Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 312 Devil's Contract, Near-Immortality Ability, The End Of The Red Devil Maharaja

"Can't you kill me like this?"

Su Bai was a little stunned, the energy fluctuations of Niggs hadn't disappeared yet.

In other words, even though he was bombarded to pieces, Niggs didn't really die.

With this recovery ability, Deadpool has to kneel and kowtow to him when he comes.

"Continue to attack."

Su Bai didn't give Niggs the idea of ​​​​recovering.

He ordered directly to let the machine clan start to attack continuously.

Numerous laser cannons and energy rays began to continuously scrub the ground.

Niggs was almost blasted into powder.

But there seems to be some kind of critical core that hasn't been touched yet.

Even at this level, Niggs' energy fluctuations still haven't disappeared.

Not only that, but the energy of Niggs has not been lost.

Its undead ability seems to consume nothing on itself.

"How is this going?"

Su Bai rubbed his chin, feeling like he was going to get stuck.

[Nigus's immortality originated from the curse of a powerful demon. 】

[Shielding the space around Niggs can temporarily cut off its connection with the devil. 】

The simulator reminded Niggs of the situation.

"So easy?"

Su Bai thought he was about to get stuck, but he never thought it would be so simple.

"Block the space around it!"

Su Bai gave an order to the machine clan, and the twelve machine clans also used insulating barriers, "June 4th" to block the space around Niggs.

Sure enough, Niggs' figure appeared instantly this time.

But its energy fluctuations have been weakened to almost nothing.

Obviously, Niggs used the power of a powerful demon before.

This time it is different, this time it recovers instantly, it uses its own energy.

"Surrender or die."

Su Bai looked at Niggs and said coldly.

He is not interested in Niggs, he is very interested in the demon behind Niggs.

If let some zombies, or other creatures in the Tianyuan world.

I also signed a contract with this demon, so does he have an unkillable army?

Su Bai thought with great anticipation in his heart.

"Do not kill me."

"I am willing to submit..."

In Niggs' mouth, the word surrender has not been finished yet.

On it, a phantom of a demon floated.

This is a strange demon with one big, nine small, and one eye.

It was also the first time Su Bai had seen this demon.

The appearance of the other party seems to be a starry sky.

Or, is it a special universe with one big and nine small pupils?

Su Bai didn't know what this thing was, but judging from his gaze towards Fang Binghan.

The beams between the two sides have been concluded.

Niggs cannot betray after signing a contract with the other party.

Once there is the idea of ​​betraying the other party, it will be known by this demon, and it will be directly turned into powder.

In the resplendent and resplendent hall, the Red Demon was startled and angry.

Even across the monitor screen, it felt the oppression of rank.

That ten-eyed demon ranks higher among demons than the Red Demon Monarch!

Judging from the monitor screen, once Niggs has the idea of ​​betrayal, he will be reduced to ashes.

That being the case, why can Niggs rely on it?

In other words, after Niggs took refuge in it.

By a certain coincidence, did he conclude a contract with that higher-ranking demon lord?

Maharaja Wai Mo couldn't understand this question.

"Master Red Demon, Negus has been killed!"

"What next?"

The mysterious man wearing a hood showed a nervous look in his eyes.

He knows how difficult Niggs is.

He can kill Niggs, but he can't completely eliminate Niggs.

But now, not long after Niggs went out, he was actually killed!

Of course he was nervous when encountering such a thing.

"Don't be so nervous."

"Nigs' weakness is too obvious."

"Without the blessing of that demon lord, its own strength is very weak."

The Red Demon Maharaja was not very nervous.

It is afraid of the demon lord standing behind Niggs, but it is still very easy on Su Bai.

"Master Red Devil, we can't be careless."

The hooded man obviously has a very strong sense of crisis.

He felt that if he continued, he might overturn.

At this time, they'd better dispatch all of them to intercept and kill Su Bai!

"That's not necessary."

"Call all the people together and wait for work in this place.

The Red Devils have no intention of giving up their home court advantage.

Only in this place, it is the most powerful.

That being the case, what does it do in a small space?


The hooded man immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words of the Red Devil Maharaja.

He has always been worried that the Red Demon Lord underestimated the enemy.

It now appears that his worries were in vain.

The Red Devil Maharaja did not underestimate the enemy, but he was unwilling to give up his home court advantage.

A large number of combat forces under the command of the Red Devil Maharaja continued to gather during this process.

All kinds of demons, all kinds of monsters, and many spiritual bodies and mechanical creations are constantly appearing.

Not only that, but there are even many enchanted plants.

In a small space, Bai accidentally got the head of the Dark Mecha!


"There is no moth."

Su Bai was very surprised, even shocked.

