Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 934: Mr. Hu's Thoughts

Inside the Camp in Area Six.

Hu Gan dialed his old man's phone number.

"You called me, did you encounter something in the ancient world?"

Mr. Hu's steady voice reached Hu Gan's ears, which eased his anxiety slightly.

"No, the matters in the ancient world have been dealt with."

"Oh? What about Su Bai? How is he?"

"Three six zero" That kid Su Bai came to the ancient world this time is considered to be the right one, this time he is very lucky, when he comes out next time, his strength should have skyrocketed a lot.


During the phone call, Hu Gan told his old man everything that happened in the ancient world these days, but the old man on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

"Are you... all right?"

Hu Gan asked cautiously, he knew that his old man remembered some past events again.

"I'm fine, child, it's fine if Xiu Yang dies, it's fine if he dies!"

"Old man, I'm calling you this time because I need your help. After all, I'm still in the ancient world, so it's not convenient."

"Hehe, you boy, whenever something happens, you will think of me."

Hu Gan had a serious face and said very seriously.

"Old man, do you know about the Long family?"

"Are you talking about the Long family in your province?"

"That's right, didn't that kid Long Tianao cause some troubles in Guizhou before, and after listening to Long Zhan's old Deng, he moved to another city, but after moving to the current city, there are still some problems. honest."

"That kid Long Tianao actually went to provoke Chi Lansu, I inquired about it, and it seems that he has taken a fancy to Chi Lansu.

"What did you say? Seriously?"

The old man of the Hu family said in disbelief, realizing that he was a little too excited, so the old man slowed down.

"Su Bai is a nice guy, tell me, I don't know what you think, even if Long Zhan really wants to support his grandson, I will definitely stand by Su Bai, don't forget, in Proxima Star Su Bai's kindness."

Hu Gan was a little helpless, Su Bai knew very well about himself, including this matter in the ancient world, if it wasn't for Su Bai, it would take a lot of time for Xiuyang to get the exact answer. If Su Bai hadn't gone to find Xu Shaoyang, and the matter of the Lin family, it would be another matter.

"Old man, I naturally know who to help, but now is not the time to calm down the matter before it gets too big, you said, what should the Long family do if they really want to target Su Bai. "

"For the current Su Bai, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Both of them understood in their hearts that Su Bai is really showing off now, and everyone's eyes are on Su Bai. If Su Bai is really angry and flies Long Tianao, then Long Zhan will definitely take this The strange thing made a big fuss, making Su Bai the target of 3.5, which is extremely bad for Su Bai's development.

Especially Xu Shaoyang is very optimistic about Su Bai, even Xu Shaoyang once told himself that he wants Su Bai to take this position in the future.

But the premise of all this is that Su Bai must grow up smoothly, and the road of growth is often accompanied by many difficulties and tribulations.

"Old man, let's see who is going to send over this matter."

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