Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 939: Looking For Elders After Being Beaten

"But if it's a critical moment, the only one I can rely on is myself."

Thinking of this, Chi Lansu began to practice.

On the other side, Hu Gan was anxiously rushing towards the war department. Even if he was in the war department now, it was impossible to rush to Chi Lansu's home immediately.

As the commander-in-chief, he still has a lot of things to deal with when he returns to the war department. There are documents that need to be handed over and processed.

"I hope time will come."

At this time, Hu Gan was not very far away from the headquarters of the war department, and it would only take half a day to get there according to a rough calculation.

He also received a call from Hu Feng just now, knowing the current situation on Chi Lansu's side.

At the same time, Long Tianao, who returned home, brewed his emotions, and then made a call.

"My dear grandson, what's the matter?"

On the other end of the phone, an elderly voice said very dotingly.

"Grandpa, I..."

"Good grandson, if you have anything to say, you can tell grandpa directly."

"Grandpa, I was bullied by others!"

Long Tianao said with a slightly crying tone, but there was no tear on his face.

"What's going on, you tell grandpa, grandpa will help you uphold justice!"

Long Zhan said sharply suddenly, which scared Long Tianao a little bit, and then he was overjoyed, he knew that as long as his grandfather said so since he was a child, he didn't need to worry about the future, and his grandfather would take care of it for him. Help yourself to Tianji.

Afterwards, he told Long Zhan the ins and outs of the matter.

"Hmph, that woman doesn't know good from bad, and it's her good fortune to be favored by my grandson. If she doesn't want to, forget it, and find someone to bully you? I'm going to settle this matter with the Hu family! I Seeing that their Hu family is in need of cleaning up!"

After Long Zhan comforted Long Tianao, he hung up the phone, and dialed the number of the old man of the Hu family a little angrily. The old man of the Hu family seemed to have known that Long Zhan was going to call him, and after clearing his throat, he Connected.

"You are so old that you still ask someone to bully my grandson? I think your Hu family is going too well!"

"Hehe, Long Zhan, I'm helping you, don't be ignorant!"

"I, Long Zhan, need you to help me? Isn't it just a Su Bai? A fledgling kid, my good grandson fell in love with Chi Lansu, it was to give her face!"

The face of the old man of the Hu family became gloomy when he heard this...

"If you think so, then it's all over!"

After finishing speaking, the old man of the Hu family hung up the phone directly, but Long Zhan was a little taken aback, and threw the phone out angrily.

Afterwards, the movement in Long Zhan's room startled the rest of the Long family, asking what happened.

Long Zhan looked at the people surrounding him, his eyes flashed brightly, since someone bullied his good grandson, then just bully him back!

"Come on, come here."

Long Zhan looked at his eldest son, the uncle of Long 2.5 Tianao, and waved his hands, signaling for him to come closer, while the others slowly left the room when they saw this, obviously they had something to do with him Longbao said.

"Take a few people with you and go there to beat up that kid from the Hu family. Be careful not to beat him to death."

Long Bao didn't quite understand Long Zhan's intention, but finally nodded. .

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