Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 330 Sakura Country Takeda Taro, Seven Space-Frozen Light Blades, You Should Get Out

Su Bai did not go to where the energy rover is located.

He divided the army of Tianyuan Realm into hundreds of teams.

Once a probe car finds an energy spar, send a team of people to collect it.

In this way, the efficiency is really high.

Treasures discovered by energy probe vehicles on this floor.

After a while, they were all collected.

After collecting all these treasures, the Tianyuanwei army also began to rest.

When everyone was rested, Su Bai gave the order to move on.

There are many passages leading to the second floor, and they have almost figured out the structure of the Tower of Babylon.

Finding the nearest passage is not difficult at all.

When Su Bai appeared on the second floor, the broadcast screen happened to be locked on the area where he was.


"How is this going?"

Silvermoon University, other universities, and students from Sakura Country and Kimchi Country.

For a while, they were a little stunned.

"No way.

"How did Su Bai come to the second floor?"

"What plots is he up to?"

Many students from Sakura Country became nervous.

At this time, the other elites did not know how many floors they had gone to.

As a result, Su Bai's figure just appeared on the second floor.

According to Su Bai's previous performance, it can be said that he has been on the first floor for so long.

In the end, nothing is done, and that is simply impossible!

"What's happening here?"

"Su Bai stayed on the first floor for so long, what did he do?"

Everyone was very curious about what Su Bai had done.

It's a pity that this kind of broadcast screen is random and cannot be fixed on one person.

When the broadcast screen began to broadcast the situation of the Tianyuan Realm army, Bai received a reminder.

Immediately, he also smiled and waved to everyone.

As for what they did on the first floor.

Why at this time, the group appeared on the second floor.

There is no need for the outside world to know.

Anyway, since he stayed on the first floor for so long, he must have done something important.

At this time, there are not many 450 people who are still on the second floor, and most of them want to go to the third floor.

Only Takeda Taro of Sakura Country doesn't think so.

Takeda Taro is still on the second floor, and he is even the first world master to reach the second floor.

He set up guards at the entrance to the higher level on the second floor.

He did this to snipe Su Bai.

It's unbelievable, but he knows it.

Until now, Bai hadn't even gone to the third floor.

For others, this is absolutely incredible.

But Taro Takeda knew that this was the truth.

The world created by Taro Takeda is a wish for destruction.

The Realm of Fire is not the world of flames, but the world of the will of flames.

In the Realm of Fire, all creatures have the spirit of bushido.

Takeda Taro didn't know.

Not to mention the spirit of bushido, when you meet Su Bai, the way of immortality is not easy to use.

After Su Bai appeared on the second floor, of course he still maintained the previous three-step strategy.

Enter the second floor and choose to break through the four magic circles on this floor.

After destroying the four magic circles, a large number of detection vehicles were dispatched.

Start to detect the situation of this layer, and take away all the resources of this layer.

The last thing is to let the army of Tianyuan Realm rest and recover.

After they are back to their peak form, move on.

This strategy is undoubtedly very effective.

Until the end, the regiment showed a little status.

"Your Excellency Su Bai!"

"May I ask why you are here (cdfj) now?"

Takeda Taro spoke angrily.

He couldn't help but be angry, he waited for Su Bai in this place, and the doubtful life he waited for directly gave him life.

After everyone passed by, there was still no sign of Su Bai.

This made Takeda Taro feel.

Is Su Bai eliminated?

In other words, Su Bai had passed before him.

Whether it's the former or the latter, it's obviously meaningless for him to wait in this place for so long!

"Destroy him!"

Su Bai didn't want to talk nonsense with Takeda Taro.

Since there is a small book of ignorance in this place, then directly destroy the other party.


"Bang bang bang!"

Godzilla roared, and the atomic breath directly surrounded Takeda Taro's troops.

Then the angels, machines, zombies, and Zergs all fired at this time.


On the Mechanic Throne, Alice's mental shock swept the audience even more.

In Takeda Taro's Fire Realm, all creatures have Bushido.

But bushido is not the way of gods.

Under the attack of such intensive artillery fire, it is impossible to withstand it at all.

However, Takeda Taro dared to stop Su Bai here, obviously he had two brushes.

"Resurrect, my love!"

Takeda Taro, as one of the elites of Sakura Country, also swept through the abyss.

Sweeping the abyss, there are only two results.

One result is bad luck and death in the abyss.

Another result is to come out alive.

As long as you can come out of the abyss alive, you will get different degrees of harvest.

Takeda Taro's harvest is a word of wisdom.

As long as he utters this sentence, he can summon a powerful existence to descend.

The sky is full of paper, flying at this time.

