Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 311 Quantum Explosion Bomb, Cracking The Detonation Program, Mechanical Tauren

"All action!"

"Crack the detonation program of the quantum bomb!"

Entering the quantum bomb space, Su Bai immediately gave orders to all the machine races.

Many machine clans, as well as Cornell, approached the nearby Quantum Bomb for the first time.

There are a total of one hundred quantum bombs in this place.

Having no experience last time, they entered this space full of quantum bombs.

If you don't have the first time, go to decipher the detonation program of the crystal bullet.

This time is different. After coming here, all the staff put themselves into work immediately.

"Successfully cracked!"

"Successfully cracked!"

"Successfully cracked!"

In every area, there are continuous voices of cracking success~.

The ability of the machine clan to crack codes is very powerful.

In a short while, the detonation programs of a large number of quantum bombs were cracked.

[Simulation ended! Quantum Bomb...]

"Simulation again!"

Next, Su Bai began to cycle through this level.

When I came here for the tenth time, all quantum bombs detonated.

Within a minute, Quan Pei cracked it.

"Clean the battlefield."

"Transport all these quantum bombs to the Tianyuan Realm.

Su Bai had this idea before, the power of these crystal bullets is terrifying.

After knowing the password of the detonation program, the mechanical family can upgrade and transform these quantum bombs.


The mechanical warriors began to act, and many quantum bombs were continuously transported to the Tianyuan Realm King.

After receiving the Quantum Explosive Bomb, the machine clan on the Tianyuan Realm began to upgrade and transform.

"Master Creator, the magic box is here."

Cornell's voice came from not far away.

In that place, there is a box with flashing magic runes.

After Su Bai approached the box, the magic box opened automatically.

【Dark Mecha Neck: The fourth of the 12-piece Dark Mecha set. 】

【Collect the complete set of 12 pieces of Dark Mecha, and you can get the scientific and technological crystallization of the star cluster civilization, the Dark Mecha!】

In this magic box, there is only one gashapon and some other items.

In the gashapon, there is a part of a dark mecha packaged.

[Dark Mech Research Manuscript (Part): The manuscript left by a researcher who participated in the research of Dark Mecha, may hide some kind of core technology. 】

The Gacha obtained in this magic box was accepted by Su Bai.

He sent the research manuscript of the An Yao Mecha to the Tianyuan Realm for the mecha clan to study the formula.

It is also excellent to be able to analyze the technology of some star cluster level civilizations.

"move on."

After counting the spoils, the two hundred continued to move forward.

The next small space, again, is the same small space that Cornell knew.

With the advantage of knowing yourself and the enemy, you will naturally be victorious in every battle.

The obsidian mecha parts on Su Bai quickly became five pieces!

"The 12-piece dark obsidian mech suit is only short of the last three pieces."

"I just don't know if the last three will encounter the penguin incident."

Su Bai smiled wryly, he felt that he was going to encounter the penguin incident in all likelihood.

"Master Creator, what is the Penguin incident?"

Cornell humbly asked for advice, it was the first time he had heard of this term.

"The so-called penguin incident, or the penguin phenomenon, goes like this.

"For example, the Dark Obsidian Mecha has a twelve-piece set."

"The previous nine-piece set was very easy for us to obtain."

"Even two pieces of the three-piece set are left over, and we'll be able to get them pretty easily.

"But the last one, you may not be able to get it even if you kill it."

"That's what happened to the penguins."

Su Bai's explanation is easy to understand.

Not only Cornell, but even many machine races understand.

"I hope that the Creator will not encounter the penguin incident."

Cornell could only pray like this after listening.

Or you simply can't get it, and when you are about to get it, it is the most uncomfortable to miss the last step.

While the group was talking, they encountered a large number of tauren.

"These are mechanically modified tauren."

"The metal sphere behind them is a cockpit."

"There are goblins inside, operating these mechanical tauren."

After entering this space, Cornell immediately told Su Po the information about this space.

"All attack!"

Su Bai nodded, and then issued a combat order.

Numerous shells and energy rays also bombarded the mechanical leader in the distance.

These tauren have rough skin and thick flesh, and their bodies are mechanized to a certain extent.

Even if their bodies are broken, there will be logistics goblins who will repair them on the field.

"Master Creator, attack the metal cockpit."

Cornell spoke again, he forgot to say just now.

"it is good."

Su Bai immediately gave orders to many machine clan warriors.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Massive attacks began to move toward the metal cockpit covers.

Although those metal cockpits are strong, they are still under constant attack.

It still became riddled with holes, and finally fell apart.

The goblin in the metal cockpit soon became bloody and bloody, and he couldn't die anymore.


