Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 940: Hu Feng Was Beaten

The ancient world.

Su Bai suddenly opened his eyes, but the surrounding environment surprised Su Bai, he clearly remembered that he was in the No. .

In the outside world, the original entrance and exit of the ancient world had completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. The soldiers on duty quickly reported the situation to Hu Gan who had returned to the war department.

"Okay, you guys check it again, if you are sure there is no problem, then withdraw it!"

Hu Gan said 10 words to the commander of the guarding troops, and at the same time he also understood that at this time, Su Bai may have completely absorbed the ancient world, but it still takes a little time

Hu Gan let out a long sigh of relief, and then continued to write his report.

As for Su Bai, after a long period of time passed like this, strands of golden aura suddenly flew out from the darkness, hovered over his body, and then directly penetrated into Su Bai's body to block the rain.

At this moment, Su Bai felt a splitting headache, a faint connection appeared in his brain, and some memories about the ancient world also flooded into Su Bai's mind.

It wasn't until these golden breaths disappeared that the headache problem gradually disappeared.

At this time, when Su Bai opened his eyes again, the surrounding environment became the cave No. 3 again. Of course, the formation had stopped working, as if nothing had happened.

Su Bai was a little puzzled, and then slowly came out of the cave. As soon as he got out of the cave, he saw Bi Fang waiting not far away.

"Bi Fang? Why are you still here, where are the other beasts?"

Su Bai asked, and Bi Fang got up and saluted Su Ri respectfully.

"Master, you have successfully absorbed the ancient world. Now, the environment you are in is your small world. After a while, the two worlds will be completely stabilized."

"Steady, do you mean the fringes where the two worlds connect?"


As night fell, Hu Feng was preparing to take a rest in a place he found temporarily, but a sudden sound caught his attention.

"Old Wang?"

Hu Feng called out tentatively, but no one in the room responded to him, he felt a little strange, stood up and turned on the light [Push open the door to go out to see what happened.

But when he pushed open the door, he subconsciously hid to the left, but the pain in his abdomen made him understand that there was more than one person coming.

He fell into a disadvantage at the beginning, and the opponent relied on the superiority of numbers. Hu Feng was defeated, so he could only protect his head so that the injury would not be so serious.

Just when his consciousness was a little fuzzy, Long Bao grabbed Hu Feng's hair and lifted his head up.

"Go back and tell your old man not to meddle in his own business!"

Hu Feng tried his best to open his eyes, and finally saw the face of the person in front of him clearly. With these words, he instantly confirmed the identity of the person in front of him.

"Longbao, do you know what kind of existence you have provoked? Today's bridge is settled, so don't say that I am taking advantage of others.

Hearing this, Longbao punched Hu Feng in the face with disdain, and Hu Feng fell into a coma.

"Arrange someone to send the three of them back to Hu's house.",

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