Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 327 Mechanic Throne Battle Mode, Crystal Lightning Spirit Storm, Discovery Of Number Zero

"It turns out that in this magic barrier, this is the scene.

Seeing the picture sent back from the Mechanic Throne, Su Bai also knew what was going on inside.

Cornell's previous judgment was also correct.

Alice controls the mechanical throne to enter the magic barrier.

The Mechanic Throne under her entered the battle mode.

The Mechanic Throne in combat mode is a square floating platform.


The impregnable energy shield also appeared around at this moment.

The anti-equipment enchanted sniper rifle last time impressed everyone in Number Zero.

So this time, they strengthened the defense of the Mechanic Throne.

"This weapon is really cool."

Alice looked at the Mechanic Throne in combat mode and was very satisfied.


After Alice reappeared, the four dragon elders were immediately aware of it.

The dragon elders who were originally sculptures also began to recover at this time.

These revived dragon elders are very powerful.


"Intruder, die!"

The voice of a dragon elder fell.

The huge staff in its hand suddenly burst out a burst of energy.


This devastating energy impact hit the shield of the Mechanic Throne the next moment.

There was a crash sound like Huang Zhong Dalu. "Zero Nine Zero" but on the shield of the Mechanic Throne, not even the slightest ripple appeared.

Obviously, the current defense of the Mechanic Throne has reached a heinous level.

"how so?"

An elder dragonman had an incredible look on his face.

Not only this dragon elder, but the other three dragon elders also felt incredible.

The defense of Alice's Mechanic Throne is really against the sky.

It's just a pity that only Su Bai can see Alice's solo show.

People from Silvermoon University and other colleges and universities don't know what happened in the magic barrier.

Although there is no need for Su Bai to hide any hole cards.

But it was obviously unintentional, and it helped him hide a hole card.

Next time, if there are still people, I want to use the tactics Wu Lei used before.

That's basically courting death.

Because that tactic has no effect on Su Bai.

Using such sniping tactics will only expose your own coordinates.

In the magic barrier, Alice did not rush to make a move.

Because the energy shield of Mechanic Throne can decompose and absorb energy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The four dragon elders attacked continuously.

For Alice, it is to continuously recharge the Mechanic Throne.

He began to brew huge mental fluctuations in Alice's body at this time.

When this devastating mental fluctuation began to brew.

Not far away, the attacks of the four dragon elders also became more frequent.

They can all see that Alice herself does not have a very strong defense.

The real trouble is the energy shield covering Alice.

As long as they can destroy the mechanical platform that releases the energy shield.

Then they can easily kill Alice.

While thinking about it in my heart, the attacks of the four elders of the dragon clan became more and more frequent.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another, the impact of magic energy.

At this time, like a meteor, madness hit this place.

However, these attacks were in vain.

The black technology obtained by Su Bai in the abyss is very powerful.

A large number of magical shocks will be directly absorbed and resolved.

"It's my turn!"


Alice did not let the four dragon elders continue to attack.

Under the boost of the Mechanic God Throne, her spiritual impact has completely become real this time!

At this moment, a flash of crystal-colored spiritual lightning suddenly erupted.


This crystal-colored lightning of mental power pierced through the head of a dragon elder in an instant.

Then the lightning castration continued, and soon penetrated the head of the second dragon elder.

Not only that, but the crystal-colored spiritual power lightning still hasn't dissipated.


After breaking through two dragon elders in a row, the spiritual lightning exploded directly.

Suddenly, the entire magic barrier space was completely enveloped in it.

Other dragon elders, and everything in the entire magic enchantment space.

At this moment, they were completely smashed into slag by the mental storm.

After the last upgrade, the Mechanic Throne obviously has a stronger boost to Alice.


Seeing this scene, Alice was also a little surprised.

After Alice broke the barrier, Su Bai and others were able to enter the magic barrier smoothly.

"Good job."

Su Bai just had the idea of ​​letting Alice try it out.

I never thought that Alice and the Mechanic Throne fit so well.

Under the boost of the Mechanic Throne, Alice condensed a solid spiritual impact.

Under the impact of that spiritual force, everything in this place was lost.

They were all smashed into powder in an instant.

"The current Mechanic Throne is much easier to use than last time."

Alice praised without hesitation.


Su Bai agrees with Alice.

He also felt that the Mechanic Throne had been greatly enhanced.

"Your Excellency the Creator, Miss Alice."

"Although the Mechanic Throne has been greatly enhanced.

"However, most of the resources and materials in the Tianyuan Realm have been used by us to strengthen the Mechanic Throne.