The battle ended quickly after a targeted attack on the metal cockpit.

After the mechanical tauren is killed, it can be repaired quickly.

Goblins are indeed flesh and blood. After these goblins are killed, they cannot be resurrected.

Still the same sentence, flesh and blood, mechanical soaring.

Far away, the magnificent palace stood on the Baiyu Square for an unknown number of years.

"Master Red Demon, this Creator is a bit weird.

"Should I go and clean him up?"

The mysterious man wearing a hood spoke respectfully.

Su Bai's performance along the way, they can clearly see in the monitor screen.

In the eyes of the mysterious person, Su Bai is a bit special.

Because of the rules of the abyss, the mysterious man even felt that there were some deviations in his memory.

"is this necessary?"

Chi Mo took a sip of the red wine and didn't think there was anything special about Su Bai.

He has seen many creators who are more powerful than Su Bai.

Those creators were able to appear in front of this palace in a straight line.

As a result, what awaits those creators is only the judgment of death.

The abyss is the devil's game and the devil's home field.

These demons are in the abyss, and they never heal their hands.

"Master Red Devil, this subordinate thinks it is necessary."

After the mysterious man spoke, the mechanical goblin also spoke at this moment.

This mechanical goblin, with half of its body, is mechanical.


"Nigs, you go and deal with him.

Red Demon thought for a while, and agreed to Niggs' request.

"Obey, Lord Red Demon!"

Niggs led the order, and there was a mechanical sound, and its body was wrapped in armor.

The reason to keep half flesh and blood "isn't because it's cool.

It's the other half of its flesh and blood, which has been cursed.

It can be continuously regenerated in a short period of time.

...asking for flowers...

As long as it is not completely dead, it will not die completely.

Niggs cannot enter the space that Su Bai has opened.

It can only enter the space that Su Bai has not yet opened, blocking Bai.

When Niggs started his operation, Su Bai had already obtained the eleven-piece set of Obsidian Mecha.

"The only thing left is the last dark obsidian mech head, the twelve-piece set is complete."

"However, due to the energy problem, there is still no way to go."

Su Bai put away a gashapon and began to worry about energy.

With the technological level of Tian Yuanjie, synthesizing high-grade energy crystals is not enough.

To synthesize super-grade energy crystals, there are still many key technologies and pavilions.

"Master Creator, you can use super-grade energy spars and high-grade energy spars.

"And some other energy sources, mixed in."

"Although this will affect the power and use of the Dark Mecha.

"But to a certain extent, it can also exert the power of the dark obsidian mecha."

Cornell has a useful piece of advice.

Although Su Bai doesn't have 100,000 super energy spars, he still has a lot of power-emperors.

"Makes sense."

"Go ahead."

Su Bai nodded, thinking that Cornell's proposal was good and worth trying.


The group quickly entered a small space again.

In this small space, a goblin that can fluctuate very strongly appeared.


After Niggs saw Su Bai, he raised his hand and flicked it, and a light blade appeared in his hand.

Without any hesitation, Niggs approached Su Bai in an instant, wanting to complete the beheading operation.

Su Bai raised his leg and kicked Niggs' nano-mech into pieces.

However, this nano-mech has a strong repair ability, and it took a while to complete the repair.

The previous kind of shadow hunter can succeed.

It is entirely because the Shadow Hunter almost blocks all perception.

Apart from ultrasonic scrubbing, there is almost no way to perceive the existence of the Shadow Hunter.

This goblin named Niggs walked up to the Lord of the Hard Steel World directly, which was very funny.

"Why are you so strong?"

Sure enough, Tong Gus was dumbfounded.

It had seen not long ago that a shadow hunter approached Su Bai and almost succeeded.

If not, it wouldn't be so stupid as to attack Su Bai directly.

"Refused to answer this stupid question."

While Su Bai was speaking, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Niggs.

The light blade in Niggs' hand immediately slashed down on Su Bai.

It's just a pity that when it swung the light blade, Bai had already appeared behind it.


Su Bai raised his sword and fell, chopping Niggs' head off.

"He didn't die?"

After chopping off Niggs' head, Su Bai accidentally discovered that the thing was not dead.

The energy fluctuations on the opponent's body have not weakened.


Sure enough, Niggs' body took his head back.

Its wound immediately had flesh and blood, shaping it.

In a short while, Niggs appeared in front of Su Bai in an intact state.


Before Niggs could make a move, Su Bai kicked Niggs into the air.


Su Bai felt that Niggs's strange immortality must have a limit.

As long as you focus on this guy, it will continue to consume.

Even if Niggs has a strong regeneration ability, he will be consumed alive.

After round after round of shooting, Niggs was indeed smashed into pieces. .

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