[After a while, the people outside left, and the person who broke into the room also left, and you did not stop it]

【At dawn the next day, you left the house. At this time, the defense forces in the small town increased, and you would encounter some interrogation from time to time, but with Zhang Sankuan around, you were not too affected. It's so embarrassing. When you want to leave the town, you are stopped to check the customs clearance disk] "Twenty-three" [For a while, you don't know what to do, and the guards surround you randomly. You didn't The only way is to do it, but not long after you do it, the formation is activated in the town, and Zhang Sanfeng has no way to break it]

【You were discovered! Died under the formation!】

[This simulation ends]

【Model score: C】

Su Bai thoughtfully recalled what happened just now. At first he thought that he had disguised himself very well, but he didn't expect that the passerby in the sword world would need a clearing disc, and it seems that in the sword world, he can pass through the clearing disc. To determine a person's identity, Yin Bai immediately felt a little troublesome.

After all, Su Bai doesn't have this clearance disc, and this disc is unique.

"It's a little troublesome now. If I turn around and kill those two people from the sword world, I'm afraid it won't work! When they stop and look at it, they will be betrayed!"

Su Bai sighed, and suddenly remembered the person who broke into the room in the simulation. It seemed that what happened in the town had something to do with that person.

"The defenders are all going to round him up. It seems that the crime he committed is not small! We have to find a way to find that person, maybe he has a way!"

Su Bai's eyes lit up, since the defenders wanted to catch him, then he and he were on the same side! There must be some reason that caused that person to commit the crime.

Thinking of this, Su Bai directly opened Tianyuan Realm to call out Zhang Sankuang, and then put on his hat.

"Let's go, let's go forward, there is a small town in front of us."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally had no objection, he was very clear about his identity, and slowly followed behind Su Bai.

It was very quiet along the way, only the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, I have to say that the scenery in the sword world is really good, and the environment is also very good.

It's just a pity that the sword world wants to invade Blue Star. If there is no such idea, maybe they can communicate with each other, but Su Bai knows that this kind of idea is a bit too extravagant

There are their ideas in the sword world, and there are things they need in the blue star, so they simply don't want to be able to coexist peacefully.

Not long after, Su Bai crossed the plain and walked along the road. There were some traces on the ground, it was obvious that someone walked by not long ago.

"It should be Zulong and the others."

People passed by from time to time along the way, but after feeling the coercion of Zhang Sanfeng, they left in a hurry without looking at it for a long time. After several 0.4 hours of trekking, they finally saw the outline of some small towns up.

Su Bai stopped in his tracks, he concluded that the person would definitely leave the town.

After all, the defenders in the simulation are very strict in inspection. Once there is a problem with the customs clearance disk, they will be taken away for investigation. The person who made such a big commotion, if he doesn't take advantage of the dark night to leave, he may not be there in the future. Opportunity left. .

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