Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 982: The Rice Language Wind That Comes Back Again

Su Bai was a little confused about Mi Yufeng's thoughts, so he left without even saying hello, but unexpectedly, he left and came back again.

"You're finally awake!"

Mi Yufeng blinked and looked at Su Bai, not feeling any fear, but calm.

"Where did you go? We searched the cave today and thought you were lost!"

Su Bai spoke in a flat tone, so that Mi Yufeng couldn't hear anything unusual.

"How is it possible? I am much more familiar with this cave than the two of you. There is a corner at the deepest point. If you walk towards the corner for a few minutes, you can reach another exit 390 away."

"It was early in the morning when I woke up, and you two were sleeping soundly, so I didn't bother you, and went to find someone to take us to Phoenix."

Su Bai nodded knowingly, and then continued to ask.

"So, what did it say over there?"

"Of course it is possible, but the asking price is a bit high, and it hurts me so much.

Mi Yufeng said with a painful face.

"Just tonight, they will wait for us at the designated place, no waiting."

Su Bai was a little surprised, he didn't expect to agree so quickly, the speed of this agreement made Su Bai feel a little strange, even a little suspicious.

"Didn't they recognize you?"

Mi Yufeng thought about it carefully.

"I changed my clothes at the time. They couldn't see my face clearly. They probably didn't recognize it! And when I came back, I waited in a place for a long time and didn't find anyone following me."

Hearing what Mi Yufeng said, Su Bai pondered for a while, thinking that he might be suspicious.

"Well, get ready and go there at night. In fact, it's not bad to go tonight. At least you don't have to worry about any emergencies in the next few days. Anyway, there is still a buffer time

"You must do what you promised me!"

Before Mi Yufeng left, he specially emphasized this (bjec) point, and seemed to attach great importance to this chocolate, Su Bai thought it was a little funny and nodded.

Zhang Sanfeng slowly moved forward.

"Wang, isn't all this a bit too dramatic?"

"That's right, I think so too, but Mi Yufeng has said so, and I can only trust her. After all, if someone else came here, how could he do the assassination of the mayor, and he could run away so easily come out."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded thoughtfully, and then, Su Bai stopped talking to Zhang Sanfeng, and started to run the "Lichen Immortal Scripture", taking advantage of this free time to practice well, and came to the sword world Among them, Su Bai felt a little ashamed.

There are quite a few people in the sword world who have shown astonishing talent since they were young, and they have worked very hard in their cultivation [people of Su's age are probably better than their own realm doctors among sword ghosts.

However, Su Bai felt a little strange not long after running the "Li Chen Xian Jing". The "Li Chen Xian Jing" seemed to be practicing faster. Su Bai opened his eyes and looked around, only to find that there were a lot of auras around him. Some of them came towards him and were absorbed into the body.

"Hold the grass, can the speed of cultivation in the sword world be accelerated?!"

Su Bai's face was full of surprises. When Zhang Sanfeng first arrived, he said that the aura in the sword world was very abundant, but he didn't expect that it would be beneficial to his cultivation. .

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