The soul of the army is easy to say!

The Crystal Princess made several moves, which were enough to prove her strength.

“Jing Qi! Come on!”


The first crystal princess of the magic system under Jiang Chen was born.

After testing, Jing Qi’s soul attribute exceeded that of the fairy dragon leader Paris after using the extraordinary aggregation, and she became one of the best fighters under Jiang Chen.

As for [Sun True Fire], Jiang Chen hesitated for a long time.

Jiang Chen had heard of this mythical skill.

It is said that if the Sun True Fire can be cultivated to the realm of perfection, a big sun golden crow can be summoned to fight for you. This is a fire army with more powerful combat power than the phoenix.

The most suitable candidate for this skill is undoubtedly Jaina with the will of fire.

Jaina is a magic master, with a strong soul and a natural talent in spell cultivation.

Moreover, since the last time she gave Jaina the Demon Book, her favorability has been raised to 99 points.

If a myth skill is given this time, Jaina’s favorability…

I’m thinking wrong!

“But if I give it to the Empress, all the thousands of Tianyin Saints of the Tianyin Corps can master this myth skill, which is a thousand times more joyful! Not to mention, it can be promoted to all Tianyin branches!”

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Chen still made a difficult decision.

“Empress, you should learn about this skill book!”

Jaina already has the myth skill of Demon Scourge, and it’s a bit confusing to get another one.

“Myth skill, Sun True Fire?”

“Ah! I know, this is the skill of the Lieyang Daojun?!!”

After seeing the information of the skill book, the Empress couldn’t help but exclaimed.

She didn’t refuse, but was extremely surprised and hugged Jiang Chen and kissed him hard.

“Thank you, Master, you are so kind!”

The Empress clapped her hands, and the skill book turned into a stream of light and merged into her body.

[Your heroic empress has successfully comprehended “Sun True Fire” · Getting Started]

[The empress’s skill “Teaching and Educating” takes effect, and Tianyin Pavilion obtains the sect skill “Sun True Fire”. All Tianyin Pavilion and Tianyin branch soldiers can learn it, and there is no consumption in the learning process. ]

“Teach Sun True Fire!!”

At Jiang Chen’s command, Jiutian Saint Ji and thousands of Tianyin Saint Maidens all comprehended this mythical skill.

Of course, Jiang Chen has not yet promoted Sun True Fire to the Tianyin branch.

Because “epic soldiers born with mythical skills” are too shocking, by then, I’m afraid the entire human race will come to the door.

Wait until the situation is really critical and has to be exposed one day.

This is not over yet.

Jiang Chen summoned a flame messenger with the least skills, then took out dozens of adsorption stones and started the crazy adsorption mode.

[Tip: Use the adsorption stone successfully, you lost an adsorption stone, and obtained the skill book · C level (continuous fireball)! ]

[Tip: Use the adsorption stone failed! ]

[Hint: Successfully used the adsorption stone…]

After consuming 23 adsorption stones, Jiang Chen finally smiled.

[Hint: Successfully used the adsorption stone, you lost an adsorption stone, and obtained the skill book A-level (flame will)! ]

“Finally succeeded…”

He exhaled softly:

“It’s so difficult to adsorb A-level skills, let alone S skills! Otherwise, if I adsorb a few more books of Sun True Fire, everything will be solved!”

One adsorption consumed half of the adsorption stones that Jiang Chen had accumulated through various means.

Then, he also handed this [flame will] to the empress.

So far, Tianyin disciples have mastered three A-level passive amplification skills, [space will], [sword will], and [flame will]!

It will definitely scare people to death if you tell them!

Half an hour later.

On an uninhabited desert island in the middle of the vast sea.

A group of dozens of people looked down from above, and Zizai Tianjiao shouted:

“Sun True Fire, go!”

A ball of bright flames condensed, and Jiang Chen could feel the scorching heat even from dozens of meters away. The flames flew a thousand meters away and landed on a honeycomb-shaped building with a diameter of 100 meters below.

This is a rare outdoor building [Murloc Nest].

Next to the nest, countless elite murlocs were holding up harpoons and demonstrating to Jiang Chen and others, not knowing that the catastrophe was about to come.


The fireball the size of a human head was unhindered and instantly sank into the constantly squirming flesh wall on the outer layer of the building.



Accompanied by a muffled sound, countless flames spewed out from the honeycombs of the nest, and many murloc monsters in the nest were swallowed by the flames before they could even scream.

After a few seconds.

The murloc nest with a diameter of 100 meters was left with only the black frame wreckage, and even the surrounding ground wasBurned into a glass color!

The fish monster that was lucky enough to survive stood there for a moment, then screamed in fear and fled in all directions. Jiang Chen was too lazy to chase it!


