Jiang Chen still had 200 trillion spirit stones left, but he had too many places to spend money, so he didn’t plan to pay it back.

Instead, he chose to use the legendary and epic items that he had exploded this time to pay off his debts.

Because equipment below the mythical level cannot be upgraded, legendary and epic equipment can only be used for a few months, and at most, they need to be replaced with higher-level equipment in half a year. Therefore, the price of equipment has always been far inferior to props such as hero orders.

Even so, Jiang Chen exploded too many items. If you don’t consider the deflation caused by too many high-level props, the value is far more than 300 trillion.

Jiang Chen didn’t care. In addition to the epic hero orders, military symbols, lord hearts, etc. that can be used in the new area, he threw them all to his creditors.

Of course.

In the Blue Star Domain, in addition to the 50 billion Protoss main battle corps, there are also hundreds of millions of Protoss farming lords.

Because Jiang Chen continued to ban and seal, these Protoss lords can only be lambs to be slaughtered, providing energy for the strong in the Blue Star Domain.

However, it would probably take at least a month to clean up everything, so Shen Mochen and Liv came to Jiang Chen to say goodbye.

“Thank you for your help!” Jiang Chen exchanged a few words, then changed the subject and said, “Fanxing Territory suffered heavy losses this time, so why not kill him while he is sick and completely eliminate this major threat! Of course, after the war, we also need to rest for a while!”

“Florence fully supports His Majesty Jiang Chen’s decision!” Liv promised without hesitation, and then said enthusiastically, “Your Majesty Jiang Chen is also welcome to visit Florence when he has time!”

Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

After Liv left, Shen Mochen leaned close to Jiang Chen’s ear and said mysteriously: “I wonder if Senior Brother Jiang Chen is interested in the Lightless Realm?”

Lightless Realm?

Jiang Chen’s mind was filled with information about the Lightless Realm.

At first, Taishang Tianyu thought it was just a fragment of the world, but as the exploration deepened, the vastness and richness of the Lightless Realm became more and more shocking.

Even the [Golden Talisman of Luck], a treasure that only the Heavenly Dao ranking will reward, can be found.

Even the two gold veins of origin mined by the top leaders of Shenzhou at this stage are all from the Lightless Realm.

Of course, the Lightless Realm not only has powerful monsters, but also a harsh environment, and the entire map is pitch dark. Even restricted by the rules, ordinary lighting skills and props cannot be effective in the Lightless Realm.

These have undoubtedly increased the difficulty of exploration. At present, the entire Supreme Heavenly Realm has only explored less than 10% of the map of the Lightless Realm.

In addition, it is said that the mythical fire and light skills can illuminate the Lightless Realm and restrain the dark races in it. The Sun True Fire of the Tianyin disciples is a professional counterpart.


“Will you allow lords from other domains to enter the Lightless Domain?”

Faced with Jiang Chen’s doubts, Shen Mochen smiled and patted his chest and said: “Thanks to my senior brother, I will soon be the manager of the Lightless Domain! Although I am only a CEO, I am still qualified to invite some human allies. Of course, lords outside the Supreme Heavenly Domain need to hand over the harvest in the Lightless Domain according to a certain proportion.”

Also hand over the harvest?

Jiang Chen frowned!

Seeing this, Shen Mochen hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and burst out a bombshell:

“According to the speculation of the great elder, the Lightless Domain may be a small world left behind by a dark master in the dark dimension…”

“Dark master!!!” Jiang Chen took a breath, “Eternal Realm Lord?”

Shen Mochen nodded.

Jiang Chen was really interested now.

If it is true, will there be any eternal-level props left behind?

Will there be an eternal-level soldier soul or an eternal-level territory advancement symbol?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen patted Shen Mochen’s shoulder solemnly and said:

“Brother, if I, Blue Star, take action, I guarantee that you will be able to walk sideways in the Lightless Domain!”

At worst, we can just show our cards and promote the Sun True Fire to all Tianyin branches.

