Hojo Town.

The territory square was bustling.

Invited by the three Hojo sisters, Bai Tian Zhixia, Takeda Shinichi, Sakurai Shuichi and 29 other top 100 lords of the Sakura Kingdom gathered in Hojo Town.

Of the 34 people on the list, only 5 were not there.

In theory.

Even if they belong to the same camp, they will be cautious when entering other people’s territories.

But Hojo Mai is about to become the mayor of Qingyang County.

It’s not good to be absent when the leader invites you.

Of course, they all brought their most powerful heroes and several teams of soldiers to protect them.

Hojo Mai was about to complete Jiang Chen’s task, and said excitedly:

“Everyone, after today, Qingyang County will usher in a new chapter!”

Shirata Zhixia said loudly: “Cheers to the Great Sakura Empire.”

Takeda Shinichi also said: “Thanks to Miss Hojo this time, we can get the greatest benefits at the lowest cost. Cheers to Miss Hojo!”

Everyone echoed.

A whole morning.

They also relaxed their vigilance.

Hojo Mai curled her lips secretly.

At this moment, the betting was locked.

Muto Shinichi, who had bet a lot of spirit stones, discovered the abnormality at the first time and was surprised:

“Huh? Why did someone bet 10 million on Longyuan Town?”

Shirata Orishita suddenly stood up and shouted:

“Miss Hojo, what are you doing?”

It turned out that Hojo Mai had torn open a mute scroll and mute the entire county.

“What am I doing?” Hojo Mai sneered, “You Sakura dogs, dedicate everything to my great master!”

Everyone couldn’t believe their ears.

The three words “Sakura Gou” actually came out of the mouth of the Hojo family?

Before they could come back to their senses.

The territory teleportation array flashed one after another.

Jiang Chen walked out of the teleportation array with the empress, Yan, Li Hanyi, the goddess warrior, the nine-day saint, and the human-shaped dragon.

“Jiang Chen!” Sakurai Shuichi was stunned, “The Hojo family actually colluded with Longguo?”

As the ruler of the Tokugawa shogunate, the Hojo family’s status in Sakura Country is almost equivalent to that of the Tang Dynasty Li family and the Ming Dynasty Zhu family in Longguo.

The absurd scene in front of him was just as outrageous as Zhu Yeqing betraying Longguo.

Hojo Mai said fanatically: “For the master! For Longguo!”

After Jiang Chen looked around, he said with satisfaction: “Noon has arrived, I will send you on your way!”

Shirata Orishita shouted from a high place: “Everyone, Jiang Chen only has 12 dragons. As long as we escape the forbidden area, we can expose the crimes of the Hojo family and unite with the lord of Hojo Town to kill them!”

Suddenly, followers gathered.

But soon.

They sadly discovered that the high-level troops they were proud of were slaughtered crazily by Jiang Chen.

Without the three Hojo sisters taking action, the war was over in less than a minute.

Then, Jiang Chen carried the most shouting Shirata Orishita back to the territory.

A green light instantly fell on Shirata Orishita’s head.

Shirata Orishita immediately said respectfully:

“Master, before I die, please allow me to hand over all my property!”

For this operation, Jiang Chen specially upgraded the mind control tower to level 5, adding one more control quota.

“As soon as possible, I’m in a hurry.”


A few minutes later.

All 29 Sakura mayors paid and set off.

However, regarding the treatment of the three Hojo sisters, Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment.

As long as the Sakura people are not idiots, they will soon suspect the three sisters.

Even if it is just a suspicion, the three sisters will inevitably return to Blue Star for investigation.

It can be said that the three have basically lost their spy attributes.

“Keep it for now! Anyway, there is no better target right now!”

“And the three sisters are all excellent quality Lord Hearts, their arms are at least excellent quality, and their overall strength is not inferior to Zhu Yeqing, so it’s not bad to help them!”

In this operation, Jiang Chen once again gained 120 million spirit stones from the Sakura Lord.

Of course, the biggest gain is not the spirit stones, but the attributes…

After a simple and fulfilling busy time.

Jiang Chen opened the chat channel again.

Many people also discovered the extra 10 million spirit stone bets placed by Longyuan Town.

Naturally, they thought of Jiang Chen first.

In the Dragon Alliance channel.