While the pieces of paper were flying, a holy figure appeared not far from Su Ri and the others.

The creature that appeared on the opposite side seemed to be an angel.

But the other party is not an angel, but has an angel-like appearance.


After the girl in the white skirt appeared, her hands quickly sealed.

Under her order, the papers all over the sky quickly turned into big trees.

The big trees one after another soon turned into tree people one by one.

To be precise, it is a paper tree man.


Su Bai's command was determined, and he ordered the Tianyuan Realm's army to attack this target.

Numerous artillery fires soon covered the sky full of paper.

But those paper tree people's defense is not weak.

Under such intensive attacks, it was not destroyed immediately.

Takeda Taro was not surprised by this, and he quickly took out his second trump card.

Takeda Taro's second trump card is seven strange-looking knives.

As long as these seven-handled knives lock the space around Su Bai, they can immobilize him to death.

Even if the phase of the Mechanic Throne moves, it cannot be used temporarily.

The army of the Tianyuan Realm was dragged down by the paper man, and Su Bai's Mechanical God Throne couldn't phase move.

At this time, he Takeda Taro can single out with Su Zhong.


These seven-handled knives do not require special skills to use.

Unless it is prepared in advance, or preventive measures are prepared in advance.

Otherwise, when the seven space freezing knives are activated, there is no way to dodge them.


On the Mechanic Throne, Su Bai was a little surprised.

Just a moment ago, a warning came from the Mechanic Throne.

Mechanicus said that his phase shifting ability was frozen.

"Su Bai! Come to your senses!"

After seeing everything, Takeda Taro came according to his plan.

His mood, of course, is also very happy.

Su Bai dared to let him block the entrance for so long and wait for so long.

Now, it is time for Su Bai to pay the price!


When Taro Takeda holds a katana sword and wants to fight Su Bai one-on-one.

He was suddenly embarrassed.

Even if the Mechanic Throne is frozen, phase shift cannot be used.

The impregnable defensive power of Mechanic God Throne still made him despair.

On the Mechanic Seat, Su Bai ate popcorn while watching Takeda Taro perform.

Takeda Taro used almost all the methods he could use, all the hole cards, all of them.

The result is obvious, he still can't break through the defensive shield of the Mechanic Throne.

"How about it?"

"If there are any hole cards that are useless, you might as well try.

While eating popcorn, Su Bai made a gesture of please.

Immediately he saw that Takeda Taro began to become impotent and furious.

Takeda Taro was very angry, he was even angry to the extreme.

"how so!"

"How can the shield of the Mechanic Throne be so powerful?"

Takeda Taro couldn't help being angry.

Everything was going according to his idea.

Su Bai's army from the Tianyuan Realm has been held back by the paper man.

The function of the paper man is to inspire and attract hatred.

Regardless of whether it is within the attack range of the paper man, or actively attack the paper man.

The seeds of hatred in my heart will be released instantly.

In the next period of time, the paper people will be the targets of their attacks.

As for the seven-handled space freezing knife, it is something that Takeda Taro is proud of.

Under the blockade of the seven space freezing knives, even Su Bai's mechanical throne cannot phase shift.

Next, as long as he can penetrate the defense of the Mechanic Throne, he can attack Su Bai.

With his absolute strength, he can definitely kill Su Bai in an instant and become famous in the Japanese war.

Unfortunately, he failed.

When he was only one step away from victory, he couldn't take that step anyway.

"All right."

"You should fuck off."

After Su Bai ate the popcorn, the dark yao mecha fit together instantly.

As soon as he moved, he appeared in front of Takeda Taro.

Takeda Taro was overjoyed immediately, but Su Bai's crushing punch had already struck suddenly.


This punch directly smashed Takeda into pieces.

A white light rose, and Takeda Taro disappeared.


After Takeda Taro disappeared, Su Bai felt a little pity.

If you beat this guy in seconds, you can get seven space knives.

As a result, after Takeda Taro was instantly killed by him, the opponent's seven space freezing knives also disappeared.

It certainly wasn't good news for Su Bai.

"The Great Creator Lord."

"I have used the Mechanic Throne to greatly copy the technical parameters of the opponent's technological equipment."

"After some experimental adjustments, we can also replicate the east side of the space."

The voice of number zero came out, and his words made Su Bai slightly taken aback.

"The seven space freezing knives, are they actually technological equipment?"

"I thought it was alchemy equipment, or other equipment.

Su Bai was a little surprised, he really didn't see it before.

The seven space freezing knives turned out to be equipment on the technology side.

However, it can be copied and moved.

With Tianyuanjie's technology, it doesn't take long to imagine. .

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