Huge portals opened one after another.

The legions guarding the four teleportation points in the town shot into them quickly and orderly.

Boom boom boom——

With no one guarding.

Only the Guixu walls of the city were left, and they collapsed one after another within a few minutes.

The powerful coalition forces quickly occupied hundreds of kilometers in radius.

Some lords in the coalition forces who claimed to be powerful stepped into Longyuan Town cautiously.

Of course, most lords did not dare to step into Longyuan Town. After all, no one knew whether Jiang Chen would suddenly throw another Eternal Sun.

Bruce looked excited and shouted:

“Everyone, although we have some casualties, Longyuan Town has also played all its cards and is now at the end of its strength.”

“Although they can open any door at will, the territory cannot be moved and is now concentrated in the center of the town.”

“As long as the cancer of Longyuan Town is eradicated, you will all be the heroes of the Sixth Heaven and the Blue Star Region.”

The coalition lord cheered, and then, led by more than a dozen mythical military lords, they headed towards the center of Longyuan Town in four directions.

“Look, the legendary resource Tianchen Gold!”

“Oh my God, that area is actually all lightning wood, which is one of the resources for building the Fountain of Life.”

“Xinghe Shashuo! Mythical resource Xinghe Shashuo!”

The coalition army had just advanced thousands of kilometers when they were stunned by the richness of Longyuan Town.

Hundreds of legendary resource points and one mythical resource point.

Not only building resources, but also monster resources are extremely rich. Although there are no mythical monsters, wild legendary monsters can often be seen.

You know, the area being explored is just the tip of the iceberg of Longyuan Town.

“Hahaha!” The female mythical military lord laughed in the coalition command channel, “It’s worth it. Although there were heavy casualties this time, as long as Longyuan Town is captured, it will be a return ticket.”

Bruce also said excitedly: “I have heard that Jiang Chen once dominated the lightless domain and made the entire 108 domains of the human race brush [luck gold talisman] for him. Today I see that it is indeed well-deserved. The luck of Longyuan Town is probably more than 100,000.”

For a level 200 legion, it may take a few hours to reach the center of Longyuan Town.


A random door opened in the void, and a huge sky city squeezed out. Jiang Chen stood on the edge of the deck thousands of meters high, looking down at them.

“Be careful, it’s Jiang Chen’s sky city!”

Although he looked like he was sure of victory just now, Bruce’s heart was still beating wildly when he saw Jiang Chen appear.

Then he shouted:


Both sides didn’t say any nonsense.

Facing the coalition forces rushing forward, the empress’s body grew wildly, and in an instant she was as tall as the Sky City, towering over the sky.

Not only the empress, but also Brahma and Zizai Tian also grew wildly, and didn’t stop until they were more than 2,000 meters high.

【Three Pure Ones】was too shocking, so after careful consideration, Jiang Chen decided to take out two sets of Judgment Sets first.

As for the third set, it was naturally reserved for his own life at the critical moment.

The Myth Goddess Warrior Corps, Creberton, Meng Tian, ​​Greni…all the mythical strongmen in Longyuan Town were now concentrated on Jiang Chen’s Sky City.

Even Zhu Yeqing and other 300 mythical military lords took risks and fought to the death under the cover of Lolita.

Countless Taiyi Divine Thunders, Silent Sky Winds, and Death Clouds fell.

At this time, Jiang Chen didn’t care about the consumption of immortal stones.

The millions of legendary nine-star Tianyin Saints shot out spiritual swords from the Sky City, focusing fire on the mythical strongmen in the coalition.

There is no doubt.

Jiang Chen concentrated the entire Longyuan Town to attack in order to delay the coalition’s pace.

Puff puff puff——

The three giants, Empress, Brahma Sound, and Zizaitian, were like entering an empty space. The giant swords could easily sweep out and a cloud of blood mist would burst out in the void.

With the cooperation of the spiritual swords, they specifically targeted the mythical strongmen.

