Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 817 Make A Choice! Let Yourself Be Fooled First!

Dong Zhilan reminded: "Looking at the current situation, if you want to abolish his small world force, I'm afraid the price you have to pay is not small.

This remark immediately annoyed Yu Ziwen.

Just as she was about to speak, she also understood that Dong Zhilan was telling the truth.

Su Bai's strength completely exceeded his expectations.

According to this situation, winning or losing is still unknown.

Even if you win in the end, the price is indeed very high.

Yu Ziwen turned to look at Su Bai: "Are you willing to endure this?"

Dong Zhilan looked very calm: "You men like to act emotionally, I am a woman, and I don't pay much attention to it."

"As long as he can win, so what if he is arrogant?" 067 Yu Ziwen snorted coldly: "You mean you want to pick up ready-made ones?"

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to pick up."

Dong Zhilan glanced at the juniors next to her: "They still have a lot of time."

"Even if the loss is heavy this time, we can help them recover."

"But we are running out of time. There is still one semester, which is the graduation exam."

"In this exam competition, I think no one wants to lose.

"How much you and I want to get a decent finish, maybe even third.

Yu Ziwen immediately understood the meaning of the words.

It is to betray one's junior (ahef) junior.

The strength of the other six people is not weak either, they are all the best among their peers.

Let them go first and weaken Su Bai's strength.

Yu Ziwen hesitated.

This kind of thing is not thoughtful enough, and it is easy to ruin yourself.

In other words, if you want to do this, you have to make everything look very reasonable.

I tricked you, you don't know yet.

This difficulty is not small.

He hadn't done careful thinking before.

There is no specific solution for a while.

Looking back, Dong Zhilan suggested this method, maybe he already has the disease.

"Dong Zhilan, then tell me about your plan."

"It's impossible for me to blame you anyway.

"Let them go to die, and do it justifiably, so that others can't find any faults."

"I can't help it now."

Dong Zhilan pointed to Su Bai: "We are tough.

"Let the others flank you."

"If something goes wrong like this, no one can blame us."

"We have already served as the main force and are at the forefront."

Yu Ziwen frowned: "Then what's the difference between courting death?"

Dong Zhilan smiled lightly: "How long do you think the two of us can last?"

Dong Zhilan never thought of winning.

Judging from the fighting power shown so far, even if the two of them are partners, they are not Su Bai's opponents.

After thinking about it, Yu Ziwen said, "If it's just delaying time, it's fine to last for a few hours. y

Dong Zhilan nodded: "It's just delaying time."

"The six of them are not weak, and we are the ministers of these people.

"Where there are many people, that place is the main battlefield."

"We two attack the front, and they attack the flank."

"They're going to have more side pressure."

"The main battlefield will also be moved to the side."

"We're not the most stressed."

"At that time, no one can blame us.

Dong Zhilan's words made Yu Ziwen react immediately, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the truth.

"Unexpected! You are so insidious!"

"Just do it your way."

"Today I'm going to abolish Su Bai."

Dong Zhilan smiled slightly: "We don't need to be humble to each other.".

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