A gust of sea breeze blew, and the only remaining debris of the fish nest turned into ashes and completely dissipated in the air without leaving a trace!


Seeing this scene, everyone present took a breath of cold air.

“The Sun True Fire blessed by the Will of Fire is so powerful! This is just the entry-level!”

And this is when Zizaitian’s attributes are mediocre. Sun True Fire is a magic skill. If used by Jaina, the power can be multiplied several times.

Zizaitian, who has mastered a magical skill again, is also excited. Then, the little girl said with some regret:

“It’s a pity that the entry-level Sun True Fire only has one form of attack, the fireball, and the speed is not fast, and it can only be condensed dozens of meters away!”

Jiang Chen saw through the little girl’s mind at a glance.

He naturally wouldn’t bother with a little girl, he just thought it was a little funny.

Jiang Chen waved his hand.

“Skills advanced!”

The Sun True Fire of the Empress and the Nine Heavens Saints 10 people was directly upgraded to the minor success, and the thousands of Tianyin Saints were upgraded to the mastery.

“380 million sect luck!!” Jiang Chen felt a little painful looking at the consumption, “The sect luck consumed by the myth skill advancement is more than 10 times that of the legendary skill!”

With Zizaitian’s current attributes, the Sun True Fire above the mastery level can be directly condensed and exploded hundreds of meters away.

The Lieyang Daojun who was killed by Jiang Chen not long ago was only the mastery level of the Sun True Fire, and Jiang Chen instantly upgraded the Sun True Fire of thousands of Tianyin Saints to this level through the Tianyin Pavilion.

The power in his hands surged again, which made Jiang Chen in a good mood. He said to Li Hanyi beside him seriously:

“Hanyi, you have been tired in the past few days of fighting. Take a day off today!”

“It just so happens that this lord has learned massage techniques from Zizaitian. You wait in my room and this lord will personally help you relax!”

Li Hanyi’s pretty face flushed and she nodded shyly.

Zizaitian didn’t know what was wrong with him today. Seeing this, he quickly expressed his loyalty: “Lord, let me help Sister Hanyi relax!”

As a result, Jiang Chen glared at her fiercely, which made the little girl look aggrieved.

“Relax?” The empress pulled Zizaitian behind her and rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen, “I’m afraid there will be another battle later!”

This made Li Hanyi’s face even redder!

“Jiang Chen, the list is ready!”

“According to your request, among the 16 million captured Sakura Lords, more than 5 million have been dealt with, and the rest can be used to exchange for ransom!”

Just one day later.

Ying Yinman sent Jiang Chen a list and said excitedly:

“When do we start?”

Jiang Chen looked at the astronomical figures below the table and smiled with satisfaction.

Although he won this battle, the more than 700 billion spirit stones in his hand were exhausted.

This time he can finally make a profit, and it is a huge fortune.

Jiang Chen did not look at it too carefully, and directly forwarded the list to the Blue Star Domain channel, and then issued an announcement.

[Within 10 days, as long as the war criminals on the list pay the ransom according to the standard, the Kingdom of God will forgive them, otherwise they will bear the consequences. ]

[The ransom payment method is the same as last time, transfer it to me through the exchange, and then take a screenshot and post it in the group. After the staff of the Kingdom of God see it, they will naturally release the people. 】

When the Blue Star Territory lords opened the list and saw the total amount below, they were shocked.

“18… trillion spirit stones?!!”

“Many small countries can’t come up with so many spirit stones in a hurry!”

“After this battle, Jiang Chen is truly rich enough to rival a country!”

They are going crazy with envy.

This is naked war money!

Even if we don’t mention the income from the territory, resources, territories, and towns of the Sakura Country, the ransom alone is worth the money.

Many lords of the Kingdom of God were excited because they also participated in the capture and received a 40% commission!

Shenwu Naizi said angrily:

“Your Kingdom of God is the war criminal and executioner! Our Great Sakura Empire is the victim! Tens of millions of war lords, now there are only 10 million captives left! Please ask the Blue Star United Parliament to do us justice!”

The member of the Blue Star United Parliament is Susan, who has been in the same boat with Jiang Chen for a long time, and naturally will not pay attention to the Sakura Kingdom at this time when Jiang Chen is in the limelight.

Sherman said nervously:

“As everyone knows, Jiang Chen has achieved today’s success by krypton gold. If Jiang Chen really gets this huge sum of money, I’m afraid no one will be able to check and balance him in the future! Even let Jiang Chen create his own legendary troops, ah bah bah bah…”

Aoi Songye is veryA loud appeal:

“Warriors of the Sakura Country, the time has come to serve the Emperor! You must not pay the ransom and help the tyrant! I suggest that you all commit suicide immediately…”

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