This sentence instantly ignited endless anger.

Not only from the captives, but also from their relatives and friends.

“Bakayar! What kind of suggestion is this? It turns out that you are not the one who will die!”

“Why didn’t you big guys show up during the Battle of Okinawa? Now you come out to make sarcastic remarks!!!”

“Miss Aoi Matsu, if you commit seppuku live, I will follow you through life and death!”

The top leaders of Sakura Country disappeared instantly.

Are you kidding? Others can die, but how can they die?

Some captives collapsed instantly after seeing their ransom.

“Wow, I don’t have enough money to pay the ransom. Who can lend me 500,000 spirit stones? I will definitely pay you back double within a month!”

Almost at the same time, Jiang Chen’s ears were constantly filled with transfer reminders.

[Reminder: Toyota Zhixuan Lord transfers 1.5 million spirit stones to you…]

Jiang Chen also kept his promise and released the person immediately after receiving the ransom.

Seeing that some people paid the ransom and regained their freedom, the other few wealthy lords naturally no longer hesitated, and most of the poor lords began to borrow money to redeem themselves.

In less than ten minutes.

Jiang Chen’s assets exceeded 2 trillion spirit stones. Such a speed of making money made Jiang Chen tremble with fear.

“It is indeed a gold belt for murder and arson! The ancients are not deceiving me!”

10 days later.

Jiang Chen looked at the spirit stones in his account, and his heart surged.

17.5824 trillion spirit stones!

As for the hundreds of thousands of Sakura lords who really had no money to pay the ransom, Jiang Chen did not force them, but sent them directly to see Amaterasu.

Jiang Chen did not know at this moment that his act of extorting a huge ransom directly helped the Lighthouse Country make a huge decision!

“Everyone sort out the work at hand, come to my territory in three days, and we will have a celebration banquet!”

Looking at the notice issued by Jiang Chen, the top leaders of the Kingdom of God cheered, and even the rich woman Ying Yinman was no exception.

And during these ten days.

Good news kept coming.

“By plundering the resources of the Sakura territory, the 4 million war lords of the Kingdom of God’s expeditionary force have all been promoted to level 18…”

“Boss Tushan Yueyue has just led Nanlizhou to occupy the golden fishing ground, which is the economic lifeline of the Sakura Kingdom…”

“Boss An Chuxia has taken the lead and has occupied the capital of Shenwuzhou…”

“Boss, we found the [Stone of Life] vein in Shenwu Town…”

Jiang Chen lived up to the name of “invader” at all. The lords of the Kingdom of God burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil in the territory of Sakura.

What surprised Jiang Chen the most was that the vein of the Stone of Life was found in the Shenwu Town with 2,000 points of luck.

In this way, if you want to build other springs of life, you only need the material [Gold of Origin]!

The combined fleet of the Lighthouse Country and the South Korean Country, which had originally planned to take the opportunity to attack Shenzhou, immediately returned to the original route after the end of the Okinawa War, without daring to say a word.

No matter how big their imaginations were, they could not imagine that the national war would end in a few days!

After Jiang Chen’s Crystal Maiden Legion was exposed and defeated the Five Elements Sect Legion, no one dared to make trouble for Jiang Chen, at least not now.

For a while.

The people of Longguo were proud, and even when traveling abroad, they would receive the highest level of courtesy.

As for the tens of millions of territories on Okinawa Island, it would take at least a month to demolish them all.

So Jiang Chen asked some lords who lacked construction resources to demolish their homes, and other lords followed the fleet to land on the Sakura mainland and capture other states.

Under the threat of the Dragon Country, more than 99% of the Sakura lords chose to sell their territorial assets and then directly withdraw from the area.

Within ten days, the Kingdom of God had occupied five states, including Shenwu State, and turned them into the territory of the Kingdom of God recognized by the Heavenly Dao.

Since Sakura has not yet established a country, Jiang Chen decided to call the fourteen states of Sakura as “Sakura Island” in order to unify the tone.

From then on, the lords of the Kingdom of God can freely enter and exit Sakura Island through the teleportation array and enjoy the rich marine resources.

It is expected that in another half a month, the Kingdom of God will be able to completely occupy all the state capitals of Sakura Island.

Time quickly came to three days later.

Dozens of high-level officials of the Kingdom of God gathered in Jiang Chen’s territory.

