“That’s right!” King Tianji nodded heavily, “It’s to analyze the Judgment Set, but… I need the support of the Lord!”

After making sure that he heard it correctly, Jiang Chen hugged King Tianji and kissed him a few times.

“Xixi is really my lucky general, just tell me what resources you need!”

If the Judgment Set can be analyzed, no… even if it’s just the Judgment Sword, the strength of the territory can be greatly increased again.

The Sword Tomb can indeed restore the Judgment Sword to a blueprint, but after the restoration, the other attributes of the Judgment Sword can be reproduced 100%, except for the “level limit +5”.

In the words of the chief swordsmith, this kind of rule-type entry cannot be achieved by piling up materials, and it is far beyond the ability of the Sword Tomb.

So after hearing what King Tianji said, Jiang Chen’s reaction was so big, and he even took on the responsibility.

“So many people are watching!”

King Tianji struggled to break free from Jiang Chen’s embrace, and said shyly:

“I need mythical technology crystals, the more the better!”

Although his loyalty has reached 100 points, and he has even tried to play with Jiang Chen with 2 main bodies and 32 clones, he is still one of the three kings of Melo Heavenly Court after all. In front of everyone, King Tianji still can’t let go.

The main reason is that King Tianren is standing aside, tilting his head and watching the two flirting with interest.

“Mythical technology crystal?” Jiang Chen thought about it and nodded gently, “It is indeed a rare thing, but no problem, leave it to this lord!”

“There is another question that needs to be decided by the lord…”

King Tianji knew that Jiang Chen would not refuse, smiled slightly, and then continued:

“Rather than analyzing the Judgment Set, it is better to analyze the rule of ‘raising the upper limit of the level’ of the Judgment Set, and the Judgment Set is just the carrier of the rule! Lord, do you understand what I mean?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up.

“You mean, this rule can be carried on any equipment?”

King Tianji corrected: “But at least it must be mythical equipment!”

Jiang Chen: “The Abyss Mecha can also be carried on?”

King Tianji smiled: “Lord, please understand, Xiaobai and I also mean this. The Abyss is a biological mecha, which is more compatible with carbon-based creatures. It will be easier to add this rule.”

Jiang Chen was so excited that he could not suppress it.

If the Abyss can really add another feature to raise the upper limit of the level, even if it is only level 5, it will be invincible.

Crystal of mythical technology!

Jiang Chen’s mind is now full of crystals of mythical technology!

After the two sisters, Tianji Wang and Tianren Wang, left hand in hand, Jiang Chen thought for a moment and directly opened the God Domain channel to publish an announcement.

[I am Jiang Chen, the Lord of the God Domain! ]

This is the channel of the entire God Domain, covering all the prefectures in the sixth and seventh heavens that have joined the God Domain. This is also one of the special permissions of the God Domain domain.

Because it is necessary to maintain the majesty of the gods, it has been more than six years since the ascension, and this is the first time that Jiang Chen has appeared in the God Domain channel.

The entire God Domain channel instantly became quiet.

[The Seventh Heaven Merger Zone is turbulent; the Sixth Heaven is surrounded by powerful enemies and is in danger. Please pray for this emperor and help this emperor to forge the Kingdom of God as soon as possible. ]

Forging the Kingdom of God is the eternity of the gods.

The power of the Kingdom of God is equivalent to a small world, and it only needs to consume the crystal of divine power to activate the power of the world without consuming the national destiny.

The sudden increase in strength is secondary. The main thing is that forging the kingdom of God is the advanced task of the God of Fortune Stone.

Jiang Chen guessed that if the God of Fortune Stone is advanced again, perhaps he can directly strengthen the mythical props.

At that time, won’t there be as many “Mythical Technology Crystals” as you want?

After a moment of silence on the God Domain channel, countless fanatical voices were heard.

“It is His Majesty Jiang Huang, the Lord of the God Domain! His Majesty is bubbling!”

“If you can’t speak, don’t speak. How can it be called ‘bubbling’? This is called sending down an oracle!”

“Insert a good news. His Majesty Jiang Huang led the Sixth Heaven Seniors to recover the territory not long ago and killed all the angel colonists. We will ascend in the future and don’t have to rely on others!”

These words naturally came from a plainclothes officer of the Strategic Research Bureau.

Many lords who were cut off from the news cheered and pushed Jiang Chen’s prestige to another peak.

“His Majesty Jiang Chen is right! Think about it, how many times has the Blue Star Region faced the crisis of extinction in recent years? Ancient Buddhas, Gods, Demons, Angels… Any powerful tribe can trample on us. If His Majesty Jiang Chen can really build a kingdom of God and achieve the eternal way of God, our Blue Star Region will never be bullied again.”

