Along with this voice.

A common redwood tree a hundred kilometers away, as if under a spell, grew wildly, and in the blink of an eye it reached a height of a hundred meters.

An extremely abstract face appeared on the tree trunk, except for the fact that it only had one vertical eye, it was 80% similar to humans.

“Lord of the Tree Shepherd?”

When Lolita spoke, Aurora in the deep space was also startled. She looked at the uninvited guest who suddenly came and showed doubt on her face.

“But, Longyuan Town has just landed on the sixth heaven. With the speed of the tree shepherd, how did they reach the core area of ​​Longyuan Town under the space ban?”

But she soon thought of something and said in shock:

“Is this the legendary [Transplantation]?”

As the former queen of elves, Aurora rarely loses her composure like this. Seeing this, Jiang Chen asked curiously: “What is that?”

“Lord, transplantation is a mythical lord skill. It is said that not only can it communicate through almost all plants, but it can also migrate territories at will. There is a race that is born with this skill, that is, the legendary Jianmu Guard, the Oakman tribe…” Aurora did not keep it a secret and poured out all her information.

“Jianmu Guard, Oakman tribe…”

It was Jiang Chen’s blind spot again.

But if this information is true, then the other party’s intention is also obvious.

It just so happens that Longyuan Town is in desperate need of allies, so Jiang Chen will naturally not refuse directly.

Of course, the specific conditions still need to be discussed.

“It is a great honor to meet the ancient race today. Please come in and discuss in detail.”

Since it is about the ancient secrets, it is naturally impossible to “conspire loudly” like this.

The visitor did not seem surprised that his identity was revealed, and said gently:

“Since the Lord of the Divine Realm has invited you, then I would rather obey your order respectfully.”


In the Divine Palace, Jiang Chen sat opposite a mini ancient tree less than two meters high.

Several branches of Lolita extended from the void, curiously poking at the ancient tree.

In this regard, the ancient tree was not displeased at all. On the contrary, after feeling the Jianmu aura on Lolita that far exceeded that of ordinary life ancient trees, a look of joy appeared in its eyes.

“I am the leader of the Oak People of the Sixth Heaven, Tess, on behalf of the Oak People, I would like to say hello to Mr. Jiang Chen.”

As a rare race, the Oak People do not have the ability to build a domain, so they call themselves the leader.

After the speculation was confirmed, Jiang Chen said straight to the point:

“Captain Tess came for Lolita, oh, Lolita is the ancient tree of life.”

Tess nodded: “Mr. Jiang Chen is a quick-witted person. I am indeed here for the ancient tree of life.”

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Lolita’s crisp voice came.

“Lolita, don’t leave the territory. Lolita will always be loyal to the lord…”


Jiang Chen chuckled, waved his hand to stop Lolita from expressing her loyalty, and then said:

“Please tell me your conditions first, Mr. Tess.”

Tess nodded: “We will do our best to help you through this difficult time. In return, if one day Lolita can really return to her ancestors and become a real Jianmu, please give her freedom.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it!”

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, and even many of the prepared remarks were useless.

He thought that the other party wanted to transplant Lolita now.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

It must be said that this condition is quite generous.

But it is precisely because of this that Jiang Chen is more cautious.

Facing such a sincere ally, Jiang Chen does not want to break his promise even without the contractual constraints.

Seeing Jiang Chen fall into silence, Tess added:

“Not to mention how likely it is that Lolita will be able to successfully return to her ancestral home. Without our assistance, you may be able to break through with the help of the Sky City, but the power you have worked hard to build and Longyuan Town will inevitably be destroyed. This is not a threat, but a fact.”

“Besides, Jianmu is the master of all trees and the only one in the world. Even if you advance to eternity, I am afraid you will not be able to control it, and you may even be backlashed.”

It can be seen that the Oak People, like the Elves, are really not good at negotiation, and they list all the pros and cons of both sides at once.

In this case, Jiang Chen will no longer be polite.

“Since Mr. Tess said that I cannot control Jianmu, then I will add a condition. If I can kill the First Ancestor Saint King, then it proves that I am qualified to be the master of Jianmu, and our agreement is invalid.”

Tess said speechlessly: “Do you really plan to fight the First Ancestor Saint King in 300 years?”

In the eyes of all the lords of the Ten Thousand Races, the duel between Jiang Chen and the First Ancestor Saint King is a joke, but it is just a means for Jiang Chen to delay time.

300 years later, Jiang Chen and the Divine Realm have a certain ability to protect themselves, find a place to hide, and give up obediently. The First Ancestor Saint King has completedThe long-cherished wish of the Gods for countless years, they would not kill all of them if they were in a good mood, and they might even go with the flow and directly recognize this “Jiang Shengwang”.

Jiang Chen said modestly: “Let’s see when the time comes. If I know I can’t win, I will naturally not show off my strength and just admit defeat.”

Tess nodded: “In that case, then follow what His Majesty Jiang Chen said.”

For him, the condition of “defeating the Ancestral Shengwang” was just an unrealistic dream of a young man, which was equivalent to nothing.

He didn’t know that for Jiang Chen, the condition of “handing over Lolita” was just a group of lords brainwashed by empiricism, which was also equivalent to nothing. He completely got a wave of assistance for free.

The agreement was reached in this way, smoothly beyond everyone’s expectations.

Jiang Chen asked curiously: “Chief Tess, the enemy is only a few hours away from the center of the town. How do the nobles plan to support them?”

Tess seemed to smile: “My news has spread throughout the entire Sixth Heaven. My army will arrive soon. Please move over to inspect.”

Outside the Longyuan Town position.

A shocking scene appeared.

The redwood, which had grown to a height of 100 meters, became taller and thicker again.

As it grew, the shape of the redwood also changed rapidly until it turned into a thousand-meter-high oak man lord.

Tess’s body appeared just like that.

With Tess as the center, countless plant-based buildings rose from the ground under the rich life spirit, and soon turned into a territory with a diameter of nearly 10,000 meters.

Although Tess is a top-level 200 lord in the Sixth Heaven, the territory space is obviously much larger than the human territory of the same level.

This is just the beginning.

With the Eight Arrays of Gods and Ghosts as the center, one Jianmu lord after another grew wildly, and one Oak tribe territory after another rose from the ground.

In less than ten minutes.

Thousands of territories appeared out of thin air. Jiang Chen opened the Eye of Heaven and Earth and found that nearly one-tenth of the Oak lords had reached the mythical level.

“What a great transplant…” Not to mention the other lords of Longyuan Town, even Jiang Chen opened his mouth slightly, and after a long time he exclaimed, “Awesome!”

Really awesome.

Not to mention ignoring the legendary space ban, the territories that are separated by countless domains and billions of kilometers can actually be migrated instantly.

Tess said modestly: “Although the transplant can instantly migrate the territory to any coordinate of the sixth heaven, the cooling time is also in years.”

Jiang Chen smiled: “That’s good!”

If nothing unexpected happens, at least for a year, this group of Oak lords will not move away from Longyuan Town, and can only escort Longyuan Town.

Zhuge Qingyun murmured:

“I’m afraid I need to rearrange my Eight Arrays of Gods and Ghosts!”

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