Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 980: Build Me Another 100 Mountain Shaking Cannons!

"Hehe, it's serious, you know that I am a person who distinguishes between rewards and punishments, I have read the complete report, and I know that the responsibility does not lie with you alone, how about this, you go to the back mountain of the Heavenly Palace and face the wall for three days. "

The commander-in-chief patted Zulong on the shoulder, and the latter was pale and sweating profusely when he heard these words, as if there was some terrible existence on the back mountain of the Heavenly Palace.

Zulong left with a face full of horror, leaving the commander alone in the room.

"Blue Star, I'm really looking forward to it! I didn't expect you to send people over so soon to make preparations, hehe, let's give you some happy time!"

The commander of Big 19 said meaningfully, but he was not very worried about the camp established at the connection point by Blue Star.

Zulong walked out of Shangtian Palace in a daze, and his subordinates surrounded him with some worries, asking about the situation one after another.

"Wan Hu, what did Commander Yin say?"

"Yeah, Wanhu, I won't punish you for this matter, right? This is totally not your responsibility! Who knew that Blue Star still has so much support!"

"That's right, and the speed of support is so fast."

Everyone complained a few words, and only a few people could hear their voices. If the commander found out, they would inevitably be punished.

"Okay, don't say too much if you complain, the commander-in-chief, let me go to the back mountain to face the wall and think about it for three days."

Zu Long couldn't hear his emotions, and he had already accepted it in his heart.

Everyone's complexion changed, they didn't expect to punish Zu Long, and suddenly there was no sound, they just looked at each other in blank dismay.

the other side.

When the sun slowly rose, Su Bai also woke up.

"Zhang San is crazy, what about the woman?"

Zhang Sankuan glanced at the depths of the cave, and Su Bai nodded. Although he knew that Mi Yufeng would not run away, it was better to take a look. Really caught blind.

Su Bai walked towards the depths of the cave, but after walking all the way, he couldn't find any trace of Mi Yufeng, and his heart tightened.

"This woman won't run away? Wake up and the person is gone!"

Su Bai almost said the quintessence of the country, and Zhang Sanfeng saw that Su Bai hadn't come out for so long and knew that something had happened.

"Wang, there's no movement at night! She won't run away from another exit, right?"

Su Bai thought about it carefully, then shook his head.

"Don't worry about her, maybe she went to find a way out."

Su Bai thought about what he had said to Mi Yufeng yesterday, and now he can only think about it. If Mi Yufeng really leaves, he has nothing to do. After all, he doesn't know when she will leave. Now Even if I look for it, I don't even know where to look for it!

Su Bai393 sat down and waited quietly on the spot, taking advantage of this time, he entered the Kaiyuan world again.

After distributing the red maple fruit, I went to the machine clan to look for number zero.

"My lord, I'm afraid the seventh-level shells won't be able to be produced for a while, and the formation given by Zhang Sanfeng doesn't support our production at all."

Su Bai nodded.

"Since this is the case, you should hurry up and manufacture the sixth-level shells! The more the better, and the Shaking Cannon, let me build a hundred of them first!"

No.0 was a little stunned, there are a total of 150 cannons in Tianyuan Realm, could it be that these are not enough?

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