Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 315 Getting To Know Chaos Realm, Magical Girl, Crazy In The Scientific Research Department

"Chaos Realm?"

This place, Su Bai is the first to know.


"The enemies that the Silver Moon Mysterious Society will face come from the realm of chaos.

Principal Li Mu nodded.


"Are there any newcomers joining Silver Moon Mystery?"

"There hasn't been any fresh blood for a long time."

A crisp and sweet voice came out, and then a sister Yu with a single ponytail came not far away.

"Introduce yourself."

"Lin Youmeng, you can be called Mengda, but you can't call me Sister Mengmeng!"

"Because I'm taking the sexy line, not the cute line.

Lin Youmeng spoke a little familiarly.

While talking, she was also looking up Su Bai's information.

"Okay, Sister Mengmeng."

Su Bai said casually.

After he finished speaking, Lin Youmeng's beautiful eyes flashed with the brilliance of wanting to beat someone up.

"Just kidding, sister Meng."

Su Bai said with a smile, he was just curious just now, what would happen if he called the other party Mengmeng sister.

"You came just in time."

"You and Su Bai introduce the Silver Moon Mystery Society.

"I have something urgent to deal with here."

Li Mu checked the communication device in his hand, and opened his mouth with an ugly expression.

"Okay, wrap it on me."

After Lin Youmeng finished speaking, she went to the drink machine to get two glasses of lemonade.

"Where did Principal Li Mu introduce you?"

"Or, what do you want to know, you can ask me directly."

"If you talk about it from beginning to end, it's actually quite boring.

Lin Youmeng took Su Bai, came to the side and sat down, and said casually.

"it is good."

Su Bai nodded.

If you want to understand this place, you will be able to understand it after joining the Silver Moon Mystery Society.

Now he can ask some key questions.

"What is the crisis in the Chaos Realm like?"

This is the first question Su Bai asks.

"In Chaos Realm 460, there are many powerful individuals similar to abyssal demons."

"They are similar to abyssal demons, but not abyssal demons, far more powerful than abyssal demons.

"These powerful individuals rule over galaxy-level, star-cluster-level, super-star-cluster-level, and even universe-level civilizations.

"Many powerful beings have the ability to destroy our current universe."

"Not to destroy our world, but to destroy the universe in which we live.

"We can grow tremendously in the chaotic domain."

"However, among us, there is no powerful Creator who can counter those primitive individuals.

"Our world, and even our universe, is in constant danger."

"The announcement of this news has no practical significance other than causing panic in the meeting."

"So for a long time, everything about the Chaos Realm has been kept secret."

Lin Youmeng finished talking with Su Bai, while holding a quill, tinkering with the magic circuit.

It seems that she is a creator of magic.

"The Silver Moon Mystic Society, or the Future Alliance, is capable of preventing a crisis of that magnitude?"

Su Bai continued to ask, he didn't expect that there was an unimaginable crisis waiting for them in an invisible place.

In that place, there is actually a group that can destroy galaxies and star clusters.

Destroy superstar clusters, and even destroy the existence of a parallel universe.

"of course not."

Lin Youmeng gave Su Bai an angry look this time.

Come to think of it, this kind of thing is simply impossible.

"So far, there hasn't been a crisis of that magnitude either."

"Those powerful beings we call primitive individuals."

"Maybe they want to fatten us up before killing them, or they may not have any interest in us at all.

"Simply put."

"Although the crisis has not yet appeared, there is a possibility of a crisis!"

"Before the crisis occurs, we must grow rapidly and have the ability to deal with the crisis."

"Ordinary creators, and even most elite creators, cannot complete this arduous task.

"There are only some people who have extraordinary gifts, extraordinary talents."

"It is possible to complete this task before the crisis comes."

"And it's very unlikely."

"The Silver Moon Mysterious Society, as well as other members of the future alliance, are such a group of people."

When Lin Youmeng said this, she paused to let Su Bai digest for a while.

While Su Bai was digesting these explosive news, she was also seriously repairing the magic circuit.

The tip of the feather pen continuously blooms gorgeous magic runes.

Many magic runes are integrated into a transparent cube.

That transparent cube seems to be a very high-end magic item.


"In other words, the members of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society are mainly responsible for two things."

"One is the huge crisis from the chaotic domain, and the other is the rapid growth in the chaotic domain.

After Su Bai sorted out the information he knew from Principal Li Mu and senior sister Lin Youmeng, everything became clear.

"correct answer!"

Lin Youmeng snapped her fingers, then raised her slender hands, ready to give Su Bai a high-five.


Su Bai didn't refuse, and raised his hand to give Lin Youmeng a high-five.

After learning about the situation in Chaos Realm, he was busy next.