Zero interjected at this moment.

Hearing his words, Su Bai could only smile wryly.

This piece of equipment is indeed very powerful.

But it was also built with a huge amount of money, in order to continuously update and iterate this equipment.

Most of the resources and materials in the Tianyuan Realm were invested in it.

"Hurry up and clean up the battlefield."

Thinking of this, Su Bai decided to get a lot of fat this time.

Now that you have come to the world of Tower of Babylon, you have to pay back your money no matter what.


Number Zero is waiting for Su Bai to order to clean up the battlefield.

In order to develop and improve many new equipment, and to keep the Mechanic Throne updated and iterated.

The current Tian Yuan Realm is already a little bit tight.

However, resources are not used in the warehouse, so they can only be resources.

Make better use of resources, then these resources will become strength.

Cornell, No. 0, and the Machina race to clean up the battlefield.

Developed a group of demolition machinery.

These mechanical races are like locusts passing through the border.

Wherever they pass, anything of value around them will appear in the Unbounded.

With such a mechanical army that cleans the battlefield, why not be rich?

The people under Su Bai's command cleaned the battlefield very quickly.

The place, with everything of value, was torn down.

At this time, Number Zero came to Su Bai, hesitant to speak.

"Anything new?"

Su Bai asked curiously.

"Your Excellency the Great Creator."

"We discovered that the Tower of Babylon can be moved..."

"It's just that some fixed magic circles need to be temporarily closed."

"If my calculations are correct, there are exactly four magic circles on each floor."

"The Tower of Babylon seems to have a hundred floors."

"We only need to be able to close these four hundred magic circles and take the Tower of Babylon away.

Zero uttered a very crazy plan.

The other world masters came to this place to compete and compete for honor.

Fortunately, he came directly to get rich.

"That's a great idea!"

"Like this."

Su Bai immediately agreed.

It's of little value to stay here.

It can only be used as a playing field.

If it is moved back to Tianyuan Realm, this thing can be used to a great extent!

Every floor of the Tower of Babylon has a large amount of supplies.

These things are in the machine clan, Cornell, and Number Zero.

It will soon become various resources and all kinds of marriage pretense.

The strength of Tianyuan Realm will usher in another growth!

From this time on, Su Bai and other elites who entered the world of Tower of Babylon.

It is no longer a game.

Elsewhere, other elites really haven't thought about it.

On the one hand, the idea is just too crazy.

Another reason is that they did not find a feasible method of operation.

Like Su Bai, who directly discovered the fixed magic circle.

Until now, he was the only one.

Not long after Su Bai left the magic barrier, an elite from the Sakura Kingdom appeared in front of him.

"Your Excellency Su Bai, I have been waiting here for a long time."

Koizumi Ichiro held a samurai sword, looked at Su Bai and said.


"You found me?"

Su Bai was a little surprised. On the way he came, he didn't find surveillance means.


Ichiro Koizumi answered Su Bai's doubts.

He pointed to the lake beside him.

On that lake, there is an image.

This image is a section of the road he has traveled before.

Obviously, everything that happens in that place will be passed on to this place.

"You know I'm coming, and you dare to stay here.

"You are very confident in your own strength."

2.3 Su Bai sat on the mechanical throne, not in a hurry to make a move.

"Your Excellency Su Bai."

"Before the armies of the two sides engage in battle, I want to fight alone with Your Excellency."

"What do you think?"

Koizumi Ichiro's eyes were filled with fighting intent.

He felt that if the two armies were at war, he probably would not be Su Bai's opponent.

But if it's just a competition between the two creators, he may not be inferior to Su Bai.

"I accept your challenge."

"However, can the equipment be used?"

A smile appeared on Su Bai's face.


"Your Excellency Su Bai can use any equipment."

Ichiro Koizumi nodded.

In his opinion, no matter what Su Bai uses, it will definitely not be his opponent.

"That's good."

After Ichiro Koizumi nodded, a layer of nano-mecha also covered Su Bai's whole body.

Seeing this scene, Kosoichiro's complexion did not change in any way.

The long sword in his hand is a famous sword comparable to the demon sword Muramasa.

The nano-mech covering Su Bai's body is like tofu to him.

The obsidian armor quickly covered Su Bai's whole body.

In Su Bai's eyes, he also walked towards Koizumi Ichiro with great interest.

Koizumi Ichiro is one of the top ten elites in Sakura Country, and his strength is not weak.

It is the existence second only to Kujiro, the eldest son of Meiri, and Hikawa Steel Plate. .

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