In the next few days.

Several major events happened in the Blue Star Region.

First, Jiang Chen, Ying Yinman, and Zhuge Lan fought on three fronts in the Blue Star Region, and once again killed nearly 10 billion Protoss troops.

The 15 billion Protoss troops in the Central Theater finally arrived in the Eastern Theater.

But they dared not divide their troops anymore.

And with the speed of the superior troops, they could only be led by Ying Yinman.

Of course, the situation in the Blue Star Region is very good now, and Ying Yinman does not want to fight hard, but relies on the strong mobility advantage to continuously destroy the Protoss territories in various prefectures.

According to Jiang Chen’s plan, first clear all other scattered Protoss corps and territories, and then concentrate all the military forces in the Blue Star Region to kill the last 15 billion enemies.

Second, except for the lords of the Northern Bear Country, the lords who took refuge in the Lighthouse, Cigar and other countries have moved back to the original map one after another.

After all, all the lords crowded in the Eastern Continent have seriously affected the development of the Blue Star Region. Now that the Protoss has been defeated, the Blue Star Region, except for the Northern Bear Country, can resume work and production in full.

Third, just as the half-month space ban on Beida Road was about to end, Jiang Chen generously threw out tens of thousands of legendary space ban scrolls again…

This also made the Protoss expeditionary force completely desperate, and the remaining God Kings also fell into a heated discussion.

“Damn it! Jiang Chen has no idea how many sealed scrolls he has! If we continue to drag on like this, we will be wiped out sooner or later! Now that we are doomed to fail, our only way out is to withdraw from the Blue Star Domain immediately.”

“We must not withdraw from the Blue Star Domain! The Northern Continent is still our home ground, and Jiang Chen can only restrict our Anywhere Door through space sealing! But once we enter the outer domain of the Blue Star Domain, we lose the Anywhere Door authority, while the Blue Star Domain can use the Anywhere Door at will.”

“What should we do? Under Jiang Chen’s blockade, the legions scattered in the northern and central war zones are difficult to gather together, let alone join us! It won’t be long before they will be defeated one by one. At that time, we will face the entire Blue Star Domain.”

They only now realized that they were doomed to fail from the moment they divided their forces.

But then again, if they didn’t divide their forces, they would not be able to occupy the Blue Star Domain even if they fought away from home.

In the final analysis, it was because the combat power of the Blue Star Domain far exceeded everyone’s expectations.

After a long silence.

The old area god king of the Brahma Star Domain suddenly said: “The difficulty of the Blue Star Legend Legion lies in its powerful combat power and mobility. So… we also gather all the combat power above the legendary level, catch up with the main force of the Blue Star Domain, and launch a decisive battle!”


The female god king of the Daluo Tianyu was shocked:

“Although the legendary combat power of the Eastern Theater is nearly 40 million, more than 90% are legendary 1-star, and the level is only 120. The strength is far inferior to the Dragon Blood Legion! This is completely a suicide mission!”

“Yes! It’s a suicide mission!” The old area god king of the Brahma Star Domain said calmly. “But since it is inevitable to die, it is better to take action now, at least you can drag a few people down with you before you die…”

In a state capital in the Central Theater.

The Blood River Array covers an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, and countless blood statues continue to attack the thousands of Protoss territories below.

From time to time, the protective shields of several territories are broken, and then swallowed by the Blood River Array.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Chen also threw his fishing line into the depths of the blood river and continued fishing.

Not far away.

Avril, a level 140, fell from the sky and smashed through a God Clan territory shield, and then smashed on the Lord’s Mansion below.


The Lord’s Mansion, hundreds of meters high, collapsed directly under Avril’s sacred attack.

The collapse of the Lord’s Mansion means that the territory has been breached, including all the buildings in the shield, which instantly lost their luster and turned gray.

Similar scenes continued to play out.

The hundreds of millions of God Clan main battle corps stationed in this capital have been completely annihilated.

As for the millions of farming lords and entertainment lords, although there are nearly one billion soldiers of various types, they are vulnerable!