“Jiang Chen really added two more sets of judgment suits, including the Empress, which is three sets!”

A lord showed unconcealable jealousy in his eyes and shouted to Bruce:

“Sir Bruce, these three strongmen may only be restrained by a mythical military lord like you.”

Bruce’s face turned black.

He had seen the battle footage of the Empress in the Eastern Battlefield a day ago.

Three mythical military lords almost fell into the hands of the empress because they were too close to the Guixu Wall.

He had absolute reason to believe that if he dared to approach the Sky City, he would immediately become the first target of concentrated fire.

He might not even have a chance to escape.

“Whether it is the Law of Heaven and Earth or the shield of the Sky City, the duration is limited. Jiang Chen’s attack is just to delay time.”

Bruce took a deep breath:

“God”The powerful warriors should withdraw, and use the legions below the legendary level to consume the enemy.” He was also helpless. If he didn’t go up, Jiang Chen would choose other mythical warriors to behead. If he didn’t want the mythical warriors to fall here inexplicably, he could only retreat. Moreover, Jiang Chen’s Sky City was only level 32, but the void cover was ridiculously solid. The Longyuan Legion could return to the Sky City at any time when they encountered danger, and it was difficult to kill them. They couldn’t ignore Jiang Chen. After all, even without the three powerful warriors of the Law of Heaven and Earth, the lethality of Longyuan Town was very strong. Of course, the empress and others didn’t dare to leave the Sky City too far. Half an hour later. The Sky City still had 30% of its energy left. Jiang Chen waved his hand and opened a huge arbitrary door next to the Sky City. “Let’s go!” Bruce looked at the huge ship of the Sky City squeezed into the arbitrary door, but he immediately stopped the legion from chasing after him, although his face was not good. “Let them go! ”

Just kidding!

The switch of the portal is completely in Jiang Chen’s hands. If they dare to chase, they are really courting death.

The center of Longyuan Town tens of thousands of kilometers away.

The hundreds of thousands of territories of Longyuan Town are all located here.

Zhuge Qingyun, the master of the divine array, has already arranged the Eight Arrays of Gods and Ghosts, waiting for the final battle.

The huge ship of the Sky City suddenly appeared from the void, making all the lords below breathe a sigh of relief.

On the deck of the Sky City, Jiang Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

“It seems that there is really no mythical space forbidden scroll in the coalition…”

Ying Yinman said anxiously: “This is not a solution. I am afraid that the enemy will kill in a few hours!”

Just now, although Longyuan Town took a huge advantage in the brief confrontation and killed hundreds of millions of coalition forces again, it was not a big deal for the coalition forces.

The little fox rolled his eyes and said: “Brother Jiang Chen, since we still have the increase of the divine domain, can you also mobilize the power of the world? ”

“Indeed, it can!”

Jiang Chen did not hide it:

“However, in the sixth heaven, only Longyuan Town belongs to the territory of the God Realm. The world power I can mobilize is limited, and the power is about the same as the full-strength attack of the empress! If the world power of the seventh heaven is mobilized, the consumption of national destiny will probably be dozens or hundreds of times. The national destiny of our God Realm is only enough for me to attack with all my strength.”

Everyone was disappointed when they heard it.

A full-strength attack, even if it kills another 1 billion legions, cannot affect the overall situation.

Just when Jiang Chen was considering taking out the blood embryo, Lolita, who rarely spoke on her own initiative, suddenly spoke:

“Lord, there is something spying on us 300 kilometers to the east, but it seems…”

She paused, and then continued:

“It seems to be a kind of familiar feeling! ”

Jiang Chen’s expression changed instantly.

In his own territory, he was touched so close.

As for the so-called “friendly” feeling, Jiang Chen selectively ignored it.

Before Jiang Chen took action, a gentle middle-aged male voice came:

“What a sharp intuition! It is indeed a very strong Jianmu gene! In this case, as long as Mr. Jiang Chen makes a promise, our clan can help you. “

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