Jiang Chen set up a sumptuous banquet, including the golden dragon fish just caught from the Golden Fishing Ground, and a piece of two-brew enlightenment tea purchased by Ying Yinman from the Wanjie Mall.

“Humph!” Ying Yinman snorted coldly and muttered softly, “If it weren’t for this celebration banquet, I wouldn’t buy enlightenment tea from Asan!”

Since it was confirmed that the enlightenment tea was sold by the reincarnated farming lord of Asan, Ying Yinman no longer bought it.

“Let’s divide the spoils first!”

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and then transferred the money to the twelve state governors and Ye Yiren according to the amount of spirit stones that had been calculated long ago.

Hundreds of billions of spiritual stones, and even more than a trillion spiritual stones.

In addition, the high-level officials of Shenzhou also received a lot of spiritual stones, especially Ying Yinman, Jiang Chen directly received 300 billion.

The spiritual stones in Jiang Chen’s hand shrank by half in an instant, leaving 9 trillion.

“Everyone can distribute it to the lords of their own states according to their contributions!”

All the lords, including Ying Yinman, were very excited.

Tushan Honghong was suspicious and said, “Boss, the spiritual stones you transferred to our Nanlizhou seem to have increased by 1 trillion!”

“This is part of the extra compensation for you!”

Jiang Chen nodded, then looked around and said:

“With the huge contribution of Tushan this time, it is also what everyone expected.”

Everyone spoke up and agreed.

Not to mention that the Tushan Old District Corps did lead the way in this war and suffered heavy casualties. Even if they did not contribute, they were still a favorite in Jiang Chen’s eyes. Who dared to say no?

Tu Shan Hong Hong was relieved and said happily: “Thank you, Boss, thank you, brothers and sisters!”

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded, and was about to continue to divide the spoils.

After all, the high-level items he had obtained these days were tens of millions, and to him, these were all garbage.

And the interests of the fourteen states of Sakura Island also needed to be redistributed.

But at this moment.

Ding ding ding——

Several golden announcements suddenly appeared in the Blue Star Domain channel.

After reading the content of the announcement, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes, and others had already let out a low cry.

“Damn, the Lighthouse Country was founded?”

“How is it possible? It’s only been a short time, and they actually got the founding order?”

“What a damn luck!”

“That’s not right!” Ying Yin Man frowned and said, “I haven’t heard that the Lighthouse Country has attacked a certain royal court in the foreign domain! Could it be that a mythical creature has appeared in the Blue Star Domain?!”

Generally speaking.

In addition to the chance of the founding order being dropped when destroying a certain royal court, the only chance of it being dropped is when killing wild monsters above the mythical level, and the chance of killing wild monsters is extremely small.

“It must be a mythical wild monster. Sister Ying, do you still remember the Ancient Gate?”

Zhu Yegong suddenly thought of something and said hatefully:

“This must be another trick of ‘the way of heaven takes away the surplus and supplements the deficiency’. The way of heaven saw that our Kingdom of God was too strong and had affected the balance of the Blue Star Domain, so it began to support our mortal enemy!”

The little fox shouted: “Even if the lighthouse is founded, we are not afraid! Brother Jiang Chen is invincible!”

“The boss is indeed invincible, but…”

Zhu Yegong is experienced and obviously thought of a deeper level, and said worriedly:

“It doesn’t matter if a lighthouse country is founded, but I’m afraid that our enemies will establish countries one after another in a short period of time and start the ‘foreign invasion’ too early!”

Hearing the words “foreign invasion”, everyone’s expression was stern.

Even Jiang Chen’s expression became serious.

Because of the establishment of the Kingdom of God, the level of the indigenous countries around the Blue Star Domain has been fully opened.

If the Heavenly Dao’s protection of the new domain of the Blue Star Domain really fails suddenly, and the “foreign invasion” is launched in advance, even for Jiang Chen, it will be a bit troublesome.

“Be safe!”

Although the possibility of several countries being established in succession is very small, in order to be foolproof, Jiang Chen believes that he needs to prepare for a rainy day.

Jiang Chen looked at the people who had lost their smiles because of the establishment of the Lighthouse Country, and quickly glanced at his warehouse.

“Although the strength of the strong men in the Kingdom of God has far exceeded the average level of the Blue Star Domain, it is still not enough to face the indigenous countries. It seems that I have to bring out more good things this time…”

After making up his mind, Jiang Chen smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, everyone, since you are here, make the best of it! Come on, let’s continue to divide the spoils…”

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