“Shouldn’t we set up the front line on the seashore?”

Watanabe Shinyi muttered to himself.

But it’s too late to say anything now.

This layout plan is also the result of careful selection by all the Sakura high-level officials. Not only is the terrain flat within a thousand miles, but it is also surrounded by the sea on the west and south, rivers on the east, and the abyss on the north. It can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Moreover, by building a defensive front along the coast, a large number of defense towers can be used to bombard the enemy fleet and prevent the enemy from landing.

But they never expected that the Kingdom of God could relocate the Five Elements Temple and emit such a powerful water magic.

While he was thinking, the second tsunami was approaching.

Watanabe Shinyi stabbed out again, and countless defense towers opened fire at the same time.


The second tsunami hit the Sakura front line again.

Then, the third… the fourth… the fifth… seemed endless.

After seven [Angry of the Sea God], the Lord of Sakura finally panicked.

“Lord Watanabe, my shield can’t hold on any longer!”

“I’ve started adding mid-grade spirit stones, but the shield’s recovery speed is still slower than the consumption!”

“The ammunition of the defense tower has been consumed by more than half!”

Although the territory shield can be replenished with spirit stones, it takes time.

With such a high frequency of attack, even if many lords start adding mid-grade spirit stones, the territory shield has begun to flicker.

Unless the energy of the top-grade spirit stones with more refined energy is added.

But the top-grade spirit stones are used as fuel for the territory shield, and no force in the entire Blue Star Region can afford to consume them!

“Legendary and above strong men, take turns to intercept the tsunami!

“With such a powerful force, Jiang Chen must use the skills of the top-grade spirit stones. Humph, let’s see who can outlast who?”

With a command from Watanabe Zhenyi, thousands of legendary soldiers took off and launched an attack on the new wave of tsunamis.

“Holy Strike!”

“Devil’s Scythe!”

“Meteor Ray!”

“Beast King Roars! ”

Even the legendary strongmen did not want to resist the power of heaven and earth with their bodies, but released powerful skills from a distance.

The power of the skills of the legendary strongmen was not inferior to the epic defense towers.

Thousands of legendary soldiers were equivalent to thousands of epic defense towers.

The power of the wrath of the sea god was weakened by 90%, and the damage to the protective shield was finally within the tolerable range when it hit the front line of the Lighthouse Nation.

Watanabe Zhenyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen’s rumbling voice came:

“Listen to me, all Sakura lords, save the spirit stones in your hands, and those who can’t pay the ransom will be killed without mercy! ”

God and heaven are my witnesses, Jiang Chen meant what he said!

In this kind of large-scale war, the most important thing is to compete for consumption and resources.

Although the war has just begun, the Sea God’s Wrath has consumed hundreds of millions of spirit stones from Jiang Chen. This is not counting the billions of spirit stones that were moved.

It is conceivable that his consumption after this battle must be hundreds of billions.

Jiang Chen is still waiting for blood to recover after the war.

But to hear these words from the Sakura Lord, it is nothing short of a great shame.

“Arrogant kid!” Watanabe Shinyi shouted: “What other means do you have, just use them!”

“Hmph!” Jiang Chen snorted coldly and stopped talking.

This made Watanabe Shinyi happy, and he shouted: “You all have seen that Jiang Chen has run out of tricks!”

But soon, he couldn’t laugh anymore.

“How is it possible?”

“How can the power of skills be increased? ! ”

Looking at the nearly 1,000-meter-high waves in the sky, Watanabe Zhenyi was stunned, and then screamed:

“Ah, Jiang Chen didn’t use the top-grade spirit stone just now, but now it is!”

“Everyone use the top-grade spirit stone to replenish the protective shield, all long-range soldiers go all out, and must withstand this wave! ”

After saying that, he also used his ultimate move, and dozens of hundred-meter gun shadows blasted towards the thousand-meter-high waves.

Just as Lord Sakura relaxed, he was caught off guard.

They hurriedly added high-quality spirit stones to the half-broken protective shield, but it was too late.

Many smart lords had already given up their territories and soared into the air.

With everyone’s full efforts, the thousand-meter-high waves still had a little power left, and they slammed into the first row of territories.


