Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 973: The First Simulation In The Sword World

Su Bai changed her clothes in a hurry, and felt a little strange when she saw how many clothes she had worn in her life.

"Wang, I always feel that there is something missing from your whole body, and you always feel that something is not right."

Su Bai looked at Zhang Sanfeng with some surprise. He is also a cultivator. Zhang Sanfeng has a great say in this aspect, and then Su Bai asked slowly.

"What do you think is wrong? Didn't I replace all the clothes on my body with yours? Even the shoes!~"

Zhang Sanfen looked at Su Bai- carefully, and then said.

"There's something wrong with your hair! Look at mine, then look at yours. Does the comparison come out all at once?"

Zhang Sankuang said suddenly, pointing at Su Bai's short hair, Yin Bai realized it.

Zhang Sankuang's hair was all tangled up, and he even used a bun to fix it, but he didn't have such long hair! The person he met in the sword world just now was covered in tightness, with a hair on his head. Wearing a hat, Su Bai didn't notice it, but was reminded by Zhang Sankuang.

But now at this time, how could it be possible to make my hair longer all of a sudden? It's a bit unrealistic! What's more, I didn't expect this situation when I came here this time, so I didn't bring a wig or anything.

"Then it's troublesome."

Su Bai frowned and said, but Zhang Sanfeng didn't know how to solve it all of a sudden, after a long silence, Su Bai spoke again.

"You go back to Tianyuan Realm first, I'll figure out a way by myself, and I'll call you out later!"

Zhang Sankuang nodded, and then arrived in the Tianyuan world.

"Since I can't think of any solution, let's do a simulation and see what happens during the simulation. If it really doesn't work, I can only return to Blue Star first."

So Su Bai thought in his heart, and then found a relatively secluded place to conduct a simulation.

[This simulation consumes Genesis Value: 12099]

【You have entered the sword world, and you are going to go deep into the sword world alone to inquire about news. Unfortunately, Zulong discovered your movements and passed the news to the defenders in the rear city. 】

…… Ask for flowers……………

[You changed into the costume in the sword world, and then you are ready to go deeper. You crossed a plain, and then walked along the road for a day and a night, and finally you came to a small town. People coming and going in and out of this small village All have been interrogated by the guards, you know this is to prevent you from entering the town

[You found a place outside and waited quietly, trying to find a way to enter the town when the defenders were relaxed, but you finally got an opportunity. Something happened in the town that caused the defenders to They all rushed towards the town, so you took advantage of this gap and directly entered the town]


[You found a small room with no one there and planned to rest here for the night, and you asked Zhang Sankuang to keep watch for you, but when you were sleeping soundly, Zhang Sankuang suddenly woke you up

You look at the lights and noises outside the room, you suspect that someone has found your trail, and then you immediately get up and prepare to leave]

[At this moment, someone in the room broke in. After finding you, he didn't choose to call for help. Instead, he told you not to make a sound and die].

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