Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 329 The Four Magic Circles Swept Away All Resources, And The Energy Detection Vehicle Made G

The competition among many elites in the Tower of Babylon is wonderful.

Whether it is Su Bai, or the twin gods of Sakura Country and Kimchi Country.

They have shown their great strength in the world of Tower of Babylon.

Not only the three of them, but other world masters also shined brilliantly.

From everyone entering the world of Tower of Babylon to the present.

Many elites have been eliminated one after another.

The remaining elites from various countries are stronger and more intelligent.

In the Tower of Babylon, Su Bai has already led the troops of the Tianyuan Realm forward.

"Have you confirmed the location of the magic circle?"

Su Bai looked at Number Zero and asked.

He is not walking aimlessly through the Tower of Babylon.

They are here, looking for the four magic circles on each floor.

As long as the four magic circles on each floor are closed, the Tower of Babylon can be removed in the end.

"I found it!"

Before Number Zero could speak, Alice's voice came out.

"Are you so good?"

Su Bai praised.

The previous magic barrier was also discovered by Alice.

If Alice hadn't discovered the mystery here, they obviously didn't need to fight the dragon man for a long time.

"But this place is guarded by dragon people."

Alice raised her finger and pointed to the sculpture not far away.

They haven't gotten close yet, so the thing on the opposite side is still a sculpture.

After they get close, the sculpture on the opposite side will come to life.

"Godzilla, go destroy the magic circle."

Su Bai nodded, and immediately let Godzilla pull out his tail.


With a roar, Godzilla approached the magic circle in the distance.

"Crack, click!"

When Godzilla approached, the sculpture in the distance really came alive at this time.

An elder dragonman holding a magic wand raised his head with unkind eyes.

It looked at Godzilla in astonishment, then spread its wings behind it, and flew up.

"The intruder dies!"

The wand in the hand of the dragon elder burst out a terrifying light.


It's just that when the light hit Godzilla, it didn't hurt at all.

"The intruder dies!"

Seeing that his attack was useless, Elder Youren was furious.

Under anger, it worked even harder.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of crystal blue fireballs continuously bombarded Goslar.

As a result, Godzilla ignored him at all.

Godzilla only obeyed Su Bai's order and began to wreak havoc on the magic circle in this place.

"The intruder dies!"

Seeing being ignored by Godzilla, the Dragon Elder became even more angry.

On its staff, a more intense attack burst out.

Around Godzilla, it was as if someone was setting off fireworks.


Godzilla didn't care about the attack of the dragon elders.

After it was finished there, it roared at Su Bai.

"Let's go."

Su Bai also ignored the dragon elder.

Because at this time, Godzilla has given it a mouthful of atomic breath.

Under the breath of the atom, the figure of the dragon elder fell directly from midair.

After finding the first magic circle, my remaining magic circles will be very easy.

Number zero holds a slate in his hand.

On this stone slab, many news about the four magic circles are recorded.

The distribution of the magic circle has certain rules.

As long as you find a magic circle, you can follow this law.

Go find the remaining three magic circles.

"Your Excellency the Great Creator~"."

"From the known information, the second magic circle should be in that direction."

Zero pointed in one direction and said.

After No. 0 finished speaking, Alice's voice came out from the communicator of Mechanic Throne.

"The second magic circle is here."

"I have found it."

"The coordinates will be sent to you."

When Godzilla destroyed the first magic circle, Alice went to find the second magic circle.

"it is good."

"We'll be right over."

Su Bai smiled a little, Alice is so good at finding things.

According to Alice's coordinates, Su Bai soon saw the second magic circle.

The distribution of these four magic circles is not very separated.

More precisely, they lie near the center of a great circle.


Su Bai didn't let Godzilla do it alone this time.

With an order, he directly asked all the creatures in the Tianyuan Realm to attack together.

Dismantling the magic circle is the same as demolition.

The more people, the faster the speed.

"Obey, great Creator!"

The mighty Tianyuan Realm army soon appeared in front of the second magic circle.


The draconian elders turned into sculptures in this place are still recovering.

Mothra gave it an atomic breath.

The dragon elder hadn't recovered from the stone statue state, and was killed by Mothra.

"Ping bell bang bang!"

"Clang clang clang clang clang clang!"

Under the attack of the whole army of Tianyuan Realm and the demolition by Japan.

This magic circle, of course, can't stand it.

Not long after, everything in the magic circle was completely destroyed.


"Go to the next magic circle!"

Su Bai looked at Number Zero cleanly and asked him to calculate where the next magic circle would be.

"Your Excellency the Great Creator."

"The third magic circle on this floor should be in this position."

