Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 549 The Southern Theater Suffered Heavy Losses, The Third-Level Command Communicator!

Su Bai immediately said, "No problem.

Chen Qinghe said: "Then you go to the southern theater to support. Now there is a group of people who are rushing to support, so you go with them now."

After speaking, Chen Qinghe immediately called a battlefield commander: "This is the commander of the southern battlefield, Zhang Bin."

Zhang Bin was in a hurry: "Follow me, you three! We are leaving soon."

I originally came to see the situation, but I didn't expect to go to the battlefield now.

Su Bai asked Shen Hongling and Chi Lansu with his eyes to see if they were ready.

The two nodded at the same time, indicating that they were ready.

Follow Zhang Bin on the battleship.

Zhang Bin said: "An hour ago, the Zerg suddenly increased their troops, which caught us off guard and caused a lot of damage to 260.

Su Bai asked: "Why did they suddenly increase their troops, there must be a reason?"

Zhang Bin said: "It should be the spies we sent out, and it is estimated that they have almost detected their lair."

"That's why they suddenly counterattacked?"

Su Bai wondered: "Then have you confirmed the location?"

Zhang Bin shook his head: "No, I'm only in charge of the southern theater, I don't know the overall layout and war.

"Our responsibility is to hold the defense line in the southern theater."

"Even death won't let the Zerg break through our defenses.

(aebf) "I will send you the defense line and real-time updates of the southern theater."

As he said that, Zhang Bin took out three communicators and handed them to the three of them: "One for each person, if there is any order, I will issue the order through this."

"There are four levels of communicators in the southern battlefield."

"The first level is a soldier, who can only accept specific combat orders and contact his immediate superior."

"The second level is the grassroots commander, who can issue orders and receive orders from superiors. In special cases, they can report to the higher level.

"The third level is what you get, second only to my level, you can see all instructions, including the information given to us by the headquarters, and you can also send command orders.

"However, your orders will be confirmed by the system and will not conflict with mine."

"Mine is Level 4, which is equivalent to the switchboard in the southern battlefield."

"If I die, my authority will be immediately moved to the next third-level communicator.

"The current order is first my two adjutants, and then the three of you, Mr. Su."

"Familiarize yourself with the communicator, we are about to take off, and you only have a few minutes to get familiar with it."

After speaking, Zhang Bin turned on the communicator and issued an order: "Everyone listen to the order and start the battleship.

"All set off in a minute."

Su Bai took a look at the functions of the communicator. In fact, they were all simple functions, but in the real-time battle situation, one could see that Warriors were constantly dying.

After getting a general understanding of the situation on the battlefield, Yin Bai sighed softly.

For Common people, or low-level world masters, war is simply a nightmare.

Soon, the battleship started and flew into space.

Chi Lansu was still a little nervous, and subconsciously held Su Bai's hand.

Shen Hongling was very calm, and had already begun to analyze the situation on the battlefield and the attack plan of the three of them.

"Su Bai, Chi Lansu, let's discuss it."

"Currently, the pressure on the left wing of the southern battlefield is due to.

"And the Zerg may expand the battlefield at any time."

"The three of us support the left wing first, what do you think?"

It is said to be the left wing, but it is actually a very, very long front. .

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