The current level of the fortress is only more than a thousand meters in diameter, and the tallest building is only more than two hundred meters. With the half-broken protective shield, it is not worth seeing at all.


The protective shield broke, and all the buildings were instantly crushed to pieces under the impact of billions of tons of seawater!

“Ah! My territory! ”

Some lords who took off early screamed as they looked at their territories.

The territories were destroyed, and their hard work for more than a year was destroyed, and even their initial investment was lost.

But they should be thankful, becauseI still have a chance to feel sorry for them.

Many lords who reacted slowly were torn to pieces by the huge waves along with their territories.

The Wrath of the Sea God swept hundreds of kilometers of coastline, which means that nearly a hundred 18-level fortresses, along with tens of thousands of defense towers, were all destroyed.

After destroying hundreds of fortresses in the first row, although the power of the huge waves weakened, they still hit the fortresses in the second row, causing the protective shields of the second row of fortresses to flash wildly.

“The power of the top-grade spirit stone is really extraordinary!” Looking at the power of the last wrath of the Sea God, Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction, “It’s just that the consumption is a little bit high!”

“It’s 100 million points…” The little fox looked distressed, “The top-grade spirit stones consumed in the previous attack, if exchanged for ordinary spirit stones, would be worth no less than 1 billion!”

The exchange ratio between low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and top-grade spirit stones is about 100:1, but the energy value contained is only 1:10.

Of course, the energy of high-quality spirit stones is more refined. Under the same energy value, the power of the skills activated is stronger!

It takes 10 million ordinary spirit stones to activate the Wrath of the Sea God. If it is replaced with high-quality spirit stones, it will cost 100,000.

And 100,000 high-quality spirit stones are worth 1 billion ordinary spirit stones.

Even considering the supply and demand relationship, the price of high-quality spirit stones may be even higher.

But for Jiang Chen, the price of strengthening a high-quality spirit stone is only 1,000 spirit stones, so the consumption is “only” 100 million ordinary spirit stones.

Of course, it takes Jiang Chen at least 1 day to strengthen 100,000 high-quality spirit stones…

So Jiang Chen can’t use high-quality spirit stones at will, he can only take the enemy by surprise and kill him with one shot.

At this time.

Zhu Yexuan said: “Boss, the guy with the gun is definitely a Sakura general star, do you want me to kill him in seconds?”

“No!” Jiang Chen hurriedly stopped him.

Good boy!

Jiang Chen was still waiting to kill the old generals to plunder the country’s fortune.

The Five Elements Temple is an outdoor building, and it will not be counted on his head after killing them.

“Continue to use the Wrath of the Sea God to destroy the second row of territories!”


The Five Elements Temple opened fire at full power,

and Jiang Chen adopted the “nine light and one heavy” offensive strategy, and suddenly launched a heavy attack.

Sometimes he even went straight to Huanglong, interspersed with aoe skills such as the Sky Flame Funeral with a smaller range and stronger damage, and directly destroyed a territory.

Jiang Chen used all kinds of tricks, making the Sakura Lord unable to defend, ecstasy, and even crying!

Although the number of the Sakura Legion is ten times that of the Kingdom of God, they know their own weight and dare not launch a counterattack at all. They can only silently bear Jiang Chen’s attack.

Half a day later.

Jiang Chen used the top-grade spirit stone to activate [Wrath of the Sea God], set off a huge wave of more than a thousand meters high, and finally destroyed the tenth row of territories of the Sakura Kingdom.

“10,000 top-grade spirit stones are worth 10 billion ordinary spirit stones!” Now, even the rich man Ying Yinman felt distressed, “You can’t be so poor!”

Others, including Zhu Yexuan, looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

At the same time, a thought came to their minds: Did the boss find a top-grade spirit stone mine? Otherwise, where did so many top-grade spirit stones come from?

Top-grade spirit stones, like legendary items, cannot be brought into the new area from the main world.


Jiang Chen explained with a smile:

“The defense towers of Sakura Country are all built in the outer ten rows of territories!”

“And destroying these territories can also clear the tactical space for our army to land and reduce casualties.”

“So spend some money!”

Ying Yinman was eager to try: “We have cleared a gap of 100 kilometers. Can we attack?”

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