Under the attack of the Dragon Blood God of War and the various corps under Jiang Chen, dozens of territories collapsed almost every second.

It took only a dozen hours to destroy the millions of territories in front of him.

Many God Clan lords wanted to break through.

But their strongest troops were only epic, and they had no war talents or official positions.

Jiang Chen could easily kill tens of thousands of people by sending out a Tianyin Saint.

The huge amount of energy almost made Jiang Chen die of pleasure!

“It’s hooked!”

At this moment, Zhu Tianlun’s rod tip tightened, and Jiang Chen was refreshed. He quickly shook the capstan and reeled in the fishing line.

“This feeling… could it be the original blood again?!”

After fishing for so long, Jiang Chen had some experience.

Soon, a drop of bright red, crystal clear blood appeared at the end of the fishing line.End.

[Original Blood] (Myth): After use, the combat power of the vampire units can be greatly improved instantly. No side effects, can be used continuously.

Although the primordial blood cannot permanently improve the combat power of a vampire like the emperor’s blood, its value is far greater than the emperor’s blood.

Even for Catherine, the blood emperor, it can increase all attributes by up to 100%, which can be said to be quite domineering.

It was with the help of [Original Blood] that the blood emperor Anduin escaped from Jiang Chen’s hands.

And the primordial blood can be used continuously without any side effects.

After fishing in the blood river for a week, a lot of arms, military symbols, equipment, and scrolls were caught, and even a blood emperor military symbol was caught, but the most precious thing is still the primordial blood.

And now Jiang Chen has 23 drops of primordial blood in his hand.

Drop by drop –

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly received a message from Ying Yinman!

“They actually took this approach to force the Blue Star Army to fight a decisive battle! This is a collapse therapy!”

Looking at the content of the message, Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then whispered:

“That’s good, although the casualties will be greater, this war can be ended as soon as possible!”


After several tugs of war, the legendary legions of the human race and the Protoss finally launched a decisive battle on a plain.

The tragic decisive battle lasted for half a day.

Including more than a dozen God Kings, nearly 40 million legendary strongmen of the Protoss were annihilated.

Although Jiang Chen did not have time to participate in the battle, he mailed all the 23 drops of freshly baked primordial blood to Susan, making the combat power of Susan and the other thirteen lords instantly comparable to the military merit myth lords.

Then he gave the divine art of [Giant Spirit Technique] to the fanatic Little Fox.

Because they were hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart, the Giant Spirit Technique performed by the Little Fox consumed about 30% more divine power crystals than Jiang Chen directly used it under the same amplification, but Jiang Chen could afford it!

The national fortune plundered by killing the top leaders of the God Clan was also transformed into official positions and distributed.

Especially Zhu Yeqing, Dian Kang, and Wang Lan, each of them was given 100 points of national fortune, and all attributes increased by 80%. In addition to the title of [Human Race Co-Respected], they really killed gods and Buddhas.

Even so, after the war, the Blue Star Legend Legion suffered more than 3 million casualties.

Of course, this also completely announced the victory of the Blue Star Domain.

The entire Blue Star Domain was instantly in jubilation.

Time flies.

Two months passed quickly.

The 50 billion main battle legions of the God Clan were almost wiped out.

The one who gained the most was undoubtedly Jiang Chen.

In addition to the vast amount of energy.

More than 1 billion legendary items of various colors!

Hundreds of billions of epic items!

1248 points of national fortune were plundered.

The national fortune of the Blue Star Domain has reached 3982 points, and 40% of the goal of 10,000 points of national fortune for the construction of the domain has been completed.

Other Blue Star Domain masters also gained a lot.

Not only energy, but also Ying Yinman, Little Fox, An Chuxia, Zhu Yeqing, Dian Kang and other five people who shared Jiang Chen’s 400 times explosion rate bonus, each of them gained hundreds of millions of items.

Of course, Jiang Chen did not forget his 300 trillion foreign debt!

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