Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 799 Criticism Goofy! I Killed You, What Can I Do?

Liu Qian tentatively said, "First, disobey the military order!"

Seeing that Su Bai did not speak, he continued: "Second, leave the defensive position without regard to the safety of your comrades in arms."

Su Bai said: "Although your two items are similar, I will not hold you accountable. I don't say anything about the first item, but for the second item, you should analyze the consequences in detail."

Liu Qian really didn't think about it carefully, so she could only analyze it according to what Su Bai said.

"Senior Gao led the team to fight out, causing our formation to be "057" and now empty."

"It's easy for the enemy to catch the gap."

"Even if the war is not lost, there will be casualties.

Su Bai nodded and asked, "Is there any more?"

Liu Qian thought for a while, then shook her head: "No more!"

Su Bai turned to Gu Yuanzhi and said, "Tell me two things!"

Gu Yuanzhi had already made up his mind: "First, contradict the superior."

"Second, the battlefield cannot control emotions!"

Su Bai knew that the two of them were careful to talk about irrelevant issues, to save face for Gao Fei.

Su Bai didn't intend to force them any more, and said, "I can understand you, you care about your thoughts."

"Now let me tell you something!"

"First of all, he didn't know my specific arrangements.

"I rushed forward self-righteously, thinking that I could fill the position he vacated."

"He thinks it's going to be okay."

"But he didn't know how I arranged it. If I had more important things to do, I would have to give up on you two.

"When you die, is it my fault or his fault?"

"Do you think it's not that serious?"

"Then do you know that their leader has been staring at us since we came in?"

"I'm just waiting for their leader to come out."

"If their leader is stronger, will Liu Qian and Gu Yuanzhi have to die?"


Su Bai dissected all the problems.

This lecture is more than an hour.

After speaking, Bai glanced at it and flew high on the ground.

"If I were you, I would either stand up, or understand myself at once."

"Liu Qian, treat the injury on his hand.

"If he wants to die let him die, don't stop him.

"I'll talk to the Gao family. I want to see what the Gao family can do to me after Gao Fei dies."

After finishing speaking, Su Bai turned around and entered the Tianyuan Realm...

Liu Qian and Gu Yuanzhi hurried to help Gao Fei up.

"Senior Gao, get up!"

"I have a special medicine here. A broken bone can recover in a few days. When you rest at night, you go back to the small world to rest, and you will almost heal when you come out the next day."

Gao Fei was lifted up by the two, and he didn't say a word, allowing them to apply medicine to him.

After Liu Qian gave Gao Fei the medicine, seeing that Gao Fei was still not moving, she persuaded: "Senior Gao, you should go back to the small world first!"

Gao Fei looked up at Liu Qian and Gu Yuanzhi: "Am I really wrong?"

Liu Qian and Gu Yuanzhi looked at each other, it was hard for them to say this.

Gao Fei said, "Just say what you think."

"Su Bai slapped me and stomped me to the ground."

3.4 "I have tried all the humiliation that should have been experienced and should not have been experienced.

"No matter what you say, I can accept it."

This is Gao Fei's heart.

His nature is not bad.

It's just that he is a little arrogant and self-righteous.

After being hammered by Su Bai, he also figured out something.

After he figured it out, some of his previous concepts were destroyed.

It made him a little confused. .

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