Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 979: The Temptation Of Chocolate

Su Bai became interested. Mi Yufeng was fully prepared for this operation. He must have made all the plans and would definitely leave a way out for himself.

"You said, if you have a way to get us into Phoenix safely, I'll give you three packs of chocolates.

"You! Didn't you just say the last bag!"

In Mi Yufeng's eyes, Su Bai's words were deceitful! Obviously a little angry.

""Qi Erqi" Hey, I just said that I only have these two bags on me for the time being, and I will find a way to bring them to you after the matter is completed, what do you think?"

Su Bai's seductive voice resounded in Mi Yufeng's mind, and she was moved.

"As long as you have enough money, there is a group of people who can take you on a small path across Jushi Town and directly into Phoenix City. The path is very steep. If you don't pay attention, you may fall into the cliff, even if you are in the eighth stage of Liantian No one dares to take that path lightly!"

In the sword world, there are a total of fifteen stages of Liantian. In Mi Yufeng's conversation just now, the fifteenth stage of Liantian has almost never appeared in the sword world. Now it is widely known as the leader of the sword world, Liantian Thirteen paragraphs.

Su Bai smiled, can this be regarded as a matter? Among the fierce beasts, some can fly! Isn't this simple for me!

"You should find a way to get in touch, within five days at the most, the defenders of Jushi Town will search here, do you understand what I mean?"

Mi Yufeng nodded.

"What you promise me will count!"

Mi Yufeng emphasized something extra, and then Mi Yufeng walked towards the depths of the cave, and Su Bai didn't care about her actions at all, leaning against the cave wall and falling into a drowsy sleep

On the other side, go to the Heavenly Palace.

In Nuo Da's room, a burly and tall man sat on a chair, looking at the paperwork in his hand seriously. The decoration in the whole room is very luxurious, even the homes of the rich and powerful in Blue Star can't match it. .

The door of Shangtian Palace was suddenly pushed open.

"Great Commander, see Zulong from all households in the East Palace!"

The Grand Commander slowly raised his head and took a look.

"Free gift!"

"Commander, Blue Star's people have already entered the sword world through the connection port, and one person has infiltrated in secret, but this subordinate has informed all the city defenders along the way on the return journey, and has handed over the portrait to got them.

"Oh? There are so many of you, how did you let people from Blue Star enter the sword world? And the person who infiltrated? You...are you just for nothing."

The commander's tone was very flat, as if he didn't take these things to heart, but the coercion emanating from the invisible made even the guards outside the door feel a little scared

Sweat dripped from Zulong's forehead, and he tried his best to control the trembling of his body. After more than 30 years of cultivation, he barely reached the hurdle of the 10th stage of Liantian. Years ago, he had entered the Thirteenth Stage of Refining Heaven, and there was even an inside news that the Grand Commander was about to break through the 14th Stage of Refining Body 1.1.

"Minister, you are guilty! I hope the commander will punish you!"

The commander put down the document in his hand, and then walked down slowly.

"Zu Long, what do you think of me treating you?"

"Returning to the commander, everyone has seen your cultivation of the minister, and the minister is only grateful. Even if the commander-in-chief asks the minister to die, the minister will have nothing to say."

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