This time, without any moths, I got the 12-piece set of Dark Obsidian Mecha!


In Su Bai's heart, he gave the order to wear.


Numerous mech parts are instantly nanosized.

The next moment, it appeared in every part of his body.

Not long after, a set of mechas shining with shadow energy covered his whole body.

[Dark Obsidian Armor: 10% of current energy]

Wearing the dark yao mecha on his body, Su Bai can see the state of the mecha.

Obsidian Mech has many forms, many add-ons and attack modes.

The current 10% of the energy comes from the mecha itself.

When the energy is lower than 50%, [some functions of the armor cannot be used.

When the energy is at the current level, most of the functions of the mech cannot be used.

"Fill the energy spar."

Su Bai is not going to use the Dark Mecha to fight now.

But he is going to load all the existing energy into the mech to see what effect it can achieve.

Along the way, all the high-level energy spars he obtained were super-grade energy spars.

All at this moment, he loaded up on Bacaowang.

The energy tank of this mech is a space device.

Energy slots usually appear on the arms, and after a large amount of energy crystals are put in, the mecha panel also changes.

[Dark Obsidian Armor: 60% of current energy]

Seeing this, Su Bai was secretly speechless.

"This thing really burns a lot of money."

"With so many energy crystals thrown down, it only provides 60% of the Energy Emperor.

"Portable mode."

Su Bai didn't wear the Obsidian Nano-Mech all the time.

After he gave the order, the mecha on his body began to deform and fold, and finally disappeared.

This set of mecha is now in his body.

A single cell in the human body is a compact nanomachine.

Now this set of mecha, in his cell gap king.

It can allow the mecha to repair body damage and assist the body to function...

It is also possible to let the dark obsidian nano-mech simply hide in the body.

Of course, if you feel uncomfortable, you can also turn the mecha into something like a mechanical backpack.

Su Bai didn't do that, just kept the nano-mech silent.

"Master Creator, behind this is the last space."

"I don't know much about this space.

After Su Bai put away the mecha, Cornell also said to him.

"Okay, let's go in.

Su Bai got ready and entered the last space master.

He was not worried, being killed by the monster in the last space.

It doesn't matter if you get killed while the simulator is in effect.

"Your Excellency Su Bai, your performance surprised me."

"Let me introduce myself, I am the creator of the current abyss space, the Red Devil Maharaja."

"You can choose to surrender to me, or you can choose to be reduced to ashes."

"How about it? Think about it carefully?"

Maharaja Red Devil thinks that Su Bai has great potential and wants to recruit Su Bai.

"I want to ask a few questions."

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to do anything directly, Yin Bai began to negotiate with the other party.

"Please say."

The Red Devil Maharaja is very confident.

He firmly believed in himself and was the one who had the last laugh.

"What kind of demon made a contract with Niggs?"

Su Bai asked the question he was most concerned about.

"have no idea."

The Red Demon Maharaja shook his head.

The rank of that demon is higher than its intelligence, it does not intend to tell Su Bai.

"The world rules of the abyss space don't seem to be exactly the same as other places?

Su Bai continued to ask.

These questions can be found in the relevant information in the school.

But the information in the school should not have the authority of the Red Devil Maharaja.

After all, Maharaja Red Demon is a demon who can use the rules of the abyss to create this abyss space.

"That's right."

"But it's useless if you know."

"The abyss belongs only to the domain of demons."

"Even if you understand all the rules of the abyss."

"You are not a demon, and there is no demon majesty.

"You can't open up the abyss space in the abyss."

"There are even some races that transform themselves into demons through the last 2.9 days."

"Even if there are some lunatics among them, they have the status of Tianjun.

"They are in the abyss, and they can't do anything."

It was also for this reason that Red Devil dared to talk so much to Su Bai.

The abyss is the private land of the devil, just like the angels have the kingdom of God.

I'm done asking. "

"It's really not a wise choice for you to open up such a large space in the final space."

When Su Bai finished speaking, the huge door connecting Tianyuan Realm opened at this moment.

A large number of machines, zombies, angels, and powerful combat units such as Godzilla.

At this time, it appeared like a tide.

Previously, due to space constraints, it was not possible to accommodate so many large houses.

The last space is a vast and boundless world, so of course he is not welcome.

"how come?"

The Red Devil Maharaja did not consider this situation at all.

His understanding of Su Bai stems from the methods Su Bai showed before.

After the Tianyuan Realm's army surged out frantically, the Scarlet Demon Monarch showed terrifying fighting power.

But he was still beaten crazily and continued to be crushed.

"Surrender or die!"

Su Bai's voice echoed throughout the space.

However, the Red Devil Maharaja and his powerful monsters continued to resist. .

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