"The ancient world...is ready to be absorbed!"

"What shall we do?"

All the ferocious beasts waiting outside the cave in area 3 and the goblins of the monster clan all turned their attention to Bi Fang who was standing aside.

At this time, Bi Fang slowly opened his eyes, and said after a long sigh.

"Send the order, all beasts, prepare to enter - a long dormancy!"

"The master has told me before that when the ancient world is about to be absorbed next time, no matter if it is a beast or a monster race, they are all ready to go dormant, and they will not come out until the ancient world is completely absorbed."

The rest of the people didn't understand why they did this, but due to Bi Fang's identity and the master's instructions, they did it directly.

After Bi Fang said these words, the rest of the ferocious beasts or the goblins of the demon race all scattered away, and returned to the original road to prepare for dormancy, leaving Bi Fang standing alone.

He couldn't leave. Li Fangling had also instructed Bi Fang to assist Tao Zong to become a qualified commander after meeting the new master.

inside the cave.

Su Bai only felt that the golden aura enveloped his whole body, a warm feeling, and then the Tianyuan Realm appeared out of his control, and a huge suction gushed out from the Tianyuan Realm, that golden yellow aura At the beginning, he resisted a little, but seeing that it had no effect, he no longer resisted, and was still absorbed by the Tianyuan world.

And as the golden aura was absorbed into the Tianyuan Realm, some abnormal situations also appeared in the Ancient Realm. In some areas on the edge, many things disappeared directly, and even the area, overlooking from the air, the area of ​​the Ancient Realm is gradually shrinking.

And the area that was about to disappear was turned into a rich golden atmosphere, heading towards the third area.

As for those ferocious beasts, at the moment they were absorbed, they felt a mark appeared in the depths of their souls, and they became Su Bai's subjects without Su Bai doing it himself.

In Tianyuan Realm, that golden aura poured into the boundary of Tianyuan Realm, and then the golden aura directly ignored the boundary and continued to spread towards the periphery of the boundary.

Afterwards, the golden breath all gathered together, becoming more and more intense.

0………seeking flowers…………

All the people in Tianyuan Realm stopped what they were doing to check out this weird scene. They were very curious about what happened, but now Su Bai couldn't enter Tianyuan Realm at all. In an instant, Su Bai felt that he had lost the ability to move, and could only stand there blankly. Except for being able to control his own eyes to observe the surrounding situation, Su Bai didn't even know what was happening outside.


In desperation, the people in the Tianyuan Realm could only ask Meng Qi who was watching from the sidelines.

"That golden breath is the ancient world, another small world, our king is absorbing the ancient world."

Hearing what Meng Qi said, everyone was relieved, and even a little joyful, absorbing another small world? Isn't that just right! The current living place is already a bit crowded, and they are worrying about having no resources.

After waiting for the absorption to be complete, they thought about going to Su Bai to continue to allocate some territory for them. After all, every ethnic group also needs to develop.

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