Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 800 Unreasonable! Leave A Brand In The Depths Of The Soul!

Liu Qian was also afraid of irritating Gao Fei.

Carefully said: "Senior Gao, I didn't have the same idea as you at the beginning.

"I think Senior Su is a little too unreasonable."

"Especially when it comes to you."

"We're all angry inside."

Gao Fei asked back: "Then why didn't you stand up against him?"

"I said objection, not pleading for me."

"Instead of direct rebellion against his orders."

Liu Qian hesitated for a moment, then said: "On the battlefield, following the commander's orders should be the most basic... right?"

Gao Fei was silent for a while, because this is the most basic truth.

03 He also understands in his heart.

understand this truth better.

Gao Fei said: "What if his order goes against what you think is the right choice?"

Liu Qian said: "A teacher who taught us to conduct said that."

"Soldiers don't need to think."

"Commander, all you need to think about is how to complete your appointment as a doctor.

"The only one who really needs to consider the overall situation is the commander!"

"Because only the commander-in-chief knows the overall situation."

"When a good commander asks you to die, it means that your death can be exchanged for greater value."

"So, we just need to choose a commander in chief and follow his orders."

"Don't ask why, don't ask right or wrong, don't ask life and death."

This is the purest military spirit.

Gao Fei smiled wryly: "Yes! I actually know what you said."

"But I'm always self-righteous."

"Su Bai may be right!"

As he said that, Gao Fei opened the passage to his own small world, and brought his army of elves into the small world to heal his wounds.

good good good. Looking at Gao Fei's back, Gu Yuanzhi couldn't bear it: "Is Senior Su being too cruel to Senior Gao?"

"I know Senior Su is kind, but...but it's too..."

Liu Qian also felt that she was a bit cruel, so she defended Su Bai: "Senior Su can protect us now."

"If we really go to the battlefield, there will be no one to protect us."

"It's Senior Su's kindness to be cruel to Senior Gao!"

Gu Yuanzhi didn't say anything more.

Su Bai was indeed teaching the three of them.

But Su Bai didn't think so much.

His idea is simple.

These three people are from Silver Moon University, and their character is not bad.

If you have the ability to teach them a little, then teach them!

Don't expect them to feel affection for themselves either.

I didn't even think about asking for anything in return.

Even if Gao Fei hated himself, it didn't matter.

Back in Tian Yuan Realm, Su Bai immediately went to see Yi Dan.

You said that you have been in Tianyuan Realm for more than a day, after all, time flows fast here.

Its injuries are also a little better.

Su Bai used his spiritual sense to communicate with Yun: "Are you still used to it here?"

Although the aura here is abundant.

But the aura in the ancient world was even worse.

Yun said lightly, "It's okay!"

060 Su Bai said "hmm": "Don't use your mental strength to resist me, I will do something!"

Yun said that he was startled: "You...what are you going to do?"

Any tampering with the soul is a very serious matter.

Su Bai dived into the depths of his soul: "Although you surrender to me, I don't have much confidence in you."

"There's got to be some kind of defense."

"Don't worry, it won't have any impact on your cultivation, let alone your life.

While speaking, Yin Bai had already left a message deep in Ye's soul.

"Forever loyal to Lord Lord God!"

This thing is planted in the depths of Qin Dan's soul, and he will never erase it in his life!

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