was thinking, the spear in the blue goblin's hand struck again.


Su Bai delivered with a lightning-fast kick.

The goblin who wanted to sneak attack him flew upside down like a cloud flying under his feet.


After knocking a goblin into the air, Su Bai decisively ordered many machine clans to destroy that goblin.

Overwhelming laser weapons, all kinds of energy rays.

All of a sudden, they greeted the goblins in the distance.

"Om one

A shield with flashing magic runes instantly enveloped the goblin.

A large number of energy rays bombarded the past, all of which were blocked by the magic shield.

"As expected of an abyss, elite monsters are so fierce."

Su Bai was a little surprised, this abyss has brought him quite a lot of new discoveries.

"Continue to attack."

Su Bai was not helpless against these blue goblins.

He has already discovered that the dragon-scale heavy armor on the other party has a loss of magic power.

Under the concentrated fire of many machine clans, the luster of the dragon scale heavy armor obviously dimmed a lot.

Seeing this scene, other blue goblins launched a fierce attack on the machine clan.

"Don't think about it!"

Su Bai moved, holding a long sword, and stopped the goblins.


A muffled sound came out, and a blue goblin was directly blasted away by him.

None of the nearby goblins could stop him from attacking with all his might.

It's just that the opponent has the protection of the dragon scale heavy armor, even if he bears a heavy blow, he will not suffer too much damage.


Su Bai kept shooting, and these blue goblins who wanted to attack the machine clan were constantly blown away by him.

But in this small space, the melee mage Goblin obviously doesn't do four!

Soon, six melee mage goblins appeared in the machine clan.

The machine clan can focus fire to consume the magic armor on these goblins.

But when the blue goblins killed them, the machine clan was a little embarrassed.

Monsters in the abyss are not comparable to monsters in other places.

The monsters here are extremely powerful.

These melee mage Goblins killed many of the machine clan in a burst of random killings.


But they obviously underestimated Su Bai's family background.

After the opening of the Tianyuan Realm, a steady stream of machine races appeared continuously.

The speed at which these melee mage goblins killed the machine clan was not as fast as the speed at which the machine clan replenished them.

As many machine clans as they destroy, Su Bai can replenish as many machine clans.

Human sea tactics, without any technical areas.

Also because there is no technical content, this is the most unsolvable.

In a short while, the melee mage Goblin in this place was directly consumed by the machine race.

Cornell on the side became numb after seeing this scene.

"Can you still fight like this?"

Cornell was very shocked at the moment. This kind of local tyrant tactics is definitely not something that ordinary world masters can afford.

Cornell didn't know that what Su Bai lost was some materials, while the other goblins lost their lives.

"Clean the battlefield.

After killing many goblins, Su Bai gave the order immediately.

Many machine clan soldiers also began to clean the battlefield.

"The great creator, these dragon scale heavy armors, are made of unknown elements.

After the mechanical clan recovered the dragon scale heavy armor, it immediately analyzed it.

These dragon-scale heavy armors are not made of materials synthesized from (Nuo Dezhao) known elements.

"Can this element be synthesized?"

Su Bai communicated with the researcher of the machine family.

"You can try it, not sure if you can synthesize shit.

The machine researcher was silent for a moment, then said seriously.

"Then try your best."

Su Bai gave an order to the machine researcher.

He is very interested in this kind of dragon scale heavy armor.

According to the prompt of the simulator, one of the materials of this thing is a special dragon scale treated with medicine.

After a lot of craftsmanship, the elements of making this dragon scale heavy armor have obviously changed.

If not, the researchers of the mechanical family would not analyze that this is an unknown element.

After killing all the goblins in this place, Su Bai also saw a box with flashing magic runes.

Su Bai came to the box, and the box with flashing magic words opened immediately.

In this box, there is a gashapon-like crystal ball.

【Equipment Gacha: Dark Mecha·Hand, some parts of the Dark Mecha are encapsulated in this gashapon. 】

[A full set of dark obsidian mechs consists of 12 parts. 】

After completing the set of parts, you will get the Obsidian Mecha manufactured by the star cluster civilization.

After reading the introduction, Su Bai was overjoyed.

Although the monsters in the abyss are difficult to deal with, there are indeed good things in the abyss!

The obsidian mecha manufactured by this star cluster civilization is obviously a very high-end item. .

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