Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 328 Insidious Tactics, Unruly Godzilla, Almost A Battle To Become A God


Koizumi Ichiro moved and attacked Su Bai first.


The blade sword on the dark yao mecha directly slashed when he approached.

"Kick, kick, kick!"

This sword is incredibly fast.

As for strength, it is even more incredible.

This is still a non-combat mode, otherwise Koizumi Ichiro would have been killed by Su Bai's sword.

"Army attack!"

Ichiro Koizumi saw the gap between him and Su Bai.

Immediately a grin appeared on his face.

He invited Su Bai to single out, which was just a trap.

If he can beat Su Bai, he will naturally say so.

If he can't beat Su Bai, the ambush soldiers from all directions will come out.

The army of Tianyuan Realm is still far away.

Su Bai's figure was surrounded by Ichiro Koizumi's army.


"You're mean enough.

"Too bad it didn't work for me."

After Su Bai finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had returned to the Mechanic Throne.

As long as he is within a certain range of the Mechanic Throne.

The Mechanic Seat can use phase shift, allowing him to teleport back instantly.

This is a piece of equipment that consumed a lot of resources from the Tian Yuan world.

In other words, this is something that almost broke Su Bai, the creator, to build.

No need to think about it, this thing must be quite powerful!

"Army attack!"

When Su Bai came to the Mechanic Throne, he gave an order in an indifferent voice.

Following his order, the army of the Tianyuan Realm was also dispatched at this moment.

When the mighty army of Tianyuan Realm attacked, Koizumi Ichiro's expression turned extremely ugly.

He almost made it!

He made Su Bai take the initiative to leave the Mechanic Throne, and let Su Bai enter his trap.


"Just a little bit!"

Koizumi Ichiro felt very sorry.

If he can kill Su Bai, he will definitely become famous in one battle!

Koizumi Ichiro didn't know that he was the Goose King Su Po.

Not by a little, but by a million!

Even Su Bai's Mechanic Throne, can't teleport Su Bai back with phase shift.

He couldn't offend him while the simulator was in effect.


"Get out!"

Ichiro Koizumi had no intention of fighting Su Bai to the death.

Even if he broke the boat and fought desperately, it would not have much effect.

Facing such a terrible enemy as Su Bai, his desperate efforts are futile.

When thinking like this in his heart, Koizumi Ichiro naturally ran faster.

"Godzilla, kill him!"

Su Bai didn't have the idea of ​​letting Koizumi Ichiro run away.

This person is actually not that good, and the other party is running away now to preserve his real history.

If the opponent is determined to fight him, he can definitely fight to death less than 10% of the creatures in the Tianyuan world.

Unfortunately, Ichiro Koizumi made a mistake.

A very fatal error.

When facing Su Bai, he will either fight to the death.

Or, he would run away immediately.

It was too late for him to escape now.

Ichiro Koizumi saw Su Bai's Godzilla.

He saw that Godzilla was flying at an incredible speed in a strange way.

As long as the thrust is strong enough, the brick will go up to the sky.

Isn't the thrust of Godzilla's atomic breath strong enough?

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

Koizumi Ichiro cursed angrily.

He regretted it, because he found that he had made at least two mistakes.

The first mistake was that he shouldn't have come to him alone.

The second mistake was that he should not have run away.

If he didn't face Su Bai alone, he wouldn't have all the troubles later.

If he doesn't escape, he can consume Su Bai as much as possible.

The choice is not enough, Alice, Mothra, and interstellar dinosaurs in the Tianyuan world.

There are also angels, zombies, Zergs, and machines in the Tianyuan Realm.

At this moment, everyone is frantically chasing and killing his rate team.

The morale of the army was in turmoil and low.

If he stops, he will only suffer greater failure.

Failure is not a terrible thing, and neither is making a mistake.

However, if one mistake after another is made.

Those who waited for him had to suffer huge losses and then be eliminated.

"Su Bai!"

"You and I have no grievances, stop now."

Koizumi Ichiro yelled angrily.

It is not easy for him to accumulate these wealth.

If these family fortunes are completely reimbursed in this place this time.

He didn't know how long it would take to recover from this war.

"Su Bai!"

"Do you have to?"

"Do you know that there is an old saying when you talk about the country?"

"A dog jumps over a wall in a hurry, a rabbit bites a person in a hurry!"

"If I fight you hard."

"Your subordinates will also suffer a certain degree of casualties.

"Now the international league is just starting."

"If this is the case, there will be unnecessary losses."

"In this international league, how do you compete with the Twin Gods?"

In a critical moment, Soichiro used Uzumaki's talk skills.

If you can beat it, you can hit it, if you can't beat it, you will explode the Nine-Tails, if you can't beat it, you will start to recall.

If after remembering, you still can't beat it, then use a devastating mouth cannon.


However, Koizumi's talk is useless.

