Tudor Dynasty capital, Landun City.

“Play music!”

Francis, who was acting as the master of ceremonies, shouted.

Suddenly, gongs and drums were blaring, firecrackers were blasting, colorful flags were flying, and there were crowds of people.

All the high-level officials of Tudor Dynasty, Lighthouse Country, and some representatives of Sakura, South Korea and other countries have been waiting for a long time.

These important figures in the Blue Star Region all looked solemn at this moment, and bowed their heads slightly to show respect.

Suddenly, in the ten-kilometer-long arbitrary door leading to the outside world, one after another, a sacred figure appeared.

“Seraphim, they are all six-winged angels!”

Francis only glanced at them with his peripheral vision, and then he trembled all over, with excitement and fear.

Under the leadership of more than a dozen military merit six-winged angel lords, more than 100,000 six-winged angels came out in a line.

Except for individual perverts like Jiang Chen, I am afraid that only the upper domain of a strong clan like Tiantangshan can raise such a legion composed entirely of mythical strongmen.

“Welcome His Majesty Medanzo!”

One hundred thousand six-winged angels lined up on the left and right, shouting in unison.

Elizabeth has completed her transformation, and now she has six wings, her face is more beautiful and majestic.

But even though she had been to Heaven Mountain not long ago and witnessed the power and prosperity of Heaven Mountain far beyond Blue Star, she couldn’t help but be moved at this moment.

One hundred thousand six-winged angels, but they are just a guard of honor! ! !

This is the foundation of Heaven Mountain.

And the leader of this team is actually the person in charge of Heaven Mountain in the sixth heaven, the master of a page of the “Youtu Sutra”, the judgment angel Medanzo.

Just as everyone was looking forward to the arrival of the peerless strong man, a strange wave suddenly came.

Buzz buzz buzz——

The arbitrary door collapsed uncontrollably and quickly, isolating the upcoming Medanzo on the opposite side.

Those with good hearing seemed to be able to vaguely hear a cold snort full of anger from the opposite side.

Everyone opened their mouths wide.

The originally solemn welcome ceremony suddenly became awkward.

“Space… space sealed?” Francis seemed to want to laugh but didn’t dare.

The six-winged angel lord in the lead had a very ugly face and shouted:

“Your Majesty Elizabeth, is this the Tudor Dynasty’s welcome etiquette?”

Elizabeth’s expression was not much better, and she roared:

“Damn it! It must be the Dragon Country!”

This time it was really embarrassing!

She had already ordered the blockade of the map of tens of thousands of kilometers in radius to avoid this situation, but she didn’t expect that the enemy would still sneak in.

The news came quickly.

“Your Majesty, we have found the instigator, a 200-level fairy dragon king hidden in the phase space, and we have killed him!”

Elizabeth gritted her teeth: “Jiang Chen!”

Although fairy dragons are not anyone’s exclusive arms, when it comes to fairy dragons, Elizabeth still thinks of Jiang Chen first.

With the legendary [Seal Talisman], Jiang Chen could easily seal the fairy dragon he had just recruited into a military talisman, and then hand it over to Tu Shanxue and other level 200 lords.

Moreover, without the various bonuses of the divine domain, it would be difficult for the fairy dragon kings of ordinary lords to escape the detection of the Tudor Dynasty.

Although he killed one of the other fairy dragon kings, the welcome ceremony that had been carefully prepared for half a month was destroyed, which would inevitably cause dissatisfaction to His Majesty Medanzo.

Elizabeth could only try to remedy the situation.

“Your Excellency, the characteristics of Landun City can ignore the space ban below the legendary level. We will immediately go to Chelsea City in the north to continue the welcome ceremony.”

The six-winged angel could only hold back his anger and nodded when he heard this:

“Your Majesty Elizabeth, I hope there will be no more mistakes this time.”

“Absolutely not!”

Elizabeth patted her chest and promised, and at the same time ordered Francis and others to investigate all areas at all costs.

But just over ten minutes later, before they could reopen the arbitrary door,

With Landun City as the center, the state capital within 300,000 kilometers was sealed again.

“Jiang Chen, is this the only way you can use?”

Although she also killed several Fairy Dragon Kings that exposed their tracks, Elizabeth was still furious.

After a moment.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

As if communicating through special means, the envoy said in a deep voice:

“Jiang Chen’s purpose is very clear, that is to delay time! His Majesty Medanzo verbally ordered that there is no need to do these nonsense things, open all the arbitrary doors, and let the Heaven Mountain Legion enter the Blue Star Domain as quickly as possible!”

Next, the Tudor Dynasty did not care about the location, and the arbitrary doors were everywhere.

Some arbitrary doors were just half opened, and they were directly sealed by the Fairy Dragon King who appeared from nowhere, dividing the Heaven Mountain Legion that had been teleported into small groups.

SoIt took a full week for the trillion angel legions to enter the Tudor Dynasty and gather together.

Among them, the proportion of angels was as high as one-tenth, and the weakest ones were at least excellent angel servants.

“Humans are really cunning creatures.”

In Elizabeth’s original position, a seven-meter-tall female angel sat on a special throne and made a gentle voice.

Although Medanzo was seven meters tall, her body proportions were close to perfect, her appearance was impeccable, and the cross mark between her eyebrows was emitting holy light.

She leaned on a five-meter-long giant sword with one hand and clenched her fist with the other hand, as if she wanted to hold the world in her hands.