By then, won’t the millions of Tianyin disciples who master the Sun True Fire walk sideways in the Lightless Domain?

A week later.

Longyuan Town.

In Jiang Chen’s territory.

“Except for the North Bear Country, the Blue Star Domain has fully resumed work and production…”

“According to incomplete statistics, more than 300 million lords have withdrawn from the Brahma Star Domain, but the Daluo Tianyu seems to be very interested in the Brahma Star Domain as well, and has even sent lords to move into the Brahma Star Domain…”

“The second batch of special training candidates for military merit lords have been basically finalized…”

When Jiang Chen was discussing the development of the Blue Star Domain with the management, he suddenly received a cross-domain video request from Shen Mochen.

“Cousin, this cousin Lin Ruoruo actually colluded with the Five Elements Heaven Realm to ruin our good deeds!”

As soon as the call was connected, Shen Mochen started to curse.

“She not only let the eldersYou broke your promise and almost deprived me of my position as the Supreme Army Master!”

Jiang Chen was stunned. He remembered that this Lin Ruoruo seemed to be Shen Mochen’s junior sister.

“What a waste!”

Shen Mochen said hatefully:

“I don’t know what happened to the Five Elements Realm. They actually offered extremely generous conditions and expressed their willingness to assist in the development of the Lightless Realm. The condition is that they cannot cooperate with the Blue Star Realm, and even…”

“Even what?”

Shen Mochen said with a bitter face: “Even the two veins of origin gold, our Supreme Realm will also take them back!”

Jiang Chen was speechless.

It is obvious that the Five Elements Realm is targeting him!

Jiang Chen also knew that Shen Mochen’s rage was half sincere, and more was probably acting.

After all, he took the initiative to promise something, but now he has not done it!

Jiang Chen naturally would not blame Shen Mochen, but just said strangely: “Your elders of the Supreme Realm should have known the strength of the Blue Star Realm! Why did you make such an unwise decision? ”

Shen Mochen was relieved when he saw Jiang Chen’s indifferent expression, and then said helplessly:

“After the elders knew the strength of the Blue Star Domain, they were all stunned!”

“But they couldn’t refuse the Five Elements Heaven Domain.”

“Because the Fire Lord of the Five Elements Sect is naturally restrained against dark creatures, and even…even the Five Elements Heaven Domain has hundreds of strong men who master mythical flames!”

“Hiss, hundreds of strong men who master mythical flames…” Jiang Chen said solemnly, “This is indeed a bit tricky…”

“That’s right!” Shen Mochen had an expression of “Long live understanding”.

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said: “How about this, Senior Brother Shen, there are still many things to deal with in the Blue Star Domain. After that, you help me connect with the elders of your Supreme Heaven Domain, and I will personally “persuade” them!”


“Yes! ”

Hundreds of powerful people who master mythical flames, hehe!!

However, Jiang Chen also realized.

Even with the help of the Five Elements Realm, it would take at least a few years to kill through the Lightless Realm.

So he doesn’t have to worry at all!

Moreover, the Lightless Realm is an unknown area after all, which is more terrifying than the Wild Realm. I don’t know how many powerful beings there are in the depths.

Be fully prepared to avoid a setback!

It’s best to wait for the Empress, the Holy Lord of Heavenly Sound, to advance to the myth!

After hanging up Shen Mochen’s communication, Jiang Chen continued to meet with everyone.

A few hours later, everyone left one after another.

Jiang Chen immediately opened the lord interface and whispered:

“Upgrade, upgrade to 25 books!”

“Complete immediately! ”

It has only been more than three months since Jiang Chen was promoted to level 24, but he has demolished countless Gods’ territories and obtained countless resources during this period.

Although many resources are not applicable to human territories, it still allowed Jiang Chen to reach the level 25 within three months.

“Finally, I can build the [Sky Platform]…”

Jiang Chen was a little emotional.

However, after seeing the territory runes obtained at level 25, Jiang Chen was happy:

“This is really…whatever you think will come true!”

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