Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 816: The Power Of The White God! The Reaction Of The Three Universities!

The Internet is completely insane at this time.

"A group of shameless people who bully the few with the more!"

"White God is mighty, one person can resist the attack of these trash."

"Dong Zhilan and Yu Ziwen still think they are geniuses in the same class as Baishen, you are not worthy to lift Baishen's shoes.

Don't talk about those spectators and fans.

Even Li Mu watched and sighed: "Su Bai's Tianyuan army is indeed powerful.

"The Xiri and Jiuli schools are really deceiving people too much."

"If Su Bai doesn't go to the ancient world this time, with his current strength, he can be said to be the champion in next year's college entrance examination competition."

Li Mu has regretted it now.

If he had known that Su Bai was so strong, he shouldn't have let Su Bai take risks.

Jiuli University.

A small conference room.

The three are also watching Su Bai and their war.

A man in his early fifties sighed: "This Su Bai's combat power is probably at least eighth level~."

A person on the opposite side said: "The eighth-level Dzogchen, and the combat power of his Small World Legion, it seems that it is not normal.

"According to our information, Su Bai only has the seventh order now."

"How did he do that?"

The man who spoke before said: "No matter how he did it, we must not let her preserve her strength.

"Otherwise, in next year's examination competition, Silvermoon University may be the first place."

Xiri University.

in an office.

A principal and three vice-principals are present.

"This Su Bai is too strong. If it is one-on-one, Guozi is definitely not an opponent.

"This person can't be killed, but for the sake of the school, he must definitely let this small world army stay in the ancient world. w

Saying to stay, in fact, is to find a way to kill them all.

"If you want to contact other colleges, I don't believe how strong Su Bai is, as long as there are enough people, he will definitely lose.

"Actually, I think that Su Bai must have used some kind of secret method to activate the fighting power of his Small World Legion for a short time."

"No matter if it's a secret method or not, it can't be kept!"

The ancient world, the battlefield!

There were dead bodies all over the ground.

Su Bai's men also suffered heavy losses, with a death rate of more than 30%.

Even against the Zerg, he didn't pay such a big price.

Instead, it was Liu Qian, Gao Fei and Gu Yuanzhi.

Under the protection of Su Bai, the three of them did not have much problem.

Casualties were also low.

With Su Bai in front, almost no one can get close to them.

Liu Qian also has more and more feelings.

Dong Zhilan received a message again, even an encrypted voice.

"We must find a way to keep Su Bai's Tianyuan army in the ancient world, this is related to the competition next year.

Without weakening Su Bai, others will have nothing to play!

At this time, Dong Zhilan hesitated in her heart.

I want to disable Su Bai.

These people "I'm afraid they have to explain that the strength of Zhao Ban is here.

But if Su Bai is not disabled.

There is no way for him to beat Su Bai in the CEE competition in the future.

Just when Dong Zhilan hesitated.

Yu Ziwen came over suddenly: "You also received the message?"

It seems that Yu Ziwen also received it.

"What are you going to do?" Dong Zhilan asked Qi.

Yu Ziwen "hummed" twice: "Of course he was abolished."

"If I don't kill him, can't I abolish his Tianyuan world?".

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