With the coordinates of the previous two magic circles.

Zero can already establish a mathematical model and calculate the approximate position of the third coordinate.

"Set off!"

Su Bai ordered immediately.

This time Alice was also lost in the demolition along with other Tianyuan Realm creatures, Ritong.

Now Alice is still in the demolition team, so the third magic circle has not been discovered yet.

The speed of the people in Tianyuan Realm was very fast, and they arrived at their destination in a short time.


After seeing the third magic circle.

Without wasting time, Su Bai ordered the demolition directly!

Godzilla breathed out an atomic breath, and directly brought the magic circle with the dragon elder sculpture from a long distance.

Destroy together!


Seeing this scene, many Tianyuanwei creatures who were about to dismantle the magic.

In an instant, everything faded away.

Everyone was still thinking that this time they would do a good job of destroying it.

I never thought that Feng Silla could finish it with a mouthful of atomic breath.

"The Great Creator."

"According to my calculation and analysis, the higher you go, the higher the strength of the magic circle will be."

"We must allocate power reasonably."

Zero gave advice in a timely manner.

"It's okay, we will take a rest in time to replenish after we finish fighting the first floor."

Su Bai thought about it before.

Every time a battle is completed, the recovery will be replenished.

The state has almost recovered, and then continue to go up.


Number zero saluted respectfully.

Now that Su Bai already has a plan that works, it couldn't be better.

Next, the army of the Tianyuan Realm began to march forward mightily.

Their destination, of course, is the fourth magic circle.

On the way to the fourth magic circle, they did not encounter any trouble.

The other world masters on this level have already gone to the higher level during this process.

"Here we are!"

Alice's voice came out, and she had already seen the magic circle not far away.


Su Bai took a look and confirmed that this place is behind the fourth magic circle.

He immediately gave orders to the army of Tianyuan Realm.

This time the interstellar dinosaurs rushed straight up and began to dismantle it.

"Clang clang clang!"

"Bang bang!"

The magic circle and everything around it were smashed to pieces by Tian Yuanwei's army.

These things are not needed to move the Tower of Babylon back to Tianyuan Realm in the future.

According to Number Zero and Cornell, there is also the concept of the mechanical family.

They will upgrade the Tower of Babylon.


Alice clapped her hands and came to Su Bai.

"Well, the whole army rests!"

According to the strategy formulated before, Su Bai began to rest the whole army.

After he opened his mouth, the army of Tianyuan Realm immediately rested in place.

The strategies of other World Lords in the Tower of Babylon are similar to Su Bai.

They act for a period of time, or after a certain level of combat.

It will let the armies of their respective worlds begin to rest.

Su Bai is different from others in that he sweeps up layer by layer.

"Your Excellency the Great Creator!"

"Our rover discovered the energy spar!"

Cornell excitedly came to Su Bai.

It raised its hand and tapped a few times in the void, and a virtual screen appeared in front of Su Bai.

On this virtual screen, there is a picture.

A probe car like a small excavator discovered the trust of the energy spar.

"Go and have a look."

Su Bai nodded and let Cornell lead the way.

The place where the rover found the energy spar is about 200 meters away from here.

Cornell's strength is sufficient to cope with the crisis that arises.

Even if you can't handle it, it's okay, it's still in the period when the simulator is in effect.

Under Cornell's leadership, Yin Bai soon came to this place.

There are already several probe vehicles carrying out excavation operations in this place.



Although these rovers are small in size, (Li Qian's) are nuclear powered.

Digging ability, very powerful.

Not long after, I found two boxes of super energy crystals.

"It seems that there are many treasures hidden in the Tower of Babylon."

When Su Bai saw the two boxes of super energy crystals, he also saw the incomplete treasure map.

Treasure maps are left by people who buried treasure.

There are only a few simple sentences above.

"My friend, you are lucky and unlucky."

"Fortunately, you found this treasure.

"You might even go on to find treasure elsewhere."

"Unfortunately, your greed can get you in trouble."

"And you, can't suppress this greed.


The person who left the treasure map seems to be a little abnormal.

Because there are many lines below, all of which are "ha ha ha"

Su Bai didn't care about what this man said.

What he cares about is the treasure buried in this place.

As long as there are a lot of treasures buried in this place, it will be more than ten thousand.

"Let the rover continue to explore around."

"Every floor must be carefully inspected."

Su Bai told Cornell.

"Obey, Your Excellency the Great Creator!"

Cornell replied to Qin respectfully.

Cornell and Zero have different divisions.

Zero is Su Bai's AI steward, and Cornell is in charge of exploration.

When Su Bai and Cornell returned to the station, another rover discovered the energy spar.

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