Jiang Chen’s operation took less than ten seconds.

Nearly one million lords in Qingyang County were shocked to the point of losing their voices.

The originally lively county channel, Dragon Alliance channel, and Longyuan Town channel were instantly silent.

It took dozens of seconds.

Ye Yiren said with difficulty: “More than one million votes…”

But there was only this sentence.

Because apart from “Fuck”, she really couldn’t find any other words to describe her feelings at the moment.

The huge shock even made her forget to thank Jiang Chen for bringing her Yanyu Town into the top ten.

Fortunately, she didn’t know that Jiang Chen had reservations, otherwise she would have fainted at this moment.

Zhu Yeqing sighed: “I’m afraid that brother Jiang Chen started to swipe votes early!”

Ying Yinman guessed: “Even if you swipe in advance, it’s not enough. The warship you showed me yesterday must be more than one!”

Ying Yinman finally admitted it.

Besides, Jiang Chen not only helped her keep the second place, but also helped her bloodline evolve. She really has nothing to complain about?

Some are happy, some are sad!

The lord of Sakura Country went crazy again.

It was just because of excitement just now, but this time it was because of fear.

The switch between heaven and hell was only within a minute.

“What happened just now? How come in just a few seconds, Hojo Town is only the fourth place!”

“Amaterasu, this is not true!”

“My spirit stones, I bet 2,000 spirit stones!”

“Mr. Mayor, what should we do…”

A lord of Baitian Town wanted to find a backbone, but he called for a long time without any response.

After opening the list of lords in the town, he was instantly confused.

“Why is the avatar of Lord Baitian Orishita black? Oh my God, Mr. Baitian is dead!”

“Damn it, our mayor has also fallen! He was fine ten minutes ago!”

Just now, everyone was immersed in excitement, so how could they pay attention to the list of town lords.

With this reminder, more and more lords opened the list of the town and found that their mayors had died without knowing when.

“What happened?”

“Is the end of the world coming?”

“It must be Jiang Chen! It was Jiang Chen, the old shaman who did it!”

“But how did he do it? Could he curse magic?”

Huang Xuan: “Hahaha, the boss did a great job… But why did the boss kill so many Sakura mayors at this critical moment?”

The little fox reacted the fastest: “Attributes! Hahaha, brother Jiang Chen did it for the attributes!”

Many people reacted immediately and subconsciously covered their chests, with such a thought in their minds at the same time.

“Where did this monster Jiang Chen come from?”

And those who didn’t react were still asking, “What attributes?”

Ye Yiren groaned, “Have you forgotten the attribute rewards for the deceased mayors in the first two town rankings?”

Ying Yinman’s eyes were red with envy, and she said, “Nearly 200 points of all attributes…”

Zhu Yeqing said blankly, “If this is given to me, I don’t need seven stars to point my life, I can tear the dragon apart with my hands!”

Now, even the dullest people understand.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand.

Because noon has arrived.

The birth of the county magistrate is naturally impressive.

The whole sky was covered with golden light, even overshadowing the sun’s brilliance.

Lines of golden characters appeared in the sky.

[County magistrate election settlement: Longyuan Town Mayor Jiang Chen was elected Qingyang County magistrate. Authority increased. ]

[This is the choice of the people, please assist your beloved county magistrate to defend the county and resist foreign enemies together! ]

Seeing this.

Many Dragon Kingdom lords couldn’t help but complain.

“Tiandao, are you stupid?”

“You call this the ‘people’s choice’? This is obviously the choice of Jiang Chen himself!”

“That’s right, have you seen any people elect Jiang Chen?”

[The ranking of the third town ranking competition in Qingyang County is now announced. ]

The announcement is still going on.

Similarly, because the votes are updated in real time.

So Tiandao instantly announced the ranking of all towns.

[First place in the vote ranking, Longyuan Town, 666666 votes, rewarded Mayor Jiang Chen with all attributes +80, town luck +8]

[Second place in the vote ranking, Laoqin Town, 512860 votes, rewarded Mayor Ying Yinman with all attributes +50, town luck +5]

[Third place in the vote ranking, Yanming Town, 500000 votes, rewarded Mayor Zhu Yeqing with all attributes +30, town luck +3]

[Fourth place in the vote ranking, Hojo Town, 472235 votes, rewarded Mayor Hojo Mai with all attributes +20, town luck +2]

[Vote ranking…]

Until the 20th place, the town ranking competition was full of the sky.

This is not over yet.

Soon more than a dozen messages were posted.

[Since the fifth place in the vote ranking, Mayor Sakurai Shuichi, has died, his attributesThe sexual reward will be inherited by the first place in this town ranking competition, Mayor Jiang Chen. 】

[Since the eighth place in the vote, Mayor Shirata Orishita, has died…]

Zhu Yeqing looked at the prompts and murmured:

“It’s like the devil descended from heaven, it’s really the Tai Sui God on earth! Brother Jiang Chen is strategizing, the county magistrate’s throne, luck, spirit stones, attributes… none of them are spared!”

“When I thought I saw his details clearly, I always found that I still underestimated him.”

There is a sentence he didn’t say.

The plan to let my cousin seduce Jiang Chen must be put on the agenda as soon as possible!

Ying Yinman was completely convinced and added: “Is this guy a glutton?”

Ye Yiren said happily: “The most amazing thing is that when Boss Jiang Chen eats meat, I can also drink enough soup with him!”

As for Longyuan Town.

Space expansion, dragon veins evolution, resource mutation, monsters advancement…

A series of changes made everyone in Longyuan Town crazy, and they shouted “Long live Jiang Chen”.

One person’s success brings prosperity to everyone!

“Hahaha, now our Long Country has established a firm foothold in Qingyang County!”

“I am so lucky that I stayed in Longyuan Town with passion and determination!”

“I wonder what expressions those who moved away would have now?”

“Haha, what other expressions can they have? Regret!”

“If you want to settle down in Longyuan Town now, give me 10,000 spirit stones first!”

“10,000 spirit stones? Is my Longyuan Town household registration so worthless?”

With Jiang Chen as the center, golden light fell one after another.

His body swelled, his spirit was clear, and his spirit was surging…

Jiang Chen’s momentum was rising steadily.

“Based on the current map area, population, and resource density of Longyuan Town, the per capita resources in Longyuan Town are probably dozens of times more than those of ordinary towns…” Jiang Chen sighed. Before he looked at the county magistrate’s authority that had just been unlocked, his face suddenly changed. He immediately took out a bottle of life essence and gulped it down. He had a hunch that he was about to break through. After the life essence was swallowed. Jiang Chen immediately received a reminder from the Heavenly Dao. [Reminder: Your qualifications have been upgraded to Class A, and the compensation attributes are as follows: Physical +180, Spiritual Power +180, Soul +215, Carrying +172] From epic to legend, it is a reborn upgrade. The sudden surge in all attributes made Jiang Chen feel hot all over. But he did not stop. He took out another bottle of life essence and drank it down… “Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, it’s time to break through…” Jiang Chen began to practice as if nothing had happened. But his amazing operation in just ten minutes stunned all the bigwigs who were paying attention to the results of the Qingyang County Mayor selection…

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