The abyss is already a headache, but in the end there is a chaotic domain that is even more troublesome than the abyss.

Fortunately, he is not alone in the chaos domain.

It's the Silver Moon Mysterious Society and everyone in the Future Alliance who are having a headache together.

"still have a question."

"All information about this place, and all information about Chaos Realm, need to be kept secret, right?"

Su Bai said with a wry smile.


Lin Youmeng snapped her fingers again.

"Because ordinary people know these things, it can only increase anxiety for nothing."

"Since this is the case, of course there is no need to let them know these things that make them powerless and frightened."

As Lin Youmeng said this, she put away the quill in her hand.

The magic circuit of that transparent cube seems to have been completely repaired by her.

"After joining the Silver Moon Mysterious Society, I don't have to go to class anymore?"

Su Bai feels that he has the heavy responsibility of saving the world, and taking classes (bgcb) should not be a must.

"That's right!"

"When you are in school, you will be on task most of the time."

"However, after joining the Silver Moon Mysterious Society, most of your time is free to arrange.

"Only when a disaster strikes, is it possible to resist the disaster with us."

Lin Youmeng put away the transparent cube and said casually.

After being introduced by Senior Sister Lin Youmeng and Principal Li Mu.

Su Bai has a relatively clear understanding of the Silver Moon Mystery Society, the Future Alliance, and the Chaos Realm.

"Instructor Liu Qingqing, is he also a member of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society?"

Su Bai followed Lin Youmeng to his feet and asked another question.


"Teacher Liu Qingqing is not only a member of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society, but also a member of the War Department."

"In the future, you can live in the place where you used to live, or you can live in the mysterious society of Silver Moon."

"We usually live here."

"There is a lot of space here, and there are many vacant villas."

"The only bad thing is that there is a department called the scientific research department in the logistics department."

"It's full of lunatics."

"For those lunatics who are crazy, you just keep a respectful distance."

"The weapons and equipment they developed should never be used, giant hole!"

As an experienced person, Lin Youmeng taught Su Bai earnestly.

"it is good."

Su Bai nodded seriously, it's normal.

Scientific research is such a boring thing, if a person enjoys it all year round, he must be different from a normal person.

"Lin Youmeng!"

"I don't agree with you!"

"Why is our scientific research department a bunch of lunatics?"

A young man in a research uniform yelled unconvinced.

"What are you holding?"

"Is it a time bomb?"

Su Bai looked at the young man in front of him, and asked uncertainly.

"of course not."

"This is a timed napalm bomb, much more powerful than a conventional time bomb.


"Let's talk next time. It's about to explode. I'll test the effect of the explosion."

After the young man finished speaking, he went to the explosion test area with a swish.

Looking at the back of the other party, Su Bai completely believed it.

The scientific research branch under the logistics department is definitely a bunch of lunatics.

It is estimated that people with normal mental tests are not allowed to enter that department.


Lin Youmeng shrugged.

When she first joined the Silver Moon Mysterious Society, she suffered a big loss!

"Sister Meng, I want to go to the battlefield of Chaos Realm, can I have a look?"

Su Bai thought about it, and decided to enter the battlefield of Chaos Realm to actually check it out.

"of course can."

"The first seven days of joining the Silver Moon Mysterious Society are all newcomers' time.

"You can enter the Chaos Realm at will."

"After that, apart from resisting the crisis in the Chaos Realm."

"If you want to enter the Chaos Realm, you need to spend a time card."

"When you complete various tasks in the Silver Moon Mysterious Society, you will receive alliance points for the future alliance."

"Use alliance points to redeem time cards.

"Do you need my sister to enter with you?"

"Sister can protect you?"

Lin Youmeng blinked her beautiful eyes, wanting to tease Su Bai.

If Su Bai answers, want to enter with her.

She would say, just kidding you.

Because if Su Bai uses the newcomer authority, she can't accompany her at all.

"No, I want to go and see by myself."

Lin Youmeng was a little surprised by Su Bai's answer.

"Come with me."

"I'll take you to the war room."

Although Lin Youmeng was a little surprised, she still took Su Bai to the war room.

The war room of the Silver Moon Mystery Society is a safe cabin.

"Enter the safe cabin, under the guidance of the safe cabin, your world will be connected with the chaotic domain.

"You are going to the outermost edge of the Chaos Domain, which is a safe area for you."

"In the secure pod, you can set the connection time."

"After the connection time is over, help you disconnect from Chaos Realm."


Although Lin Youmeng looks carefree, she is actually very careful.

She basically told Su Bai everything Su Bai needed to know in detail.

In addition to knowing this information, Su Bai also began to connect to the Chaos Realm for the first time. .

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