Because Godzilla doesn't understand the unspoken rules here.

To be reasonable, when the enemy uses mouth cannon, it is not allowed to attack.

But Godzilla obviously doesn't reason with Koizumi Ichiro.

Under Godzilla's atomic breath, Koizumi Ichiro evaporated directly.

His troops, he fled quickly into a door of light.

It's just that he was chased and killed by the army of Tianyuan Realm.

Koizumi Ichiro's troops are basically out of ten this time.

The battle scenes between Su Bai and Ichiro Koizumi were naturally broadcast in various places.


"This Koizumi is too funny."

"How did he think about the problem, to provoke Bai.

Some students felt that what Koizumi did was simply asking for his own death.

"You can't say that."

"Koizumi almost made it."

"Su Bai has left the Mechanicus and has fallen into his trap."

"It's just a pity that he was given a chance, but he was useless."

Some students also affirmed Koizumi's tactics.

Soldiers are not tired of deceit, and although Koizumi is very mean, his tactics are undoubtedly useful.

It's just a pity that his tactics didn't fully work.

The Su Bai he was going to face was also too panicked.

In Kimchi National High School, everyone is celebrating.

"Good fight, good fight!"

"Two dogs fight, play off."

"Su Bai's elimination of Ichiro Koizumi will inevitably trigger a full-scale attack on Sakura Country."

"When Su Bai and Sakura Country are in full swing, we can take advantage of it."

The small abacus of everyone in the Kimchi Country was crackling.

At the same time, Kim Sung Ki from Kimchi Country, and Kujiro from Sakura Country.

They are all in the Tower of Babylon world, looking for the whereabouts of Su Bai.

Although Meiri's eldest son, Jiujilang, did not find Su Bai, he found another elite from Yan Kingdom.

"Your Excellency's luck is very bad."

Jiujiro looked at Ouyang Xun who was not far away, and said casually.


"Is it not your bad luck?"

Ouyang Xun was still as arrogant as ever.

Even during the assessment, he was taught a lesson by Bai.

Still can't change his arrogant and arrogant character.


Ouyang Xun didn't talk nonsense with Jiujiro.

He has always hated the twin gods.

They are all lumbar discs, so why are the twin gods so protruding?

While thinking about it in his heart, Ouyang Xun's shadow life has already covered this area.


Jiujiro snapped his fingers, and behind him, a large number of shadow beings also appeared.

"The origin of the shadow is rare."

"But you're not alone."

"In fact, the origin of the shadow you got was also discovered by me."

"It's just that I found it troublesome and didn't continue to collect."

As soon as Jiujilang said this, Ouyang Xun's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

He was sure that Kujiro was not lying.

When he got the source of the shadow, he found that someone was there first.

At that time, it was not known who got the Shadow Origin.

Now he understands that it is none other than Jiujiro who got the source of the shadow.

All of Ouyang Xun's pride seemed to be ruthlessly shattered at this moment.

The things he is proud of are just leftovers from others.

So, what else is he proud of?

"It's over."

"Ouyang Xun has lost all fighting spirit."

In the analysis hall of Silvermoon University.

After seeing this scene, many teachers sighed.

There was no way, Ouyang Xun completely lost his fighting spirit.

The next battle was just as everyone expected.

Ouyang Xun, who was already at a disadvantage, was no match for Jiujiro at all.

However, Ouyang Zhen has no fighting spirit as everyone imagined.

Everything he did before was just a fake.

When Jiujiro was about to finish him off, he popped a crystal ball.


Suddenly, the surroundings of the two turned into a swamp of darkness.

In the Nether Swamp, Ri opened his mouth and came biting suddenly.

Jiujiro's figure instantly shattered, and then appeared in the distance again.

Ouyang Xun felt a little regretful, and could only disappear into white light.


After seeing this scene, everyone realized that they had underestimated Ouyang Xun.

He is not only arrogant, but also an Oscar-level actor.

The despair and hesitation he showed before seemed to be real.

If not, Jiujiro would not have approached him, wanting to know him personally.

In the end, everything he had was for the final blow.

If he dragged Jiujiro, the eldest son of Mei Ri, one of the twin gods, both of them would die together.

Then Ouyang Xun became famous this time.

Although Ouyang Xun did not die with Jiujiro.

But his hole card also consumed one of Jiujiro's hole cards.

A string of rosary beads in Jiujiro's hand is now broken.

There are only twelve beads in this rosary, which means that he can die eleven more times.

Of course, this item is a fetish, and consumable.

Even if it is completely broken, it can still be slowly restored.

In Silver Moon University, everyone is very sorry.

Ichiro Koizumi went to pair with Su Bai, the gap is too big, there is no possibility of success at all.

On Ouyang Xun's side, it can almost be regarded as a success.

It's just that Mei Ri's eldest son Jiujiro's fetish is too heaven-defying, it can revive him twelve times!.

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