“Brothers, read “The Chronicles of Emperor Jiang” more often, and you can provide divine power for His Majesty Jiang. Anyway, it’s a cool article, and it’s not boring to read.”

“Hahaha, I’ve read the Chronicles of Emperor Jiang three times!”

Original 66The lords of District 6 were fine, after all, many of them had fought side by side with Jiang Chen, so they didn’t have the feeling of looking up to him.

But for the lords of other districts, especially the dozen or so districts after District 666, Jiang Chen was simply a mythical existence, and his reputation was comparable to that of Ying Zheng, who founded the Dragon Kingdom.

It was the first time for many lords to see Jiang Chen send a message.

The Divine Domain was instantly boiling, and followers gathered at once.

Many knowledgeable lords instantly realized a problem:

“With the prestige of His Majesty Jiang Chen, this time the Divine Domain is likely to unify the Seventh Heaven!”

Before the merger, the first two hundred districts of the Seventh Heaven had become a paradise for monsters. Excluding those captured by foreign races, the Blue Star Domain had about three hundred districts and tens of thousands of prefectures.

No matter how fast the Divine Domain developed, it was only a few years, and it only occupied some war zones in the Seventh Heaven, and even the number of prefectures controlled was only half of that of the Lighthouse Country.

But with the opportunity of the reshuffle and Jiang Chen’s prestige, the God’s Domain has a chance to unify the Seventh Heaven Blue Star Domain, end the civil war, and create an unprecedented feat.

At that time, Jiang Chen’s divine power will usher in a new round of explosion.

Jiang Chen didn’t know that he just wanted to harvest a wave of divine power, but it caused a series of chain reactions.

The Seventh Heaven.

Territory No. 2581.

After a month of fierce fighting.

The Blue Star Domain has occupied a total of 120 of the 300 state capitals, and the situation is very good.

Among them, the Lighthouse Country occupied 28.

Although the number of lords under the God’s Domain is not as many as the Lighthouse Country, it has been joined by some forces such as the North Bear Country and the Cigar Country. It has currently occupied 48 state capitals and has completely become the largest force on the Blue Star.


Washington’s face was as gloomy as water. He looked at the news coming from the God’s Domain and said in a deep voice:

“Jiang Chen’s prestige is getting higher and higher, especially after regaining the Sixth Heaven! Many lords of our Lighthouse Country, especially the young and beautiful female lords, are ready to move, and are calling for a referendum to decide whether to join the God’s Domain.”

“If we continue like this, there will be no need for the God’s Domain to go to war against us. In a few decades, the great Lighthouse Country will become history.”

Those who can sit with Washington are not only the top leaders of the Lighthouse Country Congress, but also the directors of powerful consortiums such as Free Will, Freemasonry, and the Skull and Bones Party.

Admiral Adams next to Washington snorted coldly: “These short-sighted women can’t close their legs when they hear Jiang Chen’s name now! Do they think that if they join the God Realm, they will have the opportunity to become Jiang Chen’s lover? It’s just wishful thinking!”

Ross, who has returned to his youthful appearance, suddenly proposed: “Can we ask Heaven Mountain to send troops to wipe out the Seventh Heaven God Realm? Jiang Chen brutally killed His Majesty Metalon and the three Judgement Angels in the Ascension Battle, and he has been fighting with Heaven Mountain to the death! Before, it was because the lords of the God Realm were scattered in various districts and could not be wiped out, but now it is different from the past.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up and looked at Washington expectantly.

But Washington shook his head helplessly: “I have contacted Heaven Mountain, but they lost four angels of judgment not long ago. Facing many powerful tribes, they are already unable to take care of themselves and even need the support of the Sixth Heaven. They can’t take care of us at all!”

“What about the Chaos Star Domain? The Chaos Star Domain has received a lot of benefits from us over the years!”

“You think too highly of the Chaos Star Domain. They will not offend Jiang Chen, the common respecter of the human race, for us!”

Rose frowned and said, “This is not okay, that is not okay! Are we going to sit and wait for death and become the sinners of the Lighthouse Country?”

This sounds good, but everyone knows that what they are worried about is not for the Lighthouse Country, but for the rights they are about to lose.

If they join the God’s Domain, with their “criminal record”, the best outcome is to be a rich man and spend their old age.

They are used to living a life of holding the power of life and death, and losing their rights is more painful than killing them.


After a moment of silence, Washington suddenly said: “Since there is no external aid, why don’t we find a way out for ourselves?”

Find a way out for ourselves?

Everyone present was smart, and some of them vaguely guessed what Washington meant.

“You mean…” Ross asked cautiously, “Silver Clan?”

“That’s right!”

