Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 983: Greed Is The Practitioner's Third Weapon

"Zhang Sanfeng, do you see if all the spiritual energy around here is coming towards me?"

Zhang Sanfeng, who was going to squint for a while, was woken up, rubbed his eyes and looked towards Su Bai, his face was also full of shock.

"My lord, even if I am practicing here, it is impossible to absorb so much aura! What kind of exercise are you practicing!?"

At this time, the "Li Chen Xian Jing" in Su Bai's body has been operating to the extreme, and the surrounding aura quickly gathers towards Su Bai [its intensity has even become substantially visible.

"King, hurry up and guard your mind, so much spiritual energy has gathered in your body, if you don't absorb it, you may explode and die! Hurry up and stop running the exercises!"

After Zhang Sanfeng was shocked, he quickly stopped him, Su Bai's current situation seemed very dangerous to him, even he didn't dare to absorb spiritual energy like this!

The aura in every place is fixed, if you absorb so much aura at one time and ignore it, the aura around you will be absorbed by Su Bai! Not only will it attract the attention of the defenders in Boulder Town, but the most terrifying thing is that you may explode and die!

Hearing this, Su Bai was about to stop running the "Spiritual Away from Dust", but he was surprised to find that he was only one step away from the eighth step! It was probably caused by the spiritual energy he had absorbed. Su Bai hesitated for a while. If he stopped now, he might not know when he would be able to break through next time.

Su Bai thought quickly for a few seconds, gritted his teeth, and continued to run "Li Chen Xian Jing", and it ran to the extreme! Now Su Bai is like a red-eyed gambler, putting all his eggs in one basket.

The surrounding aura seemed to be summoned, rushing towards Su Bai at an extremely fast speed, and was absorbed into the body by Su Bai. At this time, Su Bai felt that every part of the whole body was filled, and it was very sour and numb.

The shackles of the eighth-level elementary-level were slowly loosened a little bit. Under the aura of such a superstar, they were slowly opened. After a few minutes, Su Bai showed a painful expression on his face. His body couldn't bear it anymore. There was too much aura!

...asking for flowers...

"King, step down!"

Zhang Sanfeng felt that something was wrong, the aura at the beginning had already become a little substantive, but now Zhang Sanfeng felt that the aura could be touched directly!

"Wait a little longer, soon!"

Su Bai thought silently in his heart, suddenly, he felt something in his body was suddenly broken through, and his whole body became soft for a while, and the aura that was originally in his body was completely absorbed at this time, Su Bai hurriedly stopped the operation of "Li Chen Xian Jing".

Su Bai opened his eyes and lay limp on the ground, unable to control his limbs at all, trembling slightly.

"Wang, what you did just now was really too dangerous! You almost exploded and died! Even my master didn't dare to absorb all the rich aura just now!"

Zhang Sanfeng stepped forward to help Su Bai up in shock, and Mi Yufeng also sensed the strangeness here, and ran out with a face of doubt, and was even more surprised to see Su Bai being helped aside. .

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