Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 314 Abyssal Agent Team, Teacher Liu's Sudden Visit, Silver Moon Mysterious Society

"Obey! Creator!"

Zero got up and stood respectfully in the Tianyuan world.

Su Bai thought for a while, but did not continue to give orders to Zero.

"You move freely.

Su Bai wants to see the zero number created with sacred creation materials.

How will it behave in the Tian Yuan world?

Following Su Bai's instructions, Number Zero soon found Cornell in the Tianyuan Realm.

"Cornell, the great creator asked us to form an abyssal agent team."

"Aiming at the complex and changeable situation of the abyss.

"This abyssal agent team, I propose that the machine race be my servants."

"The machine family can be equipped with various modules to adapt to operations in various environments."

"Even if Creation mainly fights in higher-level abyss in the future, the machine race can continue to upgrade and strengthen.

"As long as we don't reach the end of technology, the machine race has unlimited possibilities."

Zero is not dull, as an omnic life form, he has a very high intelligence.

"I agree with your opinion."

"We can select a group of suitable mechanical elites and upgrade them.

Cornell agreed with Zero's suggestion.

Zero and Cornell, soon went to Cornell's laboratory to talk.

Of course, this laboratory was built by the Machina clan for Cornell not long ago.

Both Cornell and Zero have mastered very cutting-edge technological knowledge.

When the two sides talked, they also talked very happily.

Not long after, the draft date was drawn up by Huaihao and Cornell.

Ready to submit to Su Bai for review.

"You don't need to check it out for me, the plan of the two of you is very good, just follow your ideas.

Su Bai didn't let Cornell and Zero submit the draft to him for review.

When Zero talked to Cornell, he was watching from the sidelines.

Zero and Cornell were also very efficient. After the plan was approved, the two began to select the elites of the machine clan.

When selecting the elites of the mechanical clan, some weapons and equipment were also put on the agenda.

The next time Su Bai fights against the abyss, he will be much calmer than the first time.

Su Bai didn't continue to pay attention to the affairs of Tianyuan Realm, and began to sleep and rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Bai washed up and left the camp.

Not long after, he saw Liu Qingqing coming from here.

"Su Bai, come with me.

After seeing Su Bai, Teacher Liu Qingqing said immediately.

She came here this time to find Su Bai.

"Miss Liu, what's the matter?"

Su Bai was stunned, he didn't know what Liu Qingqing wanted him to do.

"You'll know when you get there."

Liu Qingqing didn't tell Su Bai directly this time, but led him towards the deepest part of Silver Moon University.

"Miss Liu, what's the place over there?"

It has been a while since Su Bai came to Silver Moon University.

But he didn't know much about Silver Moon University.

"Hmm...an interesting place."

Liu Qingqing pondered for a moment, and gave such a plausible answer.

This is not Liu Qingqing's deliberate trickery, but that place is really hard to define.

Seeing the appearance of Teacher Liu Qingqing, Su Bai became more and more curious about where this is.

After following Liu Qingqing for a while, the two came to a metal hall with an alloy airtight door.

But this place is not the destination of this trip.

In the silver metal hall is an elevator that looks like an aviation cabin.

Su Bai followed Liu Qingqing and entered this very special-looking elevator together.

Su Bai became more and more curious about where this beautiful mentor was taking him.

This cutting-edge technology-produced elevator continued to descend for about a hundred floors, and then began to move parallel to the north.

"Miss Liu, I'm already on a thief ship"."

"Can you tell me where you are going?"

If it wasn't for the simulator not giving an early warning, he would have wondered if there was something wrong with mentor Liu Qingqing.

"Just talk to you briefly."

"Silver Moon Mysterious Society, have you heard of it?"

Liu Qingqing said five words.

These five characters are separated, and Su Bai knows all of them.

Putting these five words together, he was at a loss.

"Have not heard.

Su Bai shook his head.

He is still a freshman at Silver Moon University, so he has limited knowledge of Silver Moon University.

"The tutors and students of Silver Moon University all have a silver ear coefficient."

"No ordinary teacher or student has permission to view this silver moon coefficient."

"Generally speaking, the younger the age, the higher the world rank and the more prominent the performance.

"The silver moon coefficient is relatively higher."

"After the silver moon coefficient reaches 99%, you will receive an invitation to come to the headquarters of the silver moon mysterious society."

From Liu Qingqing's mouth, a lot of news that Su Bai didn't know was told.

Not only Su Bai, many others are unknown.

"Then can I understand that?"

"All mentors and students who have entered the Silver Moon Mystery Society."

"Are they all the elites of Silvermoon University's elites, the aces of aces?"

Su Bai thought for a while and asked.

After he asked this question, Liu Qingqing was silent for a moment, then smiled unexpectedly.