An Chuxia said in disbelief: “Jiang Chen… it’s you again?!!”

Wei Ming said excitedly: “It must be the boss, hahaha…”

The little fox regretted: “I should have been brainless to the end, this time I really missed a billion o(╥﹏╥)o”

After a few minutes, Ying Yinman finally spoke:

“Jiang Chen you… you old fool!”

I don’t know if the bloodline just evolved.

Zhu Yeqing was also speechless: “This… is it a re-enactment?”

The scene in front of him was too familiar.If it were someone else, they would definitely think that this person was crazy.

But it was Jiang Chen who did such an outrageous thing, and they actually subconsciously believed it.

It’s just that this time it was a little too outrageous.

Jiang Chen immediately said: “In order to achieve better results, I concealed it from you. Also, the spirit stones of the big boss Ying Yinman will be returned in full later.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s personal confirmation, the last bit of doubt among the people was dispelled.

Ying Yinman said angrily: “Do I need those two coins? But you lied to me!”

Jiang Chen was not happy with this: “Although you are a big boss, you can’t slander me. Think about it carefully, did I lie to you?”

As he said, he threw 100,000 votes at Lao Qinzhen.


The votes of Lao Qinzhen immediately overwhelmed Beitiaozhen.

Ying Yinman was stunned.

She thought carefully about what Jiang Chen said yesterday, and it seemed that it was indeed “let Lao Qin Town’s votes exceed Bei Tiao Town”, not “let Lao Qin Town take first place”.

But from yesterday’s point of view, these two sentences mean the same thing!

Zhu Yeqing hurriedly tried to smooth things over: “Sister Ying, calm down. Although Brother Jiang Chen is a little… Lao Liu, it’s for Longguo after all.”

Xia Wushang also hurriedly persuaded: “Yes, in this way, our Longguo will not only take the county governor, but also take the first and second place.”

Ying Yinman was powerless to refute.

And after calming down, she also realized that if Jiang Chen could really take the first place without canvassing, concealing it or not would have no effect on the result.

Without Jiang Chen, she probably couldn’t beat Bei Tiao Town.

Ye Yiren suddenly said: “Brother Jiang Chen, you voted 100,000 for Lao Qin Town, are your votes enough?”

“100,000?” Jiang Chen smiled, “Also, who said that Longguo can only take the first and second place? Look at me taking you to fly!”

Before everyone understood what this meant.

Jiang Chen threw out another 500,000 votes, which landed on Yanming Town.

Yanming Town ranked second only to Laoqin Town, pushing Beitiao Town to third place.


The outstanding battleship “Dreadnought” floated quietly on the sea.

Zhu Yeqing stood on the deck, as if he was under a spell, with a dull look on his face.

“This is… too outrageous…”

He didn’t do anything, but he ranked second.

But then, his eyes, which had already widened, almost popped out.

“And… more?”

Yongye Town and Yanyu Town also instantly received 100,000 more votes, allowing the two towns to enter the top ten.

“My goodness, how many votes does he have?”

As soon as the voice fell.

The towns that were originally in the top ten of the votes collectively moved down one place.

[1] Longyuan Town: 666666

Top of the list!

Zhu Yeqing’s body shook for a while, and he subconsciously held the side of the boat to stabilize his body.

“It’s too exaggerated. Counting the votes for our towns… one person has more than one million votes. It’s too fake!”

“Even the achievements of our ancestors at his age are far less than that!”

Zhu Yeqing suddenly shuddered:

“People with great luck like Brother Jiang Chen must become friends, or even… a family. I remember that my third uncle’s cousin is beautiful and talented. I must introduce her to Jiang Chen!”

Thinking of this, Zhu Yeqing sighed:

“Brother Jiang Chen, the gift you gave is not something that can be measured by spirit stones, so I can only use my sister to pay off the debt!”

Jiang Chen looked at the more than 700,000 votes left in his backpack and gave up voting!

The rewards for 4-10th place are the same.

For Yongye Town and Yanyu Town, 100,000 votes are enough.

As for Yanming Town, it is entirely out of appreciation for Zhu Yeqing.

He originally planned to vote for Longyuan Town with 1 million votes.

But now he thought it was unnecessary because the top four were under his control.

So he chose the former between the two auspicious numbers of “six sixes” and “six eights”.

“It’s done. Are you satisfied?”

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