Meng Tian behind Ying Yinman suddenly suggested:

“As the saying goes, the military’s formation is to avoid the real and attack the fake!”

“We can completely bypass Okinawa Island and continue to go deep into the inland of Sakura.”

“I just don’t know if Mr. Jiang Chen still has the legendary space sealing scroll?”

“Yes, seal all the main forces of Sakura Country here,” the little fox said murderously, “then we will enter the inland of Sakura to burn, kill, rob, and do all kinds of evil!”

This is a good idea.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen, waiting for Jiang Chen’s decision.

“But have you ever thought that this might be exactly what the Sakura Nation wants!”

Jiang Chen shook his head and pointed forward:

“The ones opposite us are all the main forces of the Sakura Nation. Although we can seal them here, it is equivalent to preserving them.”

“Although we can seize territory and even occupy the capital by entering the inland of Sakura, we are fighting away from home after all. If we cannot take advantage of the advantages of the strong men in the old areas of the Jianguo and the Sky Fox Clan to eliminate the enemy’s living forces, occupying more territory will only be a mirage!”

The analysis made everyone ponder.

In fact, there are two points that Jiang Chen did not say.

The Sakura Nation wanted Jiang Chen to retreat, but Jiang Chen also wanted to achieve success in one battle? It would save him from cleaning up the Sakura strongmen everywhere in the future.

Moreover, in Jiang Chen’s eyes, the dozens of enemy generals were simply sending him national fortune.

Ying Yinman frowned and said, “Are we going to charge in like this? That’s too much!”

Tushan Honghong immediately shouted, “The lord of the 2 million old district of Tushan clan is willing to be the vanguard!”

“Tushan clan’s contribution will be rewarded after this battle!”

Jiang Chen nodded and said seriously, then waved his hand gently:

“But before that, let me invite reinforcements…”


Everyone looked at each other, only Zhu Yexuan was excited, because she was the second-level administrator of the Five Elements Temple and had some understanding.

When everyone was confused.


A dazzling light suddenly broke out in the sky above the sea ten kilometers ahead of the Kingdom of God’s fleet, which made the world change color.

The violent energy tide set off a huge wave tens of meters high on the sea.

And in the center of the energy tide, a towering shadow slowly emerged.

“Five Elements Temple!!!”

“It’s the Five Elements Temple!”

“Such a big thing, can it be moved at will?”

Everyone exclaimed, followed by excitement.

Except for veteran masters such as Meng Tian, ​​most lords did not know the function of the Five Elements Temple. After all, it was too high-end.

Of course, although the relocation distance was only a few hundred thousand kilometers, it also consumed Jiang Chen’s 10 billion spirit stones, and the cooling time of the temple relocation was very long.


The 10,000-meter-high Five Elements Temple gradually solidified and floated above the sea. The strong sense of oppression made everyone feel awe from the bottom of their hearts.

“Space Sealing!”

Jiang Chen wanted to wipe out the enemy, so he took out a legendary space sealing scroll and threw it out, then said to Zhu Yexuan:

“Xuanxuan, it’s up to you next! Don’t be afraid of consuming spirit stones!”

“Okay!” Zhu Yexuan licked her lips and soared into the air, “The water element in the sea is extremely abundant, so let’s start with the wrath of the sea god!”

The spirit stone burned, and the terrifying water element immediately condensed on the top of the temple…

At the same time, the Sakura lords were also dumbfounded.

On Chongso Island, more than 70% of the powerful war lords of Sakura Country gathered, and tens of millions of territories were connected together, almost exhausting all the expedition orders of Sakura Country.

In addition to the strong men in the old area supported by other countries, it can be said to be impregnable.

Although temporarily giving up the inland map, it will surely become a laughing stock in the Blue Star Region.

But this is also the best way that Sakura Country can think of. As long as the strength is preserved, what is lost can be taken back sooner or later.

But the appearance of the Five Elements Temple caught all the Sakura High Lords by surprise.

The 10,000-meter-high Five Elements Temple can be clearly seen even from a distance of a hundred miles.

“Five Elements Temple! Goddess Amaterasu, Jiang Chen actually moved the Five Elements Temple here?”

“Back then, Shenzhou relied on a Five Elements Temple to destroy the powerful coalition of our countries!”

A Sakura General suddenly took off into the air, and the rumbling sound spread throughout the battlefield.

“Be patient, the last defeat was because we were on an expedition to a foreign land and were caught off guard, and this time we are on defense!”

“Our territory now stretches for thousands of miles, even the Five Elements Temple can do nothing to us!”

These words made the Sakura Lords feel a little relieved.

Someone immediately recognized this Sakura General.

“It’s Mr. Watanabe Shinji! It is said that Mr. Watanabe is an A-level qualification, an A-level military honor lord talent, and the grandson of the ‘Gun Hanzo’. He has comprehended the “gunmanship will” and his strength has beenIt is not weaker than the mythical troops of the same level!”

“Haha, if Qingyu hadn’t deprived Yu Fengwu of his official position, a strong man like Mr. Watanabe would probably find it difficult to get out!”

Suddenly, someone pointed to the west and said:

“Ah, look at the sea…”

Zhu Yexuan had already completed the activation of [Anger of the Sea God].

As if a deep-sea monster sucked water, the waves of the shallow sea suddenly receded, revealing a wetland thousands of meters wide. Many marine creatures that had no time to escape struggled desperately on the wetland.

Then, a white line appeared on the distant sea level, and in a dozen seconds, it reached ten kilometers away from the coast.

“Tsunami! It’s a tsunami!”

Lord Sakura screamed in horror, because the scene in front of him was too horrifying.

The waves of the tsunami were hundreds of meters high, and marine monsters such as Naga, Hydra, Sea Dragon, Leviathan, etc. continued to appear on the waves.

“All territories, turn on the maximum power of the protective shield and prepare for the impact! ”

“Defense tower, launch an attack on the tsunami later to weaken its power!”

Watanabe Masahiro shouted, his face slightly ugly.

“Damn it! The Five Elements Temple is even more terrifying than described?”

They only had a general understanding of the horror of the Five Elements Temple from the survivors of the Battle of Longyuan Town.

But they didn’t know that the damage of the Five Elements Temple had been overflowing in the last battle of Longyuan Town.

And with the power of the Five Elements Temple, the desert can create a hundred-meter wave for you, not to mention that it happens to be an ocean environment, and the power of [Wrath of the Sea God] is doubled.

“Open! ”

When the tsunami landed and was still a thousand meters away from the Sakura position, Watanabe Shinyi shouted softly, and a terrifying spear light hundreds of meters long shot out.


The tsunami was instantly pierced, and the structure of the tsunami, which was a thousand meters wide, was destroyed and collapsed. Although the tide was still rushing towards the Sakura position, its power had been greatly reduced.

All the defense towers in the Sakura territory opened fire, and hundreds of thousands of attacks bombarded the waves. Although the power was far from that of Watanabe Shinyi’s attack power, fortunately there were enough.

One second later.


Weakened by 70% The tsunami hit the Sakura defense line.

The lords in the first row of territories only felt that the sky was flooding back, and the entire territory was instantly submerged by seawater. Tens of millions of tons of seawater fell, and the protective shield flashed wildly.

Fortunately, the territories in the first row were all 18-book fortresses, and the protective shields were extremely strong.

After a few seconds, the sea water receded.

The Sakura defense line held up, and it didn’t seem too difficult.

Suddenly, cheers resounded in the Sakura position.

But Watanabe Masaki’s face was extremely gloomy.

Because he stood high and looked far.

At the end of the sea surface within his sight, the second tsunami had already formed.

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