[I, Queen Elizabeth I, solemnly declare: From now on, all Blue Star Lords must unconditionally believe in my Lord, otherwise they will be regarded as heretics. ]

[The Tudor Royal Legion is renamed the “Crusaders”, and all heretics will be subject to unlimited crusades by the Crusaders. ]

[If the domain lord or the lord of the country voluntarily surrenders, he can change his clan to the noble angel clan. ]

The trillions of angel legions poured into the Blue Star Region, which had long made the Blue Star Region panic.

The sudden appearance of several announcements made the entire Blue Star Region fall into a moment of silence.

After a moment of silence, the Blue Star Region exploded directly.

“The Tudor Dynasty actually betrayed the human race!”

“I was hoping that Heaven Mountain was just passing through the Blue Star Region!”

“Elizabeth, who do you think you are, and how can you make decisions for the entire Blue Star Region.”

“She is nothing now, just a birdman!”

Even many Tudor Dynasty Lords spoke out.

“I, Anglo-Saxon, declare my separation from the Tudor Dynasty.”

“I actually became a dog of Heaven Mountain and cut off the civilization of the Blue Star Lords. Elizabeth is not worthy of being the domain lord of my Tudor Dynasty.”

Elizabeth hurriedly refuted the rumor.

[This Crusade is a civil war in the Blue Star Domain, and the Heaven Mountain Legion is the mercenary of my Tudor Dynasty. 】

Such a poor reason once again attracted a lot of criticism.

For a time, the Tudor Dynasty was criticized by thousands of people.

But this could not stop the pace of the Crusaders at all.

The trillion angel legions were divided into ten routes.

Seven of them were heading for the seven major territories of Timur, Holy Rome, Ming Domain, Rurik, Ottoman, Mamluk, and France.

The other three were heading for the remaining twenty or so small countries that had not established their own domains.

Although the lords of the Blue Star Domain were indignant, the huge gap in strength was in front of them, and everyone was pessimistic.

“I can’t beat them, what are you going to do, brothers?”

“If you can’t afford to provoke them, you can hide. At worst, you can quit the zone, which is better than being a dog in Tiantang Mountain.”

“You are still young, and there is still a chance to restart! But I am more than 300 years old. If I lose the attribute bonus of the level, I will be a pile of yellow earth immediately.”

“Since it is a dead end, why not start the ascension directly? If you succeed, you can jump into the sea.”

“No more ascension! My ascension success rate is less than one in a hundred! Instead of being a deserter, it is better to fight to the death, maybe I can leave a good name.”

Although it is often said that “If you can’t afford to provoke them, you can’t hide?”.

But most of the lords of the sixth heaven have been stranded for hundreds of years, and their strength is far from reaching the conditions for ascension again. These people will die of old age immediately after giving up their lord status, and choosing to ascend is also a life-and-death struggle.

So, they either die standing or live on their knees, there is no other choice.

Among the Blue Star Domain Lords.

Including Ying Zheng, dozens of domain lords were all indignant.

Old domain lords like Ying Zheng could still keep their composure, but some hot-tempered ones had already started cursing.

“Elizabeth, this cousin, is even more damnable than Ci Le. Why didn’t I realize that she was a traitor before?”

“Arthur, Washington, Xu Fu, do you really want to betray Blue Star and the human race?”

The Sixth Heaven connects the upper and lower realms. Once it falls, the lords of the lower realm will lose their protection, and the upper realm will also lose their foundation.

As long as the lords do not want to betray the human race and betray Blue Star, no one dares to bear such a stigma, so Arthur immediately expressed his position:

“Elizabeth has turned into a six-winged angel, not of my kind. I will remove her from the Golden Lion Kingdom as the strongest domain lord of the Golden Lion Kingdom, and everyone can kill her.”

But Xu Fu and Washington remained silent and had an ambiguous attitude.

It is not difficult to understand.

Sakura Country has been able to survive by relying on the evil gods of the spirit world, and there will be no psychological burden to rely on another Heaven Mountain.

No matter how complicated the beliefs of the Lighthouse Country are, God has an absolute advantage. In addition, there is no place to stand above the sixth heaven, and relying on Heaven Mountain will not be worse than the current situation.

[Xu Fu was removed from the group chat. ]

[Washington was removed from the group chat. ]

[Li Cheng was… ]

After a few messages, Ying Zheng spoke for the first time and said lightly: “Since you are an enemy, you are not qualified to stay in the group.”

“Your Majesty Zulong is right!”

Zhu Di, who had just joined the group, echoed a sentence, and then looked at a middle-aged man with slightly dark skin and protruding cheekbones and said:

“Shah Rukhan, what is the plan of the Timurid Empire?”

The sixth heaven was originally the strongest in the Ming domain, but unfortunately the Jingnan War was fought for several years, which greatly damaged the strength of the Ming domain.

Therefore, the most recognized strongest territory in the sixth heaven of the Blue Star Domain is the Timurid Empire.

The middle-aged man was Shah Rukh, the second ruler of the Timurid Empire.

His decision was crucial.

Shah Rukh said succinctly: “Warriors of the grasslands will never be slaves!”


Li Shimin praisedAfter a sound, he changed the subject and said seriously:

“However, we are tied to the future of Blue Star Civilization, so we should not talk about victory but defeat. So I suggest that your majesties mobilize all resources and connections to leave a way out for the lord of the Sixth Heaven Blue Star Territory!”


Everyone fell into deep thought.

Although Li Shimin’s words were somewhat inappropriate and even a bit demoralizing, everyone knew that if there was no external intervention, the Blue Star Territory would not win this war 99%, even if the upper realm came at all costs.

Osman Territory Lord Suleiman said softly: “The Emperor of Tang is right. I have met Her Majesty Chris, the Saint of Galan, once. I am offering a generous gift, hoping to be given a state of land as a refuge for the Lord of Blue Star.”

Shaharu sighed: “It’s difficult. The Sixth Heaven is different from the Seventh Heaven, which is not merged. The most precious thing is always the territory…”

Li Shimin immediately said seriously: “High-level resources and props are not easy to support, but my Shengtang will do its best to mobilize spiritual stones.”

Except for the Sixth Heaven, which was the first to bear the brunt, Li Shimin was the most anxious.

The Sixth Heaven was destroyed, and Shengtang, which was in the Fifth Heaven, lost its source of life and could not hold on for long.

Arthur frowned and added: “Even if we really get a state of land, how will the exile quota be allocated at that time? And once the lord moves to other human territories, it is easy for the lord to be assimilated. Will he still be the lord of Blue Star at that time?”

Other lords also made suggestions.

Zhu Di said with a bitter face: “I am a new domain lord, and my connections are limited. I hope that your majesties will help me when the time comes.”

If Zhu Yuanzhang were still here, there might be some connections.

But Zhu Yuanzhang has already retired, and his connections are cold.

Most of Zhu Yuanzhang’s connections will not give Zhu Di face.

So in order to leave a spark for Ming Domain, Zhu Di had to lower his posture.

“Your Majesty Zhu Di is joking!”

Suleiman suddenly said:

“Your Majesty Jiang Chen of Longguo is the lord of the Divine Domain and respected by the human race. I’m afraid his face among the human race is greater than all of us combined. As long as His Majesty Jiang Chen is willing to speak up, it shouldn’t be difficult to ask those human upper domains to hand over a few prefectures to accommodate the lords of the Blue Star Domain.”

When these words came out, everyone was shocked, and their eyes were cast on Jiang Chen, with expectations in their eyes.

Even Ying Zheng and Li Shimin were no exception.

Jiang Chen was dragged to the meeting by Ying Zheng, so he only left a projection in the corner, and most of his mind was on the construction of the state capital.

The strength of New Shenzhou at the moment is not worth mentioning in the entire Sixth Sky Blue Star Region, but he didn’t expect that he was still targeted by these guys.

Let him make connections.

After hearing his name, Jiang Chen “came to his senses” with a start, and spread his hands and said:

“I can try, but a dying Lord of the God Realm may not have such a big face.”

Suleiman hurriedly said: “Why does your Majesty Jiang Chen say this? If you can establish an exile state, you will naturally be the first to be protected. Even in a few years, we are willing to follow your lead.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Unfortunately, when the Angel Legion just arrived, Longyuan Town has been completely banned from flying, and we, the high-level officials of the God Realm, have no escape.”

Everyone’s face changed drastically.

Obviously, Jiang Chen has become the target of Tiantangshan.

Just as Jiang Chen said, how much face can a dying person have? !


Jiang Chen suddenly changed the subject and said with a smile:

“My Divine Realm City is about to be completed. If there are lords who meet the combat power requirements and are willing to move into Jiang City, I welcome it.”

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