"Perhaps, it is even more trump card than the trump card of trump cards.

Liu Qingqing's witty look was unprecedented.

From this, we can also know that this Yinyue Mysterious Society is definitely the kind that explodes.


The elevator, which was like an aviation cabin, went forward for more than ten minutes before stopping.

After walking out of the elevator cabin, Su Bai took a closer look and couldn't help but smile wryly.

When the elevator cabin moved horizontally, it was actually wrapped by a piece of equipment, running on a magnetic levitation track.

Although it only ran for more than ten minutes, the distance is absolutely terrifying.

"Student Su Bai, welcome to the headquarters of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society."

A hale and hearty old man appeared in front of Su Bai.

To this old man, Su Bai felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember it.

"Let me introduce myself, the former president of Silvermoon University."

"Now he is the head of the headquarters of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society, Chen Bing."

Sure enough, Su Bai had seen this hale and hearty old man.

It's just that what he has seen is the photo of the other party.

The photo of the other party hangs in the Silver Moon Hall of Fame Master.

"Principal Li Mu, what is this place for?"

Su Bai asked very curiously.

"Good question."

"Let me tell you in detail."

"Shall we talk while visiting, or find a place to talk over coffee?"

Principal Li Mu patted Su Bai on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Let's talk while visiting, I'm very curious about this place." Su Bai said.

"Okay, come with me."

Principal Li Mu nodded, and then took Su Bai to visit the headquarters of Yinji Mysterious Society.

"The headquarters of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society was established before Silver Moon University was established."

"In other words, first there was the Silver Moon Mystery Society, and then there was Silver Moon University."

As soon as Principal Li Mu opened his mouth, he revealed a piece of earth-shattering news.

"Silver Moon University is an incubator for sending elites to the Silver Moon Mysterious Society."

"Normally speaking, it is very difficult for a freshman to meet the conditions for entering the Silver Moon Mysterious Society."

"In the history of the Silvermoon Mystery Society, you are the first "It is very likely that one is the only one."

"The members of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society are divided into two parts: the combat department and the logistics department."

The logistics department is relatively easy to access, but only relatively. "

"As for the warhead, after you join the warhead, your number is 108.

"In other words, you are the one hundred and eighth member of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society to join the war department."

Principal Li Mu spoke while walking forward.

The news he said now was shocking enough for Su Bai.

Since the establishment of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society, including him, there are only 108 fighters.

It can be foreseen that those who join the Silver Moon Mysterious Society's war department are all werewolves.

Not even a werewolf, but a wolf extermination, a little more than a werewolf!

" "I think, you already understand." "

"Such a group of people are super aces who are selected from the best and selected layer by layer."

Principal Li Mu spoke with a smile.

Hearing his words, Su Bai could only nod his head.

The elite level of this group of people has reached the point where it makes one's scalp tingle.

He simply wouldn't be one of these people without a simulator.

"Silver Moon University has the Silver Moon Mystery Society, and other top schools have similar organizations."

"Dozens of organizations, including the Silver Moon Mysterious Society, have formed the Future Alliance."

"The Silver Moon Mysterious Society, as well as the Future Alliance, have been dealing with very difficult crises for a long time.

"The crisis we're dealing with, it's pretty dire."

"Once these crises are made public, many creators may collapse directly."

"This crisis is more indescribable than indefinable."

Principal Li Mu's words made Su Bai feel like he was making dolls.

But seeing Principal Li Mu's serious and even dignified expression.

Su Bai understood that Principal Ji Mu was not joking.

"Then what is the crisis we have to face?"

Su Bai has decided to join the Silver Moon Mystery Society. (Wang Qianhao) is not to contribute his own light and heat, but to understand as much as possible the truth.

When many creators feel that they are already saving the world.

As everyone knows, the more terrifying crisis has been resolved by another group of stronger people.

Their so-called saving the world is just some reasonable trials for them.

"You should have been to the abyss?"

"Or, how much do you know about the abyss?"

Principal Li Mu didn't answer directly this time, but fell in the same generation.

"Been there."

"But I don't know much about the abyss."

"My current understanding of the Abyss is that the Abyss is a demon's game.

"The devil created abyss worlds by using special abyss rules."

"Our enemies, come from the abyss?"

Su Bai felt that the enemies they had to face should not be demons in the abyss.

Although the ten-eyed demon brought him great pressure.

But the gathering of so many elites should be to deal with a bigger crisis.

"of course not."

"The crisis we are facing is a hundred times more terrifying than the abyss or even more."

"The crisis we are facing stems from a special region."

"That area is called the Chaos Domain, or Primal Domain.

"It's similar to the abyss, but even scarier than the abyss."

When Principal Li Mu spoke about the Chaos Realm, his tone became more dignified. .

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