“However, no matter how profound the strategy is, it will be vulnerable in the face of absolute strength!”

A 220-level mythical military lord, or a magic angel of wisdom, made many human lords with weaker strength below dare not look directly at him.

As a six-winged angel, Elizabeth was not so unbearable.

“Your Majesty Medanzo, Jiang Chen committed treason and brutally killed His Majesty Metatron of the Seventh Heaven and others! I suggest that we first concentrate all our forces to kill Jiang Chen and seize Longyuan Town to eliminate future troubles.”

“Concentrate all our forces to kill Jiang Chen?” Medanzo glanced at Elizabeth and frowned, “Elizabeth, if I remember correctly, Jiang Chen was promoted to level 33 not long ago!”

“It is indeed only level 33, but…”

Medanzo interrupted Elizabeth.

“The trillion-level army of Tiantangshan is going to attack a level 33 lord. Do you want Tiantangshan to become a laughing stock of all races?”

Elizabeth argued.

“Your Majesty Medanzo, Jiang Chen is a strong man who dares to challenge the Ancestral Saint King. You can’t judge him by common sense! And he has already started building a state city. The longer the time is delayed, the harder it will be to deal with him!”

But it is obvious that Tiantangshan has already obtained enough information, so Medanzo’s eyes are playful:

“Yingtian City in Mingyu has been built for a thousand years. Can it stop the army of Tiantangshan? Jiang Chen is indeed invincible at the same level! But he is only 33 books. Can he get a state city above the legendary level?”

“Of course not!” Elizabeth shook her head hurriedly, “But Jiang Chen’s Longyuan Town can resist the space ban. If it is combined with a powerful state city, it will definitely be ten times more difficult.”

In fact, anyone with a brain feels that Elizabeth is making trouble for no reason.

Jiang Chen used all his trump cards to resist the 10 billion Tudor coalition forces, and suffered heavy casualties. It has only been a few months. What can he use to resist the powerful Tiantangshan’s trillion-dollar army?

If he is given another year to develop, he will be nothing in front of the army of Heaven Mountain. On the contrary, Mingyu, which has developed for a thousand years, is the troublemaker.

Not to wipe out Mingyu, but to concentrate on dealing with a small town that has just ascended for a few months, it is stupid no matter how you look at it.

“Your Majesty, please stop talking!”

Even Francis couldn’t stand it and kept sending private messages to Elizabeth, hoping that the latter would stop.

Medanzo was also a little impatient, but thinking that he needed Elizabeth as an agent to turn the Blue Star Domain into the faith “pasture” of Heaven Mountain, he had to be patient.

“Look at what this is?”

As he said, Medanzo emitted a holy light to isolate outsiders, and then took out a three-color talisman.

“Hiss… Mythical Space Sealing Talisman…”

“That’s right!” Medanzo said lightly, “With our strength, we don’t need this precious talisman at all, it’s just a backup!”

And there is another point that Medanzo didn’t say.

No matter how weak the Blue Star Region is, it is still a region, and the power of the entire human race should not be underestimated.

If this battle drags on for too long, the Blue Star Region may not be without reinforcements.

After all, Tiantangshan is fighting away from home. Only by taking over the entire Blue Star Region in a flash and creating a fait accompli can many troubles be avoided.

Jiang Chen’s current combat power is not worth mentioning compared to the entire Blue Star Region.

Elizabeth moved her lips, but there was no reason to insist.

Medanzo stood up and said loudly:

“There are 21 countries in the nine regions of Blue Star, with a total of 30 national forces. Among them, Tudor, Sakura, South Korea and other seven countries have already converted to the arms of our Lord. The remaining seven territories, Timur, Holy Roman, Mingyu, Rurik, Ottoman, Mamluk, and France, can barely be called opponents, and the others are vulnerable.”

“Speed ​​is of the essence. Our army will be divided into ten routes, each with 100 billion angel legions. Seven of them will go straight to the imperial cities of the seven territories, and the other three will wipe out other forces.”

“Does anyone object?”

No one objected.

Medanzo nodded with satisfaction, as if to save Elizabeth’s face, and thought for a while and continued:

“However, Elizabeth’s suggestion makes some sense, so Eliza will lead the 10 billion angel legions to wipe out New Shenzhou.”

This decision was mainly made because they were afraid that Jiang Chen would run away.

The first angel of judgment on the left below said respectfully: “I obey”Life, Your Majesty Medanzo.” After thinking for a while, Medanzo added: “If Jiang Chen is to be captured alive, the lord of Longyuan Town can be spared if he is willing to convert to my Lord.” After all, their purpose of conquering the Blue Star Domain is mainly for faith, not killing. And capturing Jiang Chen alive is for the name of “God’s Domain”. Eliza: “Yes!” “Your Majesty Medanzo, please understand.” Francis, Ashikaga Yoshiaki and others also smiled. The 10 billion angel legion is as powerful as 100 billion or even hundreds of billions of the main battle legion of the Blue Star. In other words, although there are only 10 trillion legions in Tiantang Mountain, its strength is at least ten times that of the Blue Star Domain. If life and death are not taken into account, perhaps the 10 billion angel legion can destroy the entire Ming Domain. Even if Jiang Chen is promoted to the 33rd level, his strength will soar again, and he will even sacrifice the power of the world, he is not to be feared.

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