Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 550 Go To The Battlefield, Start A Simulation, The Result Is Amazing!

The entire southern battlefield stretches for hundreds of miles, and the central theater is next to it.

The dividing line between the two theaters is actually very blurred.

And the left wing of the southern theater also has a front of more than 30 miles.

The left wing is also the most difficult place to defend.

Because the left wing is the far left of the entire battlefield, the Zerg can go around the depths of the universe at any time.

As long as it bypasses the left flank, it can attack the front-line base two thousand kilometers away.

Su Bai nodded: "Yes!"

The pressure on the left is really high right now.

After confirming the location, both Shen Hongling and Chi Lansu will take advantage of this meeting to give orders to the small world, ~ready to fight.

Su Bai also notified Tianyuanjie - the leader of all races.

At the same time, Su Bai opened the emulator.

Before the war begins, he must first fully grasp the crisis on the battlefield.

【Reading data...】

【Read data successfully】

[This simulation consumes Genesis Value: 8709]

[You join the battlefield and immediately help stabilize the situation in the southern battlefield

[The Zerg launched a surprise attack on you, Chi Lansu, and Shen Hongling]

【However, the three of you have been prepared for a long time, and the Zerg suffered heavy losses】

[The Zerg began to retreat, maintaining formation at a distance of ten kilometers, and confronting you

[The war in the southern battlefield is gradually warming up, with only fragmentary battles]

[The armies of the two sides began to confront each other]

[However, other areas suffered more violent attacks]

[Zhang Bin sent a battle report to the command center of the frontline base, as well as the situation on the battlefield]

[At the same time apply to leave a part of the southern theater defense force, and others to support other theaters]

【Application rejected】

[Zhang Bin continues to apply]

[Mass casualties in other areas, the southern theater is still as stable as Mount Tai]

[Several days passed in a blink of an eye, after repeated requests from Zhang Bin, the command center finally agreed to support the southern theater

[Silver Moon Academy begins to support other regions]

[At the time of the fierce battle between the two sides, the Zerg in the south began to attack violently]

[The defenders in the southern theater were quickly defeated]

[You returned to defense quickly, but were blocked by Zerg]

[You summoned an army of millions of Tianyuan, and opened the way crazily]

【Shen Hongling and Chi Lansu fully cooperate with your counterattack】

[However, there are too many Zergs. Even if the three counterattacked with all their strength and killed countless Zergs, they still failed to break through in a short time]

0...asking for flowers...

[When you arrived at the southern battlefield, the guards on the entire southern battlefield had been completely defeated

[You have worked hard to form a defense line. Facing the counterattack of tens of millions of Zerg, you are weak and weak, and you have not been able to form a battle line, so you can only retreat]

[The defeat in the southern battlefield directly led to a gap in the entire battlefield, and had to retreat for a thousand kilometers]

[The front line is shortened to 1,000 kilometers from the base, and the Zerg may break through your defense line at any time and attack the base behind


[Insufficient follow-up data, unable to continue the simulation]

Su Bai looked serious.

The strength of the Zerg is stronger than he expected.

And it's stronger than he expected.

At this moment, Zhang Bin's voice came: "It's time to fight!"

Although it is the front line, there are also repair areas. After all, there are dozens of kilometers of front lines, and people will die and be injured at any time.

On the battlefield, some people are responsible for fighting, some are responsible for saving lives, and some are responsible for logistics.

Su Bai put on his battle armor, and quickly divided the position on the left: "Zhang Bin, this side will be handed over to the three of us, and you will be in charge of other areas.

"The three of us will help ourselves, without your help.",

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