Universal Lord: Get the Vampire Queen at the beginning

Chapter 211 The reason for not fearing death

Looking at the overwhelming abyss monsters in the distance.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but frown and ponder.

For two consecutive days, these abyss monsters have been charging hard, not taking their lives seriously at all, just like the NPCs in the game that can be resurrected infinitely.

However, the number of their attacks each time is not too large.

Conservatively estimated to be around five million.

They will launch attacks every once in a while.

It's impossible to rest quietly for a while.

Sometimes Jiang Cheng even suspected that the leader of the abyss monsters was a ghost, sending all the small fish and shrimps to die, and no big fish appeared.

Five million abyss monsters, Jiang Cheng only left one-third of the blood clan warriors to stay.

Other blood clan warriors and war puppets helped other lords on the continent to clear out the monsters hiding in the dark corners, and strive to clear them up as soon as possible.

There are tens of millions of lords, and talents from all walks of life.

This morning, a lord made a simple map through various relationships, made hundreds of thousands of copies, and distributed them to some capable lords.

At the same time, they also formed a large group chat of millions of people and began to share various information in it.

While perfecting the map, mark the suspicious places.

Such suspicious places may hide abyss monsters.

Ordinary lords are difficult to eliminate, and the support troops of the great lords are needed.

Now all the lords are united.

Incomparable unity, jointly resisting foreign enemies.

There may still be situations where they dislike each other.

But for the sake of the overall situation, both sides tacitly put aside their prejudices.

The group chat is headed by the nine super lords.

There is one less demon lord.

Because everyone unanimously agreed that it would be better not to bring him in.

This guy still has zero points so far.

At first everyone would be angry, but now everyone is numb in their hearts and has ignored the existence of this phenomenon.

Still defeat the abyss monster as usual.

This time Anna forcibly controlled an abyss monster, imprisoned him, did not give him any chance to react, and shattered his consciousness with a slap.

Then he used the secret technique to control it.

They tried to capture an abyss monster before.

But the abyss monster was like a madman after being captured.

I don't know what he activated, but he exploded directly, basically without hesitation, very determined.

It seems that death is nothing in front of him.

Later, after observation, Anna discovered that there was a divine power hidden in the consciousness of the abyss monster, and he could activate this divine power to commit suicide as long as he thought about it.

"What is your name?"

"What realm are you in now?"

"What position do you hold in the team?"

Jiang Cheng asked three questions in a row.

The abyss monster's eyes were dull, and he answered Jiang Cheng's questions uncontrollably.

"My name is Bass, I am currently in the Saint Realm, belonging to the 19,097th Corps, and serving as the captain of the assault team. Long live the abyss universe, for the holy war, even if I have to sacrifice my life, I will not hesitate!"

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows. He originally just wanted to ask tentatively to see if there was anything abnormal, and then ask in detail.

But I didn't expect this guy to say the second half of the sentence...

Anna on the side explained: "This sentence has been engraved in his bones. His language and actions are all affected by this sentence."

"Even if he is controlled, he will say this sentence involuntarily. It may be caused by the repeated indoctrination of creatures with strong mental power."

After some explanation.

Jiang Cheng became curious about this sentence.

The Abyss Universe should be the name of their universe.

The holy war mentioned by the other party should be this invasion war.

But these guys can actually not fear death for the sake of fighting.

It is really a bit crazy, and it is probably affected by some evil and weird things.

After that, Jiang Cheng asked more than a dozen questions in succession.

He learned that before each battle, these abyss monsters preparing for battle had to go to a special square to listen to their military advisor's battle declaration.

The content of the declaration is about the holy war.

Let them not be afraid of death, don't worry about sacrifice.

Because death is also a new kind of salvation.

As long as you make a contribution to the holy war, you will be reincarnated into a wealthy family in the next life, standing at the top of the pyramid since childhood, enjoying treatment that ordinary people can hardly reach.

"How is this the same as a sect?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but feel a little funny.

But then he thought, this so-called military advisor should be a spiritual power, while reading these contents, instilling thoughts into these abyss monsters.

Change their minds unconsciously.

Let them believe these words.

And let these words stay in their hearts forever like a cancer.

For spiritual power, it is not difficult for them to change a person's mind in this way.

The gap in strength between the two is huge.

This kind of subtle influence, the weaker party is powerless to resist, and can only be forced to accept, and these words are deeply engraved in the bones and cannot be erased.

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