Washington nodded heavily:

“Unite with the Silver Clan to destroy the foundation of the God Realm in the Seventh Heaven! The Silver Clan, like the Blue Star Domain, has invested all its combat power in the 2581 territory, and there is no way out!”


There was a sound of gasps at the scene.

Adams frowned and said, “After destroying the God Realm, won’t we be alone and will be destroyed by the aliens sooner or later? And if we unite with the aliens, I’m afraid we will be despised by others!”

Although the Blue Star Domain is constantly fighting internally, and even occasionally there are traitors who lead the way.

But inWhen facing this kind of war of survival, they have always been united against the outside world.

“If the God’s Domain is not destroyed, we will be destroyed! If we destroy the God’s Domain, we still have a glimmer of hope, and we may even get the blessing of Heaven Mountain with this achievement, and get a small territory with dozens of state capitals. And our chances of winning are very high, at least Sakura, South Korea and other countries will support us!”

Seeing that many people were hesitant, Washington stood up and said seriously:

“Originally, the countries in the Blue Star Domain did not interfere with each other and governed themselves. It was the emergence of the God’s Domain that broke the balance of the Blue Star Domain. Our Lighthouse Country is just to protect ourselves, and the God’s Domain, or Jiang Chen, is the sinner of the Blue Star Domain.”

Hearing this.

Many people, including Ross, could not help but nod.

“Mr. Washington is right. If the Divine Realm had not gone too far, we would not have resorted to such a desperate measure!”

“We, the Lighthouse Country, have always been against hegemonism. The Divine Realm has indeed been aggressive in recent years!”

“That’s right. There is a saying in the Dragon Country that one must first stabilize the country before resisting foreign aggression! Perhaps many people will not understand our behavior at the moment, but as long as we can destroy the Divine Realm, history will remember our achievements.”

“But…” Adams continued, “Everyone should have heard about Jiang Chen’s record in the Sixth Heaven. It would be easy to deal with other strong men in the Sixth Heaven coming! But if Jiang Chen comes, who can resist him?”

“Jiang Chen?” Washington sneered, “If he really dares to come, don’t think about recovering for at least a few years! And we are not the only ones who hope he dies…”

According to the rules of the Ascension Platform, the lord of the upper realm cannot bring the territory when he descends to the lower realm, which is equivalent to rootless duckweed, and the danger is greatly increased.

Even without mentioning the dangers of descending.

After the upper realm descends, the level will be permanently suppressed and irreversible.

Even if Jiang Chen only sent 100,000 mythical soldiers, it would take several years to recover.

Seeing that no one raised any objections, Washington nodded with satisfaction: “In that case, let’s vote!”


The Lighthouse Congress passed the resolution “On Uniting the Silver Clan to Resist Divine Domain Hegemonism” with 320 votes in favor and 91 votes against.

Immediately afterwards, Sakura Country, South Korea, and dozens of small Blue Star countries controlled by the Lighthouse Country announced their support for the Lighthouse Country.

The world was shocked.

“A bunch of dogs!”

Looking at the news from Ye Yiren, Ying Yinman cursed:

“It’s okay to be passive and lazy, but now you are openly surrendering to the alien race?”

The battle for the merger of District 2581 has only been opened for a month. Under the leadership of the Divine Domain, the Blue Star Domain has already occupied 120 state capitals, with a clear advantage.

If this continues, Ye Yiren can stabilize the territory of District 2581 without even the support of the upper realm.

Who knew that in order to deal with the Divine Realm, the Lighthouse and other countries would completely tear off their disguises and start a civil war.

This is equivalent to dragging the entire Blue Star Region to be buried with them.

Ying Yinman cursed for a long time, but felt unsatisfied, so she poked Jiang Chen with her elbow:

“You, the Lord of the Divine Realm, should say something!”

This is to make Jiang Chen curse with her.

Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at Ying Yinman for a few seconds, and suddenly smiled:



“Yes!” Jiang Chen rubbed his hands, “It just so happens that there is no reason to deal with them. Now we can take advantage of the time of merging the regions and kill them in one fell swoop!”


Ying Yinman said speechlessly:

“Aren’t you worried at all? The 2581 territory is already the last foundation of the Divine Realm in the Seventh Heaven. If the 2581 territory is lost, we will not be far from destruction!”

“Just a few… One Silver Clan is not a big deal. I can come here in person!” Jiang Chen’s words were full of confidence, and he then said mysteriously, “Besides, who said we only have territory 2581?”



Ye Yiren on the other side of the video suddenly realized something and took a breath:

“Boss, you are not talking about the general in territory 2580, right? But as far as I know, he is now unable to protect himself and can only unite with the Logic Clan to barely fight